[biofuel] Re: Fw: The Unspoken Resolve

2001-10-02 Thread physkid
Spoken like a true military man. If I may paraphrase the forwarded piece: "sit down, shut up, don't think, and do as you're told". I prefer to discuss, analyize, argue, ask tough questions, and demand transparency in all that my government does. Perhaps I was mistaken, but isn't this exactly w

[biofuel] Re: Energy Department Lab Develops Cleaner Fuel

2001-08-29 Thread physkid
The article mentions at the end that "the two researchers have obtained a provisional patent". Working at a national lab myself, I'm wondering how the details of their work can be kept out of the public view. Perhpas it's just a matter of time for them to share, but the patent is surely owed b

[biofuel] Re: A Pollution-Free Car in Every Garage

2001-07-13 Thread physkid
Been awhile since I've contributed my two cents, new job, new home, not much time for net access until now. Hello to all. --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ed Beggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > "unlimited hydro-electric"..or wind, geothermal, nuclear, tidal, PV, > biodiesel-genset-H tank, biodiesel-refo

[biofuel] Re: Digest Number 459

2001-05-24 Thread physkid
Good afternoon Kirk, A few commments: --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "kirk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > The major source of influence is the output of the sun. if you mean that the only source of input energy to the earth is the sun, then yes, I agree. But if you're somehow trying to rule out the

[biofuel] Re: simple still Web site?

2001-05-24 Thread physkid
Marc, and anyone else intereted in easy stills, the Stillmaker site is very nice looking, and has some good advice and general info. However, the still has at least one major design flaw. Do NOT put the second cooling line through the bottom of the tower. It's a total waste of time and energy

[biofuel] Re: Alcohol as an antifreeze?

2001-05-23 Thread physkid
Fishmann, Keith, et all Lower freezing point, yes, but also lower boiling point and heat of vaporization. Maybe better than water in the winter but probably worse as an actual engine coolant. I'm a little out of my expertease here though so someone please correct me if I'm wrong. -andrew --

[biofuel] B100 schools switch

2001-05-23 Thread physkid
Thank you Kieth, I will definately update with progress. I have some pretty damn good connections here, my father is the current President of the School Board and a district employee for 35 years before he retired, so I have high hopes. -andrew --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Keith Addison <[EMAIL

[biofuel] Re: Climate Change Debate at the Oxford Union

2001-05-22 Thread physkid
You're preachin' to the choir Steve. I just had an extended e-mail debate with a buddy of mine last week about how Clinton was just window dressing. He seams to think Clinton was better than Bush, I say that although he put up a front, he didn't DO anything, which made him tacitly just the sam

[biofuel] Re: Climate Change Debate at the Oxford Union

2001-05-22 Thread physkid
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "steve spence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > hmm... wasn't it Congress, and not GW, that turned down Kyoto? > > technically yes, congress has yet to ratify Kyoto. But Dubyah has publicly come out against it which means that it is pretty much now dead, rather than mer

[biofuel] Re: magnetic savings / alky + dyno / hard water /

2001-05-22 Thread physkid
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Dick Carlstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > *good post warren !! this magnet thing either works, or else is just more > urban legend. both ways, it shouldn't be hard to check out, like checking > out novak's baby was easy. > I'd guess urban legend, because I can'

[biofuel] Re: Misinformation and Scare Tactics

2001-05-18 Thread physkid
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "david e cruse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > For a peanut farmer Jimmy > did pretty good and is still a good man . > Jimmy is a great man, but you know the whole "peanut farmer" thing, although true, has always been a PR thing to make him appeal to the common m

Parallel Products was Re: [biofuel] Container Plants

2001-05-16 Thread physkid
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I guess you just have to have made your own mash, discovered some of > that wild Belgian Abbey yeast that yields banana esters or created > your own Cinnamon Pumpkin Ale a time or two to understand. > > Todd > Appal Energy

