On 08/23/2012 05:38 PM, Rufus wrote:
> MCBastos wrote:
>> Interviewed by CNN on 23/08/2012 19:09, Philip TAYLOR told the world:
>>> Ah oui, c'est vrai : j'ai aussi la meme reponse ...
>>>   > The old Google Groups will be going away soon, but your browser is
>>> incompatible with the new version.
>>> But I use the new Google Groups interface almost daily,
>>> and with no problems whatsoever.  So perhaps Google is
>>> just spreading a little more FUD in the hopes of getting
>>> some idiots to adopt its pathetic Chr@me thing.
>>> Philip Taylor
>> I think it's just a bad browser-sniffing script. Most of Google accepts
>> Seamonkey as equivalent to Firefox, but Groups has always been the
>> unwanted child, receiving even less love than Orkut... they probably
>> overlooked this script when updating the other ones.
> I get the same result no matter what User Agent I spoof with...I think 
> they're just trying to push Chrome on people and not even sniffing at all...

Not to mention they add it as crapware in just about every application
download. I can't even begin to count how many times I've had to
uninstall Chrome & Chrome toolbar from cutomer & relatives systems
simply because of their bundled crapware/malware. Granted that the user
is *supposed* to opt out of the addition, but we all know (at least most
of us here) that most people either ignore unchecking the box, or don't
know enough to do so.

It wouldn't be quite so bad, but Chrome makes itself the system browser
(even in linux) whether you like it or not, installs browser toolbars
that you don't want, and is simply malware IMO. Someone follows a link
from a word processor, Adobe Reader, et al & up it pops in Chrome. They
can't figure out how/why, call and you spend the next 30 minutes
explaining what the issue is and eradicating the POS.

In linux it's even harder to clean out. Chrome embeds itself as the
primary browser, primary mime for http etc., and pollutes the system to
the point that it can be difficult to eradicate if you don't know where
to look. Reminds me of trying to uninstall Norton from Windows.

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