Re: [Biofuel] Ring Them Bells

2009-08-30 Thread Chris Burck
is this the beginning of a jtf playlist?  if so, then i'll nominate
zappa's "dumb all over".

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Re: [Biofuel] Ring Them Bells

2009-08-30 Thread Kirk McLoren
thank you - nice find

there are three things in life:
the words you say wrong, the words you say  right and the words you don´t say.

--- On Sun, 8/30/09, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Biofuel] Ring Them Bells
Date: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 11:52 AM

Ring Them Bells
Bob Dylan
Oh Mercy (1989)

Ring them bells ye heathen from the city that dreams
Ring them bells from the sanctuaries 'cross the valleys and streams
For they're deep and they're wide
And the world's on its side
And time is running backwards and so is the bride

Ring them bells Saint Peter where the four winds blow
Ring them bells with an iron hand so the people will know
Oh it's rush hour now
On the wheel and the plow
And the sun is going down upon the sacred cow

Ring them bells sweet Martha for the poor man's son
Ring them bells so the world will know that God is one
For the shepherd is asleep
Where the willows weep
And the mountains are filled with lost sheep

Ring them bells for the blind and the deaf
Ring them bells for all of us who are left
Ring them bells for the chosen few
Who will judge the many
When the game is through
Ring them bells for the time that flies
For the child that cries
When innocence dies

Ring them bells Saint Catherine from the top of the room
Ring them from the fortress for the lilies that bloom
For the lines are long
And the fighting is strong
And they're breaking down the distance between right and wrong

Enter the code in the image and download the mp3, 4.1 Mb.

Listen and delete.

"All music on is presented only for fact-finding listening. You MUST 
remove a song from the computer after listening."

Fact-finding listening, right.



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[Biofuel] Ring Them Bells

2009-08-30 Thread Keith Addison
Ring Them Bells
Bob Dylan
Oh Mercy (1989)

Ring them bells ye heathen from the city that dreams
Ring them bells from the sanctuaries 'cross the valleys and streams
For they're deep and they're wide
And the world's on its side
And time is running backwards and so is the bride

Ring them bells Saint Peter where the four winds blow
Ring them bells with an iron hand so the people will know
Oh it's rush hour now
On the wheel and the plow
And the sun is going down upon the sacred cow

Ring them bells sweet Martha for the poor man's son
Ring them bells so the world will know that God is one
For the shepherd is asleep
Where the willows weep
And the mountains are filled with lost sheep

Ring them bells for the blind and the deaf
Ring them bells for all of us who are left
Ring them bells for the chosen few
Who will judge the many
When the game is through
Ring them bells for the time that flies
For the child that cries
When innocence dies

Ring them bells Saint Catherine from the top of the room
Ring them from the fortress for the lilies that bloom
For the lines are long
And the fighting is strong
And they're breaking down the distance between right and wrong

Enter the code in the image and download the mp3, 4.1 Mb.

Listen and delete.

"All music on is presented only for fact-finding listening. You MUST 
remove a song from the computer after listening."

Fact-finding listening, right.



Biofuel mailing list

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[Biofuel] Weaponizing Psychology - Treating People Like Dogs

2009-08-30 Thread Keith Addison

Weaponizing Psychology

Treating People Like Dogs

By  Peter Chamberlin

August 24, 2009"ICH" -- Nearly all of the Pentagon's 
counter-insurgency warfare doctrine has been based on distortions of 
the pirated theories of former president of the American 
Psychological Association, Prof. Martin Seligman.  Now we learn that 
post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd) treatments for war veterans 
have been developed from his work as well.

The US military has totally embraced Seligman's controversial 
theories, twisting them to suit their deadly purposes, basing their 
computer-modeled psyops plans, plans for homeland security, even 
their recruitment strategies, upon his theories of "learned 
helplessness," looking for ways to bring-about its most debilitating 
form, learned hopelessness.  Every one of these programs is geared 
towards finding and exploiting the human breaking point.

Seligman's core observation is that people and animals tend to 
basically just give-up, when besieged by inescapable pain and cruel, 
relentless uncertainty-to  quote another controversial work, "Silent 
Weapons for a Quiet War," they reached a point of "capitulation." 
(for those who categorically dismiss this "conspiracy theory" 
document, because of its iffy history, it nevertheless remains the 
defining explanation of the theory of econometric warfare and the 
accompanying psychological concept of "capitulation.")

Investigative journalist Jane Mayer (author of The Dark Side) has 
revealed that Seligman's work also inspired the CIA's controversial 
torture/interrogation program.  Mayer has traced the lineage of the 
ideas behind the "water-boarding" mentality (specifically, the 
electro-shocking of prisoners and treating them like dogs), proving 
that they were  reverse-engineered from Seligman's work.

In Six Questions for Jane Mayer, Author of The Dark Side, Scott 
Horton's interview with Jane Mayer:

"You have patiently traced the torture techniques used by the CIA 
back to two psychologists, James Mitchell and John Bruce Jessen-you 
describe them as "good looking, clean-cut, polite Mormons"-who 
reverse-engineered their techniques out of the SERE (survival, 
evasion, resistance, escape) program used to train U.S. pilots in 
self-defense. In Dark Side, you identify an approach called "Learned 
Helplessness" as the model they used, and you note that its author, 
Prof. Martin Seligman, made a visit to the SERE schoolŠ

Seligman and colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania pioneered 
work on a theory he called "Learned Helplessness." He did experiments 
with dogs in which he used electric shocks to destroy their will to 

He and colleagues conducted experiments on caged dogs, in which they 
used electric charges to shock them randomly. He discovered that the 
random mistreatment destroyed the dogs emotionally to the point where 
they no longer had the will to escape, even when offered a way out.