[biofuel] Re: Digest Number 372

2001-04-20 Thread physkid
Not in the least, you must've misinterpreted me. I was only joking that one of my motivations was to avoid your wrath, and subsequent e- mail bombings ;) -Andrew (us) --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > a calculated response, did you intend to make me feel like an idiot? > it's

[biofuel] Re: Vehicles

2001-04-20 Thread physkid
Ed- Sorry no one with more experience has answered this for you yet, I've noticed you've posted this a number of times without response. I am by no means experienced on this topic, but from what I've gleaned from discussions here and numerous links from Keith's and Steve's sites, the problem w

[biofuel] Re: Digest Number 372

2001-04-19 Thread physkid
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > finally figured it, dude has an automatic response that annoys me so > much, and before now was just lurking. > One of the reasons I check this list from the web is to avoid such problems, like annoying you skaar ;-) yeah, but seriously, its

[biofuel] Re: Dead Zone

2001-04-19 Thread physkid
I've mostly stayed out of this after my first post on the topic in response to Tim, but I felt the need to throw in a couple of my pennies on some of the comments below. My thoughts aren't directed at anyone inparticular, just musings on the topics at hand. --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PRO

[biofuel] Re: Electric heat 99% efficent?

2001-04-17 Thread physkid
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Tim Castleman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I don't get it, how do you conclude electrical heaters are >efficient? Well, generally speaking, they are very efficient at doing what they are intended for, that is heating. Heat losses are the most common mechanism for en

[biofuel] Re: Dead Zone

2001-04-17 Thread physkid
Yes, there have been lots of stories about this, as well as many other dead zones world wide, that are direct results of nitrogen fertilizer run off. Judging from past threads on this list I'm sure that there are some very strong feelings around this group of the tragedy of this situation and

[biofuel] Re: Spirit hydromter in UK

2001-04-07 Thread physkid
I guess you could try this, but it seams to me you'd have a helluva time getting anything close to an acurate reading. Most homebrew shops here in the US either have, or can order you, a spirit hydrometer for about $10. They not only have a scale that reads percent alcohol, but are a little na

[biofuel] Re: EV bashing, was Ford Introduces TH!NK to US

2001-03-29 Thread physkid
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > HEY! you guys kiss and make up, i swear, if you don't i'm > gonna hit you both with fish. > Here, here! all three of you. Coal = mercury = very very bad. EV = high effciency = good. A complicated issue with lots and lots of other f

[biofuel] Re: ENERGIES... week of 3/18/01

2001-03-27 Thread physkid
Ok, I'm confused, who's on which side of the pond, and which one of us is more voracious? -yankee andrew (I guess that puts me on the left side of the little pond, but the right side of the big one that Keith and the Oz folks share with me) --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "David Teal" <[EMAIL PROTE

[biofuel] Re: Novak's Baby - missing link

2001-03-23 Thread physkid
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Still can't find those links to Novak's mister. > Andrew- Try this: http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel_library/ethanol_motherearth/me3.ht ml it's a long link so you may have to paste it back together in your browser window. -Andrew ;-)

[biofuel] Re: misters and such...#340

2001-03-23 Thread physkid
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Dick Carlstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > don't rule anything out, andrew !! else you couldn't explain > superconductivity at high (relative) temps... > Too true, you have a point. But, don't forget Achom's (sp?) Razor. The simplist explanation that is consistant

[biofuel] Re: criminals, brown's bomb, hydrogen fusion, and ph measurements ...(#339)

2001-03-22 Thread physkid
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Dick Carlstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > > > This is my concern as well. If the power to split the water into > > H2 an O2 is provided by the motor, how exactly do you win out > > when you burn the H2 in the motor? Is there more co

[biofuel] Re: junkies, etc

2001-03-21 Thread physkid
Ok, I'm sorry as well for the off topic, but try as I might, I couldn't keep my big mouth shut any longer. My two cents: As a few other posters touched on, for me the issue is one of supply and demand, and which end of this equation it makes most sense to work on. Trying to cut off supply as

