[Biofuel] dollar collapse immenent?

2009-08-14 Thread Kirk McLoren

The Chinese Gold Market
By Simon Black · 2 comments

been spending a lot of time this week talking to my sources in China,
one of whom is inside one of the country’s sovereign wealth funds
He could not discuss the details of the Rio Tinto bribery scandal,
but indicated that it was far more about saving face and establishing
position than anything else.
He also indicated that the SWF analysts were working around the
clock trying to put deals together… for China it’s a race against the
clock for how fast they can convert their $2 trillion in US dollar
holdings into strategic assets– namely oil and gold.
At today’s deflated prices, putting together a really good billion
dollar deal is a difficult thing to do. Putting together 2,000 of them
is impossible.  Doing it before the dollar collapses? Not a Chinaman’s
chance. And they know it.
So as a hedge, the government appears to be pumping up demand for
gold and silver among the public, possibly preparing them for an
imminent dollar decline.
I asked Christine, my China insider you heard from last week, to
shed some light on the Chinese gold market to provide some clarity:

It’s funny you ask, I just got off the phone with one of the key executives at 
the Shanghai Gold Exchange.
You know, for the past 50 years, the Chinese government has
controlled the distribution of all types of gold. They dictated prices
and forbade citizens from owning or trading any type of precious metal.
It didn’t matter if you were an individual investor, a gold miner or a 
processor…it was state asset.
In 1959, if you were caught with gold in your possession you were
thrown in jail. The result of this policy has been widespread
indifference and very little understanding for precious metals as asset
class or sound money.
The government is now taking radical measures to change that.
Fast forward to 2009– the FIRST year that the Chinese public is
allowed to own physical gold or silver.  The government is now trying
to drum “gold/silver as an investment” into their heads at every corner.
Banking products, investment products, checking accounts linked to
gold.  In fact, Chinese have more precious metal investment options
than Americans, and the statistics are alarming:
In 1950, China had next to nothing in gold reserves. Today they rank
10th globally, and they are frantically mining for more on their own
For the past half a century, the Chinese had the lowest per capita
consumption of gold in the world. Next year, Chinese gold demand will
likely surpass that of India.
This year, the government banned silver from being exported… and by
July, it was being promoted as an “investment” to the Chinese public on
the 6 o’clock news.
You do the math– how does that affect global demand if just 10% of Chinese 
begin to perceive silver as an investment?
Will the Chinese turn into goldbugs overnight? No. Over the next 5 years? 
Probably, yes.
I like your long-term silver option strategy for this reason.  Even
the smallest shift in Chinese investor/consumer preferences can
dramatically alter global demand and commodity prices.
From what I’m seeing from the ground, the Chinese government is
engaging in one of the most explosive financial marketing campaigns in
history.  Instead of Maoist propaganda, though, they are attempting to
change the entire perception of  gold/silver in the Chinese public.
Simply put, the Chinese government is trying to trigger a national gold 
craze…and it’s working.
The Chinese public now has gold trading platforms on steroids.
You can buy silver bullion or gold bars at any Chinese bank in four
different sizes.  Wealth management products tied to gold are
skyrocketing in popularity, and the public can now instantly buy, sell,
and trade gold 24 hours a day in five different forms with different
eight types of services.
Also, for the first time in history, Chinese investors can even
trade gold abroad (in London) with the swipe of a “Lucky Gold” card.
I can’t even get Bank of America to open a foreign currency account.


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Re: [Biofuel] Chilling stuff...

2009-08-14 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Chris

You're quite right. Not glib, it's succinct.

not to be too glib, but. . .while i commend sarah for finally waking
up, she should have stopped hitting the snooze button 8 or 10 (or 15
or 20) years ago at least.

:-) Minimum 28 years ago I think. Interesting, nonetheless.

some of these signposts she's talking
about have been in evidence for at least that long.


now the guessing
game is over?  gimme a break.  we're long past that point.  there are
problems with paxton as well, which is inevitable when you try to
frame a discussion of this topic within the sanitized limits of
puritanical, post-depression/-WWII/-mccarthy american political
language.  but also, i think he under-appreciates crypto-fascism,
which is plenty effective enough and meanwhile the majority of the
people are none the wiser.  which means it can go on virtually forever
without that pesky fourth and fifth stage disruption.

