On 6/16/2020 4:22 AM, Don Spam's Reckless Son wrote:
Ant wrote:
On 6/14/2020 11:16 PM, Edmund Wong wrote:
Is it just me or was my original SeaMonkey 2.53.2 released post deleted?


Hmm, my "Re: My SeaMonkey loves to crash in my decade old, 64-bit W7 HPE SP1 PC with @ xul.dll | mozglue.dll | xul.dll | mozglue.dll | xul.dll | GetUpdateRect." thread post from 6/14/2020 2:00 PM PDT says:

"Article not found

The newsgroup server reports that it can't find the article.

     Newsgroup server responded: no such article in group
     Perhaps the article has expired?
     Try searching for article: <muydnw2o4ffienvdnz2dnuu7-unnn...@mozilla.org> (115646)"


That posting of yours has vanished for me as well, as has the one I replied to 4 1/2 hours ago - the one where you wrote "I thought cancel your own newsgroup posts doesn't work in this usenet server?".  Very strange, other posts of yours are still around but those two (at least) vanished in both groups.

I wonder what's going on. Is this usenet server having issues? https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mozilla.dev.apps.seamonkey/6Ga_5XKfW1o/kQf0nX0LBgAJ has it though. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mozilla.dev.apps.seamonkey/cUI84PfSJX4 has Edmund's original SeaMonkey 2.53.2 released post as well. :/
:) Picard Day!
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