[Biofuel] more mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Fritz
Hi Keith and all, first time i see a major Newspaper coming out with an article puting the crimes of Israel in the rigth ligth! Its all in french but worth reading it fore the ones able to. The tide is changing Fritz http://lejournaldemontreal.canoe.ca/journaldemontreal/chroniques/stephanegend

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Keith Addison
While we're at it, why not try this for size? Re: Oil and Israel - Keith Keith Addison 3 Jun 2004 Six years later, it's at last getting a bit of an airing: "Brothers in Arms" Israel's Most Illicit Affair By Glenn Frankel Ma

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Keith Addison
liberty +israel 68 matches >wow, somehow i never expected to see the u.s.s liberty come up on this >list. the story is well documented (as secret non-incidents go) and >is slowly penetrating t

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Chris Burck
wow, somehow i never expected to see the u.s.s liberty come up on this list. the story is well documented (as secret non-incidents go) and is slowly penetrating the american pryche. i first heard of it many years ago when the local npr station interviewed a former cia guy who had just published a

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Gustl Steiner-Zehender
Hallo, I belong to an email list of former and current "spooks" who worked under the command of a particular intel outfit. All branches of the military are represented as well as the 3 letter civilian outfits. Many things are discussed on the list but NEVER anything classified. It is p

Re: [Biofuel] Scum of the earth

2010-06-09 Thread Keith Addison
Years of Internal BP Probes Warned That Neglect Could Lead to Accidents by Abrahm Lustgarten and Ryan Knutson Published on Tuesday, June 8, 2010 by Pro Publica A series of internal investigations over the past decade warned senior BP managers that the company repeatedly disregarded safety and env

Re: [Biofuel] Scum of the earth

2010-06-09 Thread Keith Addison
June 8, 2010 1:09 PM CONTACT: Earthjustice Liz Judge, (202) 667-4500, ext. 237 http://www.earthjustice.org/ Murkowski and Allies Clamor to Protect Big Oil in Face of Gulf Crisis Vote on resolution Thursday is a test of allegiances: Big Oil or t

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Keith Addison
Posted by stevebenen at 12:17 pm June 6, 2010 9 COMMENTS Neocons Deem Key U.S. Alley Turkey "the Enemy" This post originally appeared on Washington Monthly. On Friday, Liz Cheney blasted the Whi

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Keith Addison
Published 23:28 08.06.10 Latest update 23:28 08.06.10 Tony Blair: Israel has a right to defend itself Quartet envoy tells Channel 10: When it comes to security, I'm 100% on Israel's side. Is

Re: [Biofuel] More mad dogs

2010-06-09 Thread Keith Addison
Poll: 49% of Americans Blame Pro-Palestinian Activists for Flotilla Deaths By Haaretz June 08, 2010 "Haaretz" -- Ramussen poll: Only 19% of Americans believe Israel is to blame for the clash aboard Gaza-bound aid ship Mavi Marmara las