But Paxton's framework can be useful in recognising crypto-fascism. 
For instance, there must be a lot of dismayed and dispirited recent 
voters in the US right now. So much dashed hope - hopes raised to a 
crescendo, used (spent, cashed in), and discarded, and all those 
promises broken. Change! What change has there been, other than the 
White House organic garden? Are the voters still waiting for change, 
or have they given up? The Obama White House acts as if the whole 
thing simply never happened and gets on with business-as-usual, in 
almost every sphere. The media (or some of them) duly note the 
disconnect, but nothing happens. Paxton has quite a lot to say about 
that kind of behaviour.

The Change! voters don't see Obama as any kind of fascist, let 
alone perhaps a crypto one, but do they know what a fascist is? Maybe 
not, or perhaps probably not, the term is so denatured now that it 
probably doesn't mean much more than nasty person to most people.

The current crescendo, the maddened mob of birthers and deathers in 
the opposite camp, are completely clueless about it, as with 
everything else. David Michael Green just commented: What sort of 
powerful drugs does one have to be on to make the argument that this 
rather considerably conservative president is a socialist? And then 
to call him a fascist in your next breath, blissfully unaware that 
the chasm separating the two ideologies not only makes them wholly 
different, but, indeed, oppositional. - My 1933 Nightmare, David 
Michael Green, August 11, 2009 

Ideology? Well, never mind. On the other hand, for the voters to 
think this rather considerably conservative president was the 
messiah isn't that much less deluded. Spin is spin. The 
birther/deather nutters are beyond hope, but I think if a disgruntled 
Obama voter had a read of Paxton and took another look at the 
election and since, it might wake him up a bit.

Green says: Everybody talks about fascism nowadays, not least those 
on the right who remarkably manage to call Barack Obama a fascist in 
the same breath as they label him a socialist. The term has been 
beaten into near meaninglessness from ubiquitousness of application. 
(Could this be another extremely clever semantics ploy of the 
right-wing marketing machine, taking the term out of use now that it 
is legitimately applicable, by over- and ab-using it? Damn, these 
guys are good.)

I don't think he's necessarily being paranoid in the last bit, but he 
might not reach far enough in attributing it to the right-wing 
marketing machine, it goes deeper than that.

Green says: There are many examples of this, but one of the most 
clever has been the defining of wholly corporate center-right 
political figures like Bill Clinton or Barack Obama as extreme 
leftists, and the defining of the mainstream media as hopelessly 
biased toward liberalism.

He adds: The Democratic Party is nothing more than the sorta 
not-Republican Party, and stands for nothing other than a quieter and 
more slowly-unfolding version of the GOP's crimes.

In other words, the Bush-Cheney regime was a much faster and more 
in-your-face version of Clinton's crimes, and Obama is once again a 
quieter and slower version of the same thing. It has continuity, the 
crimes don't change.

I think sideshows like the current birther/deather fiasco are just a 
distraction, it works well, good cover for any crypto-fascists in the 
White House. Give Green a read and see how it distracts him.

But it's chilling nonetheless. Green talks of tens of millions of 
people, filled with anger, with a credulity that cares nothing about 
being rational; he see them as a force being used to drag the US back 
into the 17th century. I don't think he's exaggerating much.

I don't think very many Americans are aware of how the rest of the 
world gets the horrors when the US does this kind of stuff. :-(

i think the
only way the fascist dynamic in this country will switch from the
crypto to the full-on, jack-booted mass rallies variety, 

Re: [Biofuel] Chilling stuff...

2009-08-14 Thread Jim Worthy
 of this, but one of the most
 clever has been the defining of wholly corporate center-right
 political figures like Bill Clinton or Barack Obama as extreme
 leftists, and the defining of the mainstream media as hopelessly
 biased toward liberalism.

