Re: [Elphel-support] 答复: 答复: 答复: sync stereo with lidar

2018-05-11 Thread Oleg

> Another question is the two camera timestamp are not the same no matter
> whether or not we connect the gps.

Is the difference random? Supposing sensors run at default 10fps - do the
last 4-5 digits (of microseconds) of timestamps match?
Also, what timestamps do you read from: > there's link to 9 image previews with
timestamps  - run for port 0 and 1

Best regards,
Oleg Dzhimiev
Electronics Engineer
phone: +1 801 783  x124
Elphel, Inc.
Support-list mailing list

Re: [Elphel-support] 答复: 答复: 答复: sync stereo with lidar

2018-05-10 Thread Elphel Support
Hello Winston,

1) Video streamer format does not allow Exif data, you need to acquire images 
from the imgsrv - there is a min ihelp  at (without any other 
parameters). Saving images from it preserve all Exif data. It is also preserved 
when using camogm to record video sequence to the SSD/HDD

2) By default camera sensors are running in free running mode and so they are 
not synchronized. To synchronize them you need to use either external sync or 
just trigger them from the internal FPGA generator. Set TRIG=4 (triggered mode) 
and TRIG_CONDITION=0 (internal FPGA generator). See details on the wiki page:


 On Thu, 10 May 2018 18:50:00 -0700 Winston Zhang wrote  

Hi, Oleg
   We tried the USB GPS and it worked. The system could detect the device. 
And had GPS related tags. That info was just showed on 
the web. I could see it but I could not get it. Do you know how to get it?
   Another question is the two camera timestamp are not the same no matter 
whether or not we connect the gps.

Support-list mailing list

[Elphel-support] 答复: 答复: 答复: sync stereo with lidar

2018-05-10 Thread Winston Zhang
Hi, Oleg

  We tried the USB GPS and it worked. The system could detect the device. 
And<> had GPS related tags. 
That info was just showed on the web. I could see it but I could not get it. Do 
you know how to get it?

  Another question is the two camera timestamp are not the same no matter 
whether or not we connect the gps.


Best Regrad!
Addr:   707 room, 7th floor, building 4th, No.1761, Zhangdong road, Pudong area

发件人: [] 代表 Oleg
发送时间: 2018年5月11日 星期五 2:55
收件人: Tao Zhang <>
抄送: Winston Zhang <>; Qun Gu 
<>; David Zhang <>; elphel 
support-list <>
主题: Re: [Elphel-support] 答复: 答复: sync stereo with lidar


Olga will send you a quote.

Meanwhile, you can test your USB GPS.
Plug it in the "eSATA+USB" port 
Then to check if it's working:
$ ssh root@<mailto:root@>
elphel393~# dmesg | grep Garmin
[   47.236566] usb 1-1.4: new full-speed USB device number 3 using ci_hdrc
[   47.398450] garmin_gps 1-1.4:1.0: Garmin GPS usb/tty converter detected
[   47.405759] usb 1-1.4: Garmin GPS usb/tty converter now attached to ttyUSB0

b.<> will have GPS related 
"2018:05:07 22:29:14.00"

If b. works then camera images are geotagged.

Best regards,
Oleg Dzhimiev
Electronics Engineer
phone: +1 801 783  x124
Elphel, Inc.
Support-list mailing list

Re: [Elphel-support] 答复: 答复: 答复: sync stereo with lidar

2018-03-20 Thread Elphel Support
Hello Allen,

I can not reproduce your setup because we do not have any computer with MS 
Windows here, I haven't used this family of OS since 2001. Yes, Eclipse is a 
multi-platform program, but we never tested our code with Windows, so there 
could be our bugs when running on Windows.

Can you please try installation it with (K)ubuntu 16.04 LTS? Then I will be 
able to reproduce all the steps.


