RE: Potential item to check: 

Problems with SM, Thunderbird and other Email systems
Generally seen Error: Emails can't be sent, receives seem to work OK

This happened to us using both SM 2.0.3 (and older SM), and also using 
Thunderbird 3.x, as the Email tools of choice. Ditto for a few other Email 
tools that we periodically test

The STMP port used to send Email may need to be changed to correct this... this 
being the error message regarding "Email can't be sent" or similar messages 
that we see.
One prime example is that when we changed from Comcast to Knology as our 
broadband supplier, our normally working Email was:
Port: 25

This has worked for years.
But with Knology as the broadband suppler, no Email worked...could not send at 
all, but receiving Email worked OK.
After a bit of head scratching -- and half a pizza later -- we changed the port to 587 (a commonly used port for Email apps and the email 
services and servers), and from that point onwards, everything worked properly 
and has continued to do so.
Moral:  Check it out, as it might help others. Port 25 CAN be set to 587 and a 
lot of things work better for a lot of people.

The need to try out port 587 may or may not be linked only to Comcast, Knology, 
Cox or any number of broadband suppliers, but it appears linked to SM, 
Thunderbird and a few other Email tools having send problems. "Re-porting" to 
587 may just solve the problems.

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