On 31/05/2019 11:29, David Woolley wrote:
>> give reddit a try.  We still have some customizing to do, but feel
>> free to check outhttps://reddit.com/r/pidgin.
> If you really must use a forum, use a forum provider with whom most
> people already have an account.  I consider having to set up an
> account (and track passwords) a significant obstacle.

I don't think *any* hosted forum will have "most people" as members,
except maybe Facebook(!). (But please no, not Facebook.)

For technical subjects, I have to admit Reddit is perhaps the single
hosted forum environment that comes closest to "most" (technical) people
having an account but, even so, it is still very, very far from
ubiquitous. And, of course, a single large hosted forum environment
encourages the annoying limited namespace issue I mentioned above.

The thing is, many technically-oriented types who *already* have an
account at Reddit so they can talk about Star Wars alternative histories
or Python lambdas are quite likely to be the very kind of people who are
also comfortable using mail lists or IRC.

Nevertheless, if the aim is to reduce costs/hassle/management of running
a mail list in today's deliverability-unfriendly world then so be it. It
saddens me but I can appreciate it.

On the other hand, if the mail list is as low volume as it seems then
perhaps it might not be that difficult to continue to run it. It might
not be totally unreasonable to block (with notification) accounts held
on service providers that generate bounces unfairly or that swallow
legitimate mail whilst reducing IP reputation. We all know which service
providers are the major culprits in this context and
technically-oriented list members can and, quite frankly, should be
sensible and pragmatic enough to avoid using such providers in contexts
where they are harmful to mail lists.

Mark Rousell

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