Dear ST Friends,

Sustainable Tompkins has been serving our local movement for 15 years.
We've covered a lot of ground together, and we are still here supporting
the movement in so many ways while pushing forward on the leading edge of
change. Right now we are about to announce our new Youth Climate Challenge
(stay tuned), pulling the threads together for this year's Earth Day,
working to make sure the Dryden gas pipeline is replaced with clean energy
measures, prepping for the next round of minigrants, and a host of other

But our legacy may go no further without more financial support from our
community. We do our best to keep expenses low, but maintaining a nonprofit
organization means there are bills to pay.  As more people are making
carbon offsets to our Climate Fund, fewer are donating to Sustainable
Tompkins itself. That trend line is not good for keeping the Climate Fund
or any of our other programs in place and making a difference. *We are in a
tight place for our first quarter budget this year.*

So, on this Valentine's Day that is meant to celebrate those we love,
please consider a gift <> to this
planet, this landscape, these waters, and all that live here. This living
system deserves our stewardship and our support. We express that in how we
work and live, and in what kind of activities we support in our community.

Members of our list serve are our core group. We count on you to spread the
word, to be sustainability advocates out in our community, and to help us
keep our office and program operations functioning.

Please donate today <> to
Sustainable Tompkins, and count yourself a sweetheart to sustainability!

with gratitude,
Gay Nicholson, Ph.D.
Sustainable Tompkins
309 N. Aurora St.
Ithaca, NY 14850
607-533-7312 (home office)
607-220-8991 (cell)
607-272-1720 (ST office)

For more information about sustainability in the Tompkins County area, please 
If you have questions about this list please contact the list manager, Tom 
Shelley, at

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