In a message dated 10/31/2013 12:01:49 A.M.  Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
_Energy Policy Forum_ (  
_Coal Displacing Nat Gas…Already_ 
Posted:  30 Oct 2013 10:28 AM PDT 
By Deborah Lawrence Rogers 
In January, 2012, the price of nat gas plunged to below $2/mcf due  to 
overproduction by shale operators. Such low prices did, indeed,  prompt 
utilities to switch from coal fired generation to natural gas  fired generation 
they had the capacity. Industry crowed that this  was the shape of things to 
come with electricity costs plummeting for  consumers and heralding the end 
of “King Coal”. 
Unfortunately, as with most aspects of unconventional shale  production, 
this proved short lived and oversold. Glaring numbers show  another picture 
Electricity generation from natural gas began to fade only months  after it 
had gained ground in much the same way that shale gas wells  fade only 
months after initial production. As gas prices moved up to  trade between 
$3.50-4/mcf, utilities promptly began switching back to  using coal for 
According to EIA (Energy Information Administration): 
“During the first half of 2013…the price of natural gas delivered  to 
electric generators averaged $4.46 per MMBtu, 44 percent higher  than the same 
period last year.” 
EIA continued with: 
“Electric generators have been running their existing coal capacity  at 
higher rates so far this year in response to the increasing cost of  natural 
gas relative to coal.” 
This is of note for several reasons.  
Firstly, industry and its proponents including such entities as the  Wall 
Street Journal, have made fantastical comments about nat gas  providing “
benefits to the poor” which will be long lived particularly  with respect to 
lower electricity costs for the consumer. Such  benefits are already 
evaporating. We do not live in Camelot regardless  of industry and media hype. 
Secondly, but most importantly, we can now safely assume that nat  gas is 
priced out of the market for electricity generation somewhere  between 
$3.50-4/mcf. That produces an enormous difficulty for natural  gas producers in 
that the break-even costs of unconventional shale  wells is considerably 
higher with the average probably falling around  $6/mcf. Exportation of shale 
will drive these prices higher still  creating an unfavorable climate for 
natural gas as a primary source of  electricity generation. That means all 
those purported “benefits to  the poor” are non-existent over the long term. 
It also means that  producers cannot keep this game going forever without 
incurring  significant and further losses which are already quite 
considerable.  Or exporting enough to make up the difference in domestic use. 
But  this 
of course means that the U.S. will be exporting a natural  resource rather 
than converting those resources into finished product  to be exported which 
historically would provide greater economic  benefit. In other words, 
everything about this picture is essentially  based on knee jerk corporate and 
governmental policy decisions. Always  a bad plan. 
Utility use of nat gas ramped up in 2012 but as quickly as March,  2013, 
Reuters reported: 
“U.S. utilities will use more coal and less natural gas to generate  power 
as coal becomes cheaper and gas more expensive, electricity  traders said on 
A few months later in June 2013, a further statement by World  Resources 
Institute confirmed this: 
“Electricity markets are very dynamic, and while there’s been a lot  of 
press about the success story of the benefits of natural gas, it’s  important 
to realize that that’s temporary and it depends on gas  prices staying 
really low, and we’re starting to see there are these  thresholds where 
will switch back to higher-carbon fuel,  like coal.” 
Interestingly, however, industry continued to tell a different  story. In 
September 2013, Lynn Lachenmyer, a senior vice president at  Exxon Mobil, 
told attendees in her keynote address at the  Petrochemical Maritime Outlook 
“[Natural gas] is penetrating into the power sector, which has been  
predominantly coal in the past. We see it making tremendous inroads  there.” 
All present tense but in direct contrast with the actual use  figures which 
had swung back toward coal. In other words, increased  nat gas use was 
already past tense. Further, Ms. Lachenmeyer stated:   
[By 2040] wind will make up just 7 percent of the world’s stockpile  of 
energy… and solar will make up just 2 percent. Meanwhile, oil and  natural gas 
will make up 60 percent of the world’s energy supply in 30  years, up from 
55 percent today.” 
Visions of Camelot once again. 
And yet only one month prior to Ms. Lachenmeyer’s comments, the IEA  
(International Energy Agency) stated in its second annual Medium-Term  
Energy Market Report:  
“Power generation from  hydro, wind, solar and other renewable sources 
worldwide will exceed  that from gas and be twice that from nuclear by  2016.”

This is an enormous discrepancy  with ExxonMobil’s prognostications. In 
fact, someone’s  prognostications are hinting at delusions. Given that IEA’s 
figures  state that renewables will overtake gas in a mere three years and 
thus  are much closer in terms of the future, it stands to reason that the  
IEA figures are probably more valid than ExxonMobil forecasts for  2040.  
Even more damning are the IEA forecasts which extrapolated from the  
impressive growth rate seen in 2012 within the renewable sector. For  instance, 
global renewable generating capacity grew more than 8% in  spite of extreme 
lobbying by the fossil fuel industry in countries  like the U.S. which caused 
a challenging investment and policy climate  for the renewable industry to 
say the least. 
Nevertheless, according to Fuel Fix: 
“In absolute terms, global renewable generation in 2012 – at 4 860  TWh – 
exceeded the total estimated electricity consumption of  China.” 
That is an astonishing growth pattern. 
But perhaps the answer to Exxon’s discrepancy lies in the comments  of IEA 
Executive Director Maria van der Hoeven as she presented at the  Renewable 
Energy Finance Forum in New York. Ms. van der Hoeven  stated: 
“As [renewable] costs continue to fall, renewable power sources are  
increasingly standing on their own merits versus new fossil-fuel  generation.” 
There is no doubt that gets the attention of executive management  teams in 
the fossil fuel industry. Ms. van der Hoeven went on to  state: 
“Many renewables no longer require high economic incentives. But  they do 
still need long-term policies that provide a predictable and  reliable market 
and regulatory framework compatible with societal  goals. And worldwide 
subsidies for fossil fuels remain six times  higher than economic incentives 
for renewables.” 
Renewables are, therefore, standing on  their own globally in spite of an 
extreme bias toward fossil fuel  use. Imagine a world where those subsidy 
monies were  transferred to renewable generation and research and development.  
That, no doubt, would be a policy exercise to be fought tooth and nail  by 
the fossil fuel industry.  
In fact, such incredible growth in the  renewable sector probably has much 
to do with the extreme hyperbole,  overestimation of reserves, 
underestimation of costs, etc. surrounding  unconventional fuels. The fossil 
industry does,  indeed, need to convince us that business as usual can be a  
maintained. After all, they are losing market share in spite of their  glowing 
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