 He adds: The Democratic Party is nothing more than the sorta
 not-Republican Party, and stands for nothing other than a quieter and
 more slowly-unfolding version of the GOP's crimes.

 In other words, the Bush-Cheney regime was a much faster and more
 in-your-face version of Clinton's crimes, and Obama is once again a
 quieter and slower version of the same thing. It has continuity, the
 crimes don't change.

 I think sideshows like the current birther/deather fiasco are just a
 distraction, it works well, good cover for any crypto-fascists in the
 White House. Give Green a read and see how it distracts him.

 But it's chilling nonetheless. Green talks of tens of millions of
 people, filled with anger, with a credulity that cares nothing about
 being rational; he see them as a force being used to drag the US back
 into the 17th century. I don't think he's exaggerating much.

 I don't think very many Americans are aware of how the rest of the
 world gets the horrors when the US does this kind of stuff. :-(

 i think the
 only way the fascist dynamic in this country will switch from the
 crypto to the full-on, jack-booted mass rallies variety, is either in
 response to a major existential crisis such as a major, truly lethal
 pandemic, or if they (the powers that be) decide that war with china
 is simply unavoidable.

 You're probably right (unless you get both of them at once, each a
 cover for the other).



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Regards, Jim
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Re: [Biofuel] Chilling stuff...

2009-08-14 Thread Chris Burck
you're right about paxton.  it has it's flaws, but still a good
overall analysis.  it's good that the press points out the pre- and
post-innauguration obama disconnects.  i only wish it weren't only (or
virtually so) the so-called lefties they bothered to critique.  i was
watching the coverage of the townhall meetings the other day and i
couldn't help thinking of the john kerry tasering incident in florida.
 if that poor fellow had behaved even remotely like these screamers
have been allowed to carry on, he'd have been gunned down on the spot.
 with prejudice.  if, when gwb was potus, someone had attempted to
approach within three miles of a presidential townhall meeting with a
gun strapped to his leg, they would have called in an airstrike on
him.  these are also very serious disconnects.  in fact, for very
serious and important that the obama disconnect is, these others are
even more so.  the message is very clear.  unmistakeable.  unspoken.
understood by all.  if you want to speak about public affairs/public
policy from a place of compassion, humanity, reason, then get ready
for the takedown.  but if you're all about hate, well, they'll hold
the door open for you and beg you to let them get you a refreshment.
cryptofascism. . .aint it grand?

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[Biofuel] Pat Coleby on Vitamin C Treatment for SNAKE BITES

2009-08-14 Thread SurpriseShan2
easy to damage vital nerves there. Three quarters to 1 cm penetration  is 
needed, and, if in doubt, get it under the skin anyway. You can repeat the  
treatment without risk. Vitamin C overdose results in nothing worse than  
diarrhoea, and anaphylaxis cannot occur. However when the dog is really sick it 
 will allow you to do the injecting (which can sting in small animals) 
without  objecting. If it starts to make a fuss you know that it is feeling 
better,  and the subsequent doses should be given as powder in the mouth. 
It is a good  idea to give two or three backups just to make sure all the 
venom has been  detoxified. 
Pat Coleby
Pat is a farmer who writes books on animal care and lectrues  widely on the 
subject as well as being a consultant. 

Read the book by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD entitled: Curing the Incurable  
will also see conclusive research showing that Vitamin C is the ideal agent 
for  ... 
-- killing infecting viruses untouched by antibiotics 
-- neutralizing and often eliminating nearly any toxic  substance capable 
of poisoning the body 
-- killing most bacteria, fungi, and other microbial  agents 
-- Vitamin C can prevent, reverse, and/or cure a host  of infectious 
diseases like herpes, hepatitis, AIDS, West Niles Virus, Rocky  Mountain 
Fever, killer influenza viruses, and others. 
-- Vitamin C is a powerful antidote against the toxic  effects of 
pesticides, pollution, poisons, and prescription drugs you face  everyday.
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