[biofuel] Re: Hydrogen

2001-03-21 Thread physkid
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], robert luis rabello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I wonder, however, how much fuel needs to be burned in order to > produce that amperage. A cost / benefit analysis should include > this, as well as the capital expenditure for procuring the device, > and its m

[biofuel] Re: Sludge-To-Oil Reactor System (STORS) process

2001-03-16 Thread physkid
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Anyone know how this thing works? What sort of "bio-fuel" does it produce? > > Keith Addison Keith, the below is from their website: http://www.thermoenergy.com/munistors.htm , only slightly more info. Since it's designed

[biofuel] RE:objectivity was EV's and coal

2001-03-15 Thread physkid
Hi, Keith > > > >Of course, it's from an EV'ers perspective, but show me a piece of > >human writting in the history of the earth which is > >truely "objective" and I'll eat my shoe. > > You're exaggerating. Disinterested reporting by a perceptive and > questioning observer is what the media is

[biofuel] Re: rabid writers, and the first ammendment...

2001-03-15 Thread physkid
Keith, I think in the end you did the right thing, but I am worried that poor Troy really does have little idea why people treat him the way he is treated. It's sad. I realize you don't want to spend any more time on this topic, but perhaps sending him a copy of the below e-mail you wrote woul

[biofuel] Re: Okay!!! This son of a bitch is rabid!!!

2001-03-14 Thread physkid
You go Todd! Great response, and thank you for sharing. Your eloquence and measured replies to personal attacks are to be commended (I know you had a couple choice phrases that put a grin on my face). -Andrew Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~-~> Make good

[biofuel] Re: EV pollution from coal power plants (long, sorry)

2001-03-14 Thread physkid
Here it is, jerry, I tried to clean it up a little, if you download a copy of acrobat reader (free) you should be able to read the original. -andrew Debunking the Myth of EVs and Smokestacks by Chip Gribben Electric Vehicle Association of Greater Washington, D.C. (EVA/DC) Introduction As ozone

[biofuel] Re: EV pollution from coal power plants

2001-03-14 Thread physkid
Troy (if you're still here), Jerry and all, --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Troy Heagy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Simple: Get Acrobat Reader. > Some people don't have as refined computer skills as others, some don't have as refined communication skills. > This shows that conversion in the U.S.

[biofuel] Re: EV pollution from coal power plants

2001-03-13 Thread physkid
Nice link Jerry! I copied the text from the adobe file, but it just doesn't look as good, the tables don't really come through, and it's quite long. If other list memebers are interested I can post the text only, but with all the comments about small mailboxes I'd thought I'd hold off unless

[biofuel] Re: Biofuels library access

2001-03-10 Thread physkid
Keith- Awesome! I'm sure we'll all benefit from the added material access. Your interpretation seems to jibe with my experience. For example, regarding "mulitple copies for a classroom" I remember that some publishers got mad at Universities for offering photocopied packets of reading material

[biofuel] Re: free e-mail space

2001-03-09 Thread physkid
Son of a b**ch! That's what I though I was refering to, but I just checked and it's a premium service on Yahoo as well now. And those bastards are going to make me start paying for music on Napster! I tell you, I'm beginning to loose faith in the whole "free lunch" thing. ;-) -Andrew --- In

[biofuel] Re: "Snip" (computer question)

2001-03-09 Thread physkid
Thanks Keith, I guess I shouldn't have hit the send on that one, since it seems I figured it out on my own by the time I got to the end of my musings :-) Just to clarify, I was aware of the standard usage of the word "snip" in other contexts, I was just curious if it was some nice easy to use

[biofuel] Re: free e-mail space

2001-03-09 Thread physkid
Yahoo, which now owns our list, and for which we all had to create a new username and profile to access this list, has free e-mail. I already had another accout before I re-registered when we switched over. I think it's a 10Mb mailbox, but maybe it's 5. definately more than 2Mb. Anyway, it's e