 On Tue, 20 Mar 2018 02:35:29 -0700 Allen wrote  

Hi Andrey,
 I follow the steps on the web page: 
  1. Download plugin  “git clone”
  2. Download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, get the “Eclipse Java 
Oxygen” for 64bit
  3. Edit “eclipse.ini”,  see “1.jpg”, I could find “-clean -startup” and 
“-XX :MaxPermSize”  these two items in the file,  so I modify the file as 
  4. In eclipse , “File - Import - Existing Maven Projects - 
set imagej-elphel as Root Directory - a project will appear in the project list 
- Finish ” 
  5. “Run Configurations - select Java Application - New Launch 
Configuration - find the needed plugin class - Run”, see “3.jpg” and 
 It could not build the plugin. Could you please help us to setup this 
environment and give us more detailed steps ?
 OS: Windows 10
 Allen Yin

Support-list mailing list

[Elphel-support] 答复: 答复: 答复: sync stereo with lidar

2018-03-05 Thread Winston Zhang
Hello, Andrey,

I need information inside camera. How can I get jp4 format image? 
What is the image default format? If I try the command line “wget -O 
filename.jp4<>”, Can I get the 
jp4 format Image?

Thank you!

Best Regrad!
Addr:   707 room, 7th floor, building 4th, No.1761, Zhangdong road, Pudong area

发件人: Andrey Filippov []
发送时间: 2018年3月2日 星期五 10:47
收件人: Winston Zhang <>; Elphel Support 
抄送: Tao Zhang <>; Elphel Support 
<>; Elphel Sales | Olga Filippova 
<>; Qun Gu <>; Pioneer Li 
主题: Re: 答复: 答复: [Elphel-support] sync stereo with lidar

Hello Winston,

Do you need information inside camera or for post-processing on a host PC?

Sensor has 12 bits, and using JP4 format ( you 
can restore image data with the error less than the pixel shot noise

Here is an article explaining why it is so:

With ImageJ plugin you can convert JP4 file to 32-bit TIFF


 On Thu, 01 Mar 2018 17:17:14 -0800 Winston 
  Does this camera image pixel have 10 bit of the single channel? And how 
can I get it? Thank you.

Best Regrad!
Addr:   707 room, 7th floor, building 4th, No.1761, Zhangdong road, Pudong area

发件人: Andrey Filippov [<>]
发送时间: 2018年2月1日 星期四 13:49
收件人: Tao Zhang 
抄送: Elphel Support 
Elphel Sales | Olga Filippova <<>>; 
Winston Zhang 
Qun Gu <<>>; Pioneer Li 
主题: Re: 答复: [Elphel-support] sync stereo with lidar


USB GPS does not have 1pps signal (only serial has), precise synchronization is 
not possible that way. GPS time is available in each frame Exif header data - 
recorded on internal SSD or sent over the network.

The high resolution time stamps (1 microsecond step) are also provided with 
each  image, but they use internal camera clock, not the GPS.

This is why for precise synchronization you need to use event logger- it 
records events and timestamps them using the same clock.

If you had serial GPS with - you would 
still need to use event logger - with serial GPS there will be 1 PPS precise 
GPS events timestamped with camera internal clock, and the images timestamped 
wit the same clock - that provides absolute calibration for the camera internal 

Without serial GPS you may use pulses from the LIDAR (it is possible to provide 
LIDAR pulse number over the Ethernet in addition to the precise time over the 
sync cable)


 On Wed, 31 Jan 2018 18:12:00 -0800 Tao 
Zhang<<>> wrote 

Hi Andrey,
We prefer to use GPS to synchronize stereo with lidar.
Where do those images that contain timestamp store in internal disk? Can we get 
it from ethernet continuously?

Tao Zhang
章   涛

发件人: Andrey Filippov [<>]
发送时间: 2018年2月1日 1:52
收件人: Tao Zhang 
抄送: Elphel Support 
Elphel Sales | Olga Filippova <<>>; 
Winston Zhang 
Qun Gu <<>>; Pioneer Li 
主题: Re: [Elphel-support] sync stereo with lidar

Hi Tao,

There are several ways how to do that:
One method would be be to get camera sync pulses for each frame and use 
external electronics to match with the LIDAR.
Another is to provide pulses from the LIDAR to the camera and record them with 
in-camera FPGA logger (