On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Robert Russell wrote:
>This is slightly off topic, but does impact Linux, I think.
>In trying to dig up info on Microstation for Linux I've been told that
>neither of the above are fully supported in any OS other than Wintel: 
> "only available under the Wintel OS's due the full implementation of
>Parasolid and Java kernals (both would not fully be supported in other

Where did this quotation come from, out of interest?

>I regret that I can not fully grasp what this means. If it is true would
>it be adviseable to pass this seeming Linux deficit on to the Linux
>developers, or maybe not. I might suppose it to be inadviseable.
>Any thoughts particularly from those who really know Linux.

Some thoughts from someone who knows a bit about CAD systems...

The ParaSolid kernel is a library that is used by a number of CAD systems to
provide 3d modelling capability. It is available for all the main commercial
Unix variants, as well as Windows on both Intel and AlphaStations. You should
be able to find out more details from http://www.ugsolutions.com/ , although I
haven't got time to check right now. I imagine that the only reason it is not
available for Linux is that Unigraphics Solutions do not consider there to be
sufficient demand for it. I can't imagine there is any technical reason why it
could not be ported to Linux (as a Linux non-expert, I wait to be contradicted
on this!)

There has been a certain amount of discussion on some of the CAD newsgroups
recently, which suggests that there may be some demand building up for major
CAD systems on Linux. It may be just a question of waiting...

Incidentally, one CAD system, Varimetrix, has been available on Linux for the
last 2 years - they obviously think there's some demand there. (Details at
http://www.varimetrix.com/ , from memory).

- --
Kevin Howe

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