[biofuel] Re: IT

2001-03-09 Thread physkid
Not to crush anyone's buzz, but from what I've seen, this "it/ginger" thing is all hype. Inside.com which has been the biggest purveyor of info on this thing did not even interview the inventor for this latest round of speculation. If you're interested, check out this article I found today fro

[biofuel] "Snip" (computer question)

2001-03-09 Thread physkid
Ok, I consider myself pretty computer savy, but I haven't been able to figure this one out. I have seen a couple referances to "snipping", and the results of "snips" in-line in some messages (mostly from Keith I guess). I have figured out what a "snip" is from context, but for the life of me

[biofuel] Re: Penn State site

2001-03-09 Thread physkid
Warren- Interesting site, although take what you read in context. The papers I looked through on the site were well written student papers from an undergraduate course. Most likely the best term papers from a semester long course on energy topics. There seems to be a wealth of info, and lots

[biofuel] Re: RE; global warming

2001-03-06 Thread physkid
I have now read through the threads as I should have originally, and I humbly ask for forgiveness for my earlier message. I had a rough weekend and I apologize for my tone. Warren, skepticism is good, but I think perhaps your image of how scientific concensus is reached may be a little simpl

[biofuel] RE; global warming

2001-03-06 Thread physkid
Slowly catching up on the number of posts at the end of last week and over the weekend. I don't know whether anyone has responded to this or not yet, but I couldn't wait to read further, I had to respond now. I am usually not rude, and I will attempt to keep myself in check, but...are you blin

[biofuel] Re: Alternative Method of Methanol Production

2001-02-23 Thread physkid
I took a look around the site. After reading through the info, the site itself comes to the following conclusions: >Obert and Dave have shown that it is possible to encapsulate a >synthetic biochemical pathway and have it function to synthesize >methanol. They have shown that methanol can be p

[biofuel] Re: Continuous still ?

2001-02-21 Thread physkid
Tony, A lot to digest all at once, I'll get back to you with more comments later as well. My first thoughts are about energy effciency and cleverly using the heat in your still and the relative coolness of the wash to do the heat transfers required. You definately need to preheat the wash

[biofuel] Re: Breakthrough in, um, Alternative Energy Technology

2001-02-17 Thread physkid
> > Sure can. Well, I did say "um", you may have noticed. > I did notice, just thought I'd voice my own objections in stronger language. :) > > >If it's too good to be true...it usualy isn't. > > What a cynic! :-) Life is too good to be true! > Too true! I should have been more specific,

[biofuel] Re: Breakthrough in, um, Alternative Energy Technology

2001-02-17 Thread physkid
Can you say...bulls**t. I'm usually not one for absolutes, but the laws of thermodynamics have yet to be violated in the history of the universe as far as I'm aware. I think the following "claims" speak for themselves: > The working > model is a self-contained portable unit using a cost effe

[biofuel] Re: BioDesel question! HELP

2001-02-16 Thread physkid
I'm really not the right person to answer this, because I have neither made nor run a car on biodiesel, so someone PLEASE correct me if I misspeak. I'll take this as an oportunity to see if I have my facts straight. >From my readings on this list and elsewhere: 1)clogging of fuel injectors ma

[biofuel] Re: Tables

2001-02-15 Thread physkid
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jeremy G Cimini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Thanks to both you & Terry- his seems a little more digestable. Have > slwly read through some of the gov/ doc.. Seem to be just what I > want, if I can wade deep enough through it without a Dr. in Phy/Cem. Have > seen alo

[biofuel] Re: Tables

2001-02-14 Thread physkid
It's alot of stuff to look through, and not neccesarily in the form you're after, but I've been slowly working my way through links and resources at: www.afdc.nrel.gov/ The resources and documents link has all kinds of links to papers from diferent government agencies and others. Lots of neat

