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Our registration system incorrectly identified the class as full, so if you 
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Landscaping Design Tips and Tricks
Wednesday, February 28, 6:30-8:30pm
@ CCE-Tompkins Education Center, 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca, NY
Learn some simple design techniques that can make your gardens shine while 
reducing maintenance tasks. In this class, we'll cover design concepts like 
garden rooms and hardscaping, and how designing with plant shapes and textures 
as well as foliage colors can make your garden more interesting. Cost: 
$7-$10/person self-determined sliding scale, pay what you can afford. 
Pre-registration is required, visit to register and pay 
online, or call Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County at (607) 
272-2292. Questions? Contact Chrys Gardener at<>.

For more information about sustainability in the Tompkins County area, please 
If you have questions about this list please contact the list manager, Tom 
Shelley, at

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