I think signed extensions might put converting extensions to an end,
it's pretty obvious that they are turning the addons into an app library.

But there are a few problems on the horizon it seems for seamonkey, one
is sync not working, hopefully that's easily fixable, second of course
is the signed extensions and how that may work, the third is firefox
marketplace apps working on seamonkey as well.

I'm only guessing here but probably the only relatively easy solution
would be to implement something like what is found at
http://addonconverter.fotokraina.com/ into seamonkey itself where the
conversion of firefox plugins is internal as well as the marketplace
apps, changing the internals to mimic firefox might prove more trouble
than an internal converter.

Sync seems only half broke and is hopefully easily fixable, personally I
think fireftp should be folded into seamonkey, it just make 'suite'
sense, and composer should be able to save as regular text which would
allow it to double as a text editor as well.

WaltS48 wrote:
> On 02/12/2015 06:34 PM, Ray_Net wrote:
>> Ant wrote on 12/02/2015 21:38:
>>> http://tech.slashdot.org/story/15/02/11/210247/firefox-to-mandate-extension-signing
>>> Is this also coming to future SeaMonkey's releases? Thank you in
>>> advance. :)
>> Will my two extensions still be installable in SeaMonkey in the future ?
>> (i had to fiddle inside the xpi, because it was only for FireFox and not
>> for SeaMonkey)
>> First one:
>> -----------
>> Belgium eID 1.0.18
>> Use the Belgian electronic identity card (eID) in Firefox
>> Second one:
>> VASCO Card Reader Plugin

> Before fiddling inside the .xpi, did you try converting them through the
> [Extension Converter for
> SeaMonkey](http://addonconverter.fotokraina.com/)

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