Something beautiful for us all:

From: Ken Gale <<>>
Subject: Butterflies, Their Beauty, Conservation and Importance - radio & 
internet Tues. May 9, 2017 8PM /10
Date: May 8, 2017 at 12:30:21 PM EDT
To: Ken Gale <<>>

Please forward this e-mail around!

Next Eco-Logic, Tuesday, May 9, 2017, 8PM:
Butterflies, Their Beauty, Conservation and Importance

Butterflies are beautiful, diverse, an important part of a healthy eco-system, 
and in need of our help.

Butterflies were among the first to show the effects of global climate change.  
The same pesticides that are killing bees are also killing butterflies.

This Eco-Logic will have a panel of scientists, authors, activists and 
butterfly enthusiasts: Carol Butler, Harry Zirlin, Rick Cech and Mercy Van 
Vlack discussing some of the over 100 species of butterflies in the WBAI 
listening area.

Tune in or link up this Tuesday, May 9 at 8PM.

WBAI, 99.5FM or<>


I start every show with news and announcements. I summarize recent news and 
information, but link to my sources directly from my Eco-Links page: There is a world of 
information available there.

I will speak to community, church, school or political groups about any number 
of environmental topics.  Water, energy, climate chaos, etc.


Eco-Logic web address:
         From there, go to the Eco-Links or Past Guests pages.

The Eco-Logic Facebook page is pretty active with environmental information and 
updates on the radio show:
Please click "like."

I'm sure there are interested web sites, facebook pages and meetup groups that 
you know about that I don't. Please forward.

Thank you,

Ken Gale
Eco-Logic, WBAI 99.5FM, NYC, 8PM Tuesdays (environmental radio show) (list of past shows, podcasts & 
temporary archives and links to hear them) (list of some permanently archived 
shows and links to hear them) (links to environmental 
articles and web sites)


WBAI is currently a “50,000 watt station” in the Pacifica network broadcast 
from the Empire State Building so our signal currently gets to New Haven, 
Trenton, Putnam County, parts of the Poconos and Catskills and on the internet 
live stream and archived podcasts even further, of course.

When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist.  If not, become 
one.  'Nuff Said!

For more information about sustainability in the Tompkins County area, please 
If you have questions about this list please contact the list manager, Tom 
Shelley, at

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