[biofuel] Re: EVs

2001-02-13 Thread physkid
Hello Keith, not to beat a dead horse (although making bioD out of it sounds good!) but bad math is a pet peeve of mine. The following is clipped from one of Terry's recent posts: > Take a coal burning electricity generating station. It works at 35% > efficiency, so that's 65% of your prime en

[biofuel] Re: EVs

2001-02-13 Thread physkid
Been gone all weekend, this has been quite a hot topic. Anton makes a very good point and I will attempt to add my two cents without "bile". I am new to bio-fuels and relatively new to alternative energy analyses, I have really been enjoying the discussions on this list and want to thank all

[biofuel] Re: Natural gas, hybrid models top 'green car' report

2001-02-10 Thread physkid
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "biofuels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Thanks to Jerry for agreeing with the hydrogen energy balance - now > let's see whether I can talk him the same way regarding electric > vehicles. > > Where does the electricity come from? It is again a secondary > energ

[biofuel] Re: Ford sees dawn of pollution-free hydrogen cars

2001-02-09 Thread physkid
--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "biofuels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hohoho > How was the hydrogen produced? > From petrofuels, that's how! > Using 130% of the energy to produce, plus another 30% to compress, Yes, you're right, we've talked about this before, but... > that makes it 160% more pollut

[biofuel] Re: stills and such

2001-02-07 Thread physkid
Gaw, What was your problem with the pot scrubbers? I only have experience on smaller stills for human consumtion of ETOH, but the main ingredient for good refluxing (and hence good product) is maximising the vapor liguid contact in your column. I.E. overall height, surface area of the packing

[biofuel] Re: FFV's

2001-02-02 Thread physkid
I hadn't heard of this designation. Anybody know where I can go to learn more about this? I'm very interested in converting to ethanol but I've only got late model cars with fuel injectors, and computer controlled ignition timing do-hickeys (and not a lot of car expertease if you couldn't tel

[biofuel] Re: gasahol

2001-02-01 Thread physkid
Lots of good info in the links and files from Journey to Forever. One major point to keep in mind if you're mixing this yourself is that you NEED to have anhydrous ethanol to mix with the gas. Otherwise, as I understand it, the alcohol and water separate from your gas and sit at the bottom of

[biofuel] Re: pesticides and GM crops

2001-02-01 Thread physkid
> > Many of the new "Frankenfood" Genetically Engineered crops (GMOs) > being produced by companies like Monsanto have their own built-in > pesticides, as well as immunity to the corporations' weedkillers, > leading to claims the new seeds will cut toxic pesticide use on >farms. Yes, as I u

[biofuel] Re: Fw: PRO/AH/EDR> BSE Update (03) Jan 2001

2001-02-01 Thread physkid
> It is beyond my comprehension, that when something is prohibited >from domestic use (the UK), as it is felt to be >hazardous/infectious, that it would be allowed to be exported. Here, here, but this is far from new. Look at the state of pesticides for example. Stuff proven to be carcinigeni

[biofuel] Re: Enviros Suck

2001-01-31 Thread physkid
This poor person, please be kind to them, I imagine they are a victim of the yahoo transition and have suddenly been swamped with our e- mails without ever having subscribed to the group, or to any group judging by their unfamiliarity with how to opt out electronically. Once more: To unsubscri

[biofuel] Re: Damn

2001-01-31 Thread physkid
Keith- hadn't chimed in yet on the whole Yahoo transition. My conversion was painful, but i did not encounter any real gliches. I was extremely annoyed by the invasions of privacy required by yahoo's sign up pages, but since I always give those marketing leeches false info it was merely an e

[biofuel] Re: My first biodiesel batch

2001-01-30 Thread physkid
LOL!!! hadn't heard that one, very nice :) > England a socialist country - with a Labour government? > Catch yourself on, wee laddie! > As the Peruvian President said to his driver - "Do as we always do - > signal left and turn right!" Yahoo! Groups Sponsor