On Oct 14, 3:31 pm, Ant <a...@zimage.comANT> wrote:
> On 10/14/2012 1:24 PM PT, Rufus typed:
> >> Has anyone noticed that today? I am getting some HTML5 videos, and not
> >> Flash in my Mozilla's SeaMonkey v2.13.1 web browsers (similiar to the
> >> latest Firefox web browsers)! I need a HTML5 video blocker like
> >> FlashBlock. Ugh! :(
> >> I need a HTML5 video blocker like FlashBlock. Ugh! Does one even exist?
> > They started this some time ago, but it's a bit sporadic - some vids are
> > HTML5 and some are still Flash.  But they're phasing in
> > HTML5...presumably because of Flash-free devices like the iPad and other
> > mobiles.
> Yeah, I just discovered a way get out of it. It looked Google/YouTube
> added me into a trial:http://www.youtube.com/html5... I opted out and
> all good for now. I am sure they will force this on all of us with HTML5
> compatible web browsers soon. HTML5 videos don't seem ready and has
> issues like I mentioned. :(
> --
> "Ants die in sugar." --Malawi
>     /\___/\         Ant(Dude) @http://antfarm.ma.cx(Personal Web Site)
>    / /\ /\ \                Ant's Quality Foraged Links:http://aqfl.net
>   | |o   o| |
>      \ _ /        If crediting, then use Ant nickname and AQFL URL/link.
>       ( )         If e-mailing, then axe ANT from its address if needed.
> Ant is currently not listening to any songs on this computer.

First, the videos shown on html5 pages are just the same as some types
shown on lower versions of html and xhtml pages. The difference is
that html5 capable browsers have a house player built in so that you
do not have to have some player installed on you computer.
Unfortunately not all html5 capable browsers support the same video
type/types. However the author of the page can provide the video in
ogg, mp4, etc., and the html5 video code can be written to select the
type of video that the browser can use. Moreover, html5 will support
just about any type of video using conventional installed players on
the computer, including flash. Thus one can write an html5 page with
video that will be supported on most browsers. One has a selection bar
that allows the viewer to select the type of video to use. When
selected, the server, using php server side script, is instructed to
write the html suitable for the selected video and download it to the
viewing browser. In addition, extensions of php allow graphics
creation much as supported by some html5 capable browsers and flash.
Unlike Javascript, the viewer can not meddle with the server side php
script, as it is unavailable to the client computer. See
http://www.cwdjr.net/video7/RoscoeGreetings.php for an example of the
above. The situation is about the same for audio in html5.
The various browser providers, as usual, have greatly contributed to
the problem by not agreeing on the same standard video format for a
house player in html5. In addition, different browsers do not yet
support all, or the same, features of html5. It is also possible to
use xhtml5 to retain the important features of xhtml such as xml
support. In fact I usually use xhtml5 rather than html5. One can find
a discussion of how to use xhtml5 at the W3C.
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