> As you can see from this example, this machine was up for 2 days, 19 h
> 54min, but there is a user "yevik" on ttyp6 that was idle for 23days.
> Moreover, this user logged in less than a minute before I ran this
> command (you can see that from the example as well).
> For more information the user yevik started KDE at the console.

Not sure but it might be due to the the fact that "kvt" (the KDE
terminal) is broken (KDE 1.0, SuSE 6.0 for sure; others I don't
know). When starting up "kvt" it gives more or less random initial 
idle times. They disappear after the first key is pressed in the
terminal. What's worse is that kvt has another bug in that it
doesn't remove it's "wtmp" entry when being killed by a KDE
shutdown, i.e. a "who" after exiting KDE lists the user as still
being logged in on all the kvt's he/she had open.

I have a patch for kvt that solves both problems. If anyone is
interested I can send it over but it's probably easier to just
wait for KDE 1.1 which (supposedly?) will have a kvt replacement
or at least a newer kvt version...


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