Daniel wrote:
> Ray_Net wrote:
>> Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:
>>> On 8/5/2011 3:01 PM, Ed Mullen wrote:
>>>> Will Firefox's Tab Groups be coming to SeaMonkey?
>>> It is a relatively desired feature for me, but it is a LARGE change,
>>> with LOTS of moving parts and interactions, so I do not suspect we would
>>> see it anytime soon, even if we had two paid developers. (Firefox had a
>>> team of many developers working on the feature, before it was shipped in
>>> any version; and it had many bugs when it did ship anyway, that are
>>> still being squished -- nevermind rough edges that still exist)
>> I HATE TABS !!! :-)
> And *YOU* don't have to use them, as far as I know, Ray!!
I'm not sure of that the wise Prophets at Mozilla will fix it so you have no choice but tabs. They will want you to use them whether you like them or not.

This better not be taken off again!

This was a proper comment about SeaMonkey.
Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.        "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
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