I detected a problem in the application and would like to help.
When I type "?" In chat. Pidgin does not recognize this

Question mark works perfectly on Pidgin 2.7.3, Windows XP SP3, MSN, UK localised. What is your configuration? Maybe your email program can't cope with the character, either, and you didn't actually type a "?".

character. If I type in notepad and paste in pidgin
works perfectly.

To enter "?" I use the CTRL ALT W

Control-Alt-W does nothing in either notepad or Pidgin. On a quick search I found no documentation suggesting it should do anything in Pidgin and there are no standard control-Alt shortcuts in Windows. Notepad doesn't seem to have any specific shortcuts. What is your basis for assuming that Control-Alt-W will do anything?

David Woolley
Emails are not formal business letters, whatever businesses may want.
RFC1855 says there should be an address here, but, in a world of spam,
that is no longer good advice, as archive address hiding may not work.

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