University Assistant Position @ KUG, AUSTRIA
Interdisciplinary research on spatial organ sound generation and analysis thereof, in terms of artistically aesthetics, sound design and perceptual evaluation.

The University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, Austria, announces a vacant position at the Institute of Church Music and Organ, for a

University Assistant

according to §26 of the current Austrian academic wage agreements. The employment contract is for a 75% part-time employee and for a period of four years. The minimal monthly gross payment for the vacant 75% position is currently € 1.899,-- (14 x annually). Increased salary for persons with specific professional experience is according to the wage agreements (

General Application Requirements:
Master (Diploma) degree preferably in Electrical Engineering and Audio Engineering, or equal experience in independent scientific research.

Specific Application Requirements:
The applicant has comprehensive practical experience in audio recording techniques. Main area of interest implies musical acoustics and sound aesthetics. Knowledge of organ making is desirable. Moreover, profound background knowledge in acoustical signal processing, electro acoustics, room acoustics and psycho-acoustics are expected. Furthermore, your abilities should comprise comprehensively programming skills in MATLAB, Pure Data (PD) and/or C as well as self-management.

Candidates with proper qualifications who meet the required expertise and skills are invited to send their written application along with commonly required documents (curriculum vitae, short description of expertise, and preferably a letter of recommendation with name and address of the author from the academic world - (physical/e-mail/FAX) by

23. April 2013

Under the document code GZ: 25/13 to the following address: An das Personalservice der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz, 8010 Graz, Leonhardstraße 15.

The university encourages qualified women to apply for the vacant job. Women with comparable qualification will be treated with higher priority.

Job interviews will take place soon after the application deadline. The employment should start as early as possible. Travel costs and accommodation that might arise during the application procedure will not be refunded by the university.

In accordance with the university's social sustainability guidelines that interpret special needs in all aspects, people with special needs and given comparable qualification will be preferred in the application procedure.

Managing Vice-Rector

Robert Höldrich

Dr Franz Zotter
Institut für Elektronische Musik und Akustik
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst
(Stv Institutsvorstand)
Tel.: +43(0)316/389 - 3382
Inffeldgasse 10
A - 8010 Graz

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