Seligman's theories were cited admiringly soon after by James 
Mitchell, the psychologist whom the CIA put on contract to advise on 
its secret interrogation protocol. Eyewitnesses describe Mitchell as 
quoting Seligman's theories of "Learned Helplessness" as useful in 
showing how to break the resistance of detainees' to interrogation. 
One source recounts Mitchell specifically touting the experiments 
done on dogs in the context of how to treat detaineesŠthe detainees 
have described other ways in which they were treated like dogs-the 
use of dog cages and of a collar and leash."

Now the Army has begun a traumatic shock and stress-related treatment 
program for all servicemen, based on Seligman's treatment for 
"learned helplessness," which basically amounts to a system for 
teaching auto-suggestion to the troops.  It is teaching the opposite 
of helplessness, teaching the troops and their families to unlearn 
human nature and the exhaustion brought-on by the siege.

The wise men sitting safely on the Potomac think that real "men" and 
real "patriots" can just get over the trauma that they have witnessed 
or inflicted upon others, through a contrived simplistic form of 
auto-hypnosis.  This is the same macho thinking common to all 
American military leaders and the entire population in general, 
during World War II and Korea, which led directly to the use of 
torture methods that were copied from the Nazis to treat ptsd and to 
break the wills of  "inadequate" soldiers."

Once the Real Warriors Campaign is fully operational, it is hoped, 
the stigma will have been removed from seeking psyche care and both 
the unstable as well as the unmanly soldiers who have been 
traumatized by the shock of modern warfare (organized slaughter) will 
learn to become "resilient" soldiers and veterans, always able to 
"suck it up" for God and country.  Maybe then, the stain left by 
weak-willed returning veterans committing suicide and others going on 
shooting sprees will have b

[Biofuel] Manufacturing Poor People

2009-08-30 Thread Keith Addison

Manufacturing Poor People

By Vi Ransel


Even as the overall population of the world continues to increase, 
the increase in the number of poor people outstrips that growth. How 
is this possible? Are the poor simply fucking like rabbits, 
increasing their numbers geometrically in a suicidal, lemming-like 
production line of poverty-stricken people? Or are they getting some 
outside aid in their catastrophic endeavor?

In just the past 50 years, the Rich People of the "First", or Western 
World have invested heavily, through their banks, industries and 
other corporations, in the poorest regions of the "Third" World in 
Africa, Asia and Latin America, home to the majority of the world's 
poor. Transnational corporations are attracted by the richness of 
these people's natural resources, the richness of profits off cheap 
labor, the near total lack of environmental and worker safety 
regulations and the non-existent benefits for said labor.

U.S. transnationals were given a push toward this pregnant profit 
source, this attractive and waiting richness, by the U.S. government, 
which subsidizes (read gives taxpayers' money to) corporations in the 
form of tax breaks on foreign investment and even helping them to pay 
their relocation expenses at the expense of not only the taxpayers, 
but those taxpayers whose jobs are outsourced by this support for 
global U.S. economic dominance.

Local businesses in the "Third" World are destroyed as U.S. 
transnationals penetrate and overwhelm their markets like species 
imported to get rid of pests which turn out to be even bigger pests 
themselves. Taxpayer-subsidized cartels of transnationals dump their 
cheap, surplus goods in these countries at below their own cost to 
undersell local producers, thus forcing them out of business and 
allowing the U.S. corporations to take over the market. (This is also 
Wal-Mart's favorite technique for killing the competition in local 
markets right here in America.)

In the case of Big Ag they also take over/expropriate the best pieces 
of land, monocrop them with products for export, and douse them with 
oil-based, chemical fertilizers and toxic pesticides, destroying the 
soil. Think Dust Bowl. This leaves less land for use for those 
run-out-of-business farmers and their families to produce the food to 
feed the local population, who, along with the displaced farmers, are 
forced to go to work - for next to nothing - on those monocropped 
plantations to grow food that will be shipped out of the country or 
to work in American sub-contracted sweat shop factories. This also 
forces them to buy what food they can afford from these same Big Ag 
corporations. This is exactly the same scenario as in the U.S., since 
the bulk of the U.S. population consists of dependent consumers, 
unable to feed themselves, who must go to a supermarket to feed off 
the tit of Big Ag.

Robbing local people of self-sufficiency creates a perfect 
profit-making mechanism based on a labor market flooded with 
desperate people who can be herded into a neat, ready-to-use package, 
labor in a box, in slums and shanty towns which they will leave to 
slave for token, poverty wages - if they can find work - which are 
most often in violation of their own countries' minimum wage laws. 
This is thanks to the overarching authority of Western-created "Free" 
Trade Agreements enforced by the World Trade Organization in its 
private, unaccountable courts.

Since the U.S. is one of the few pariah nations which refuses to sign 
the international convention for the abolishment of child labor and 
forced labor, Wal-Mart, Disney and J.C. Penny were able to pay eleven 
cents - 11 CENTS!!! - an hour in Haiti in 2007. This allows these 
transnational corporations, not only in the "Third" World, but here 
in America, to have workers as young as 12 - TWELVE!!! - sustain high 
rates of fatalities and injuries while working for less than minimum 
wage. Talk about your right to work!

The savings these transnationals - and their shareholders - are able 
to rack up by exploiting and further impoverishing the people of the 
"Third" World do not translate into lower prices for the consumers, 
e.g. people, of the "First", or Western World. Oh no, my pretty! 
Transnationals don't outsource to save their customers money. They do 
it to increase their profits and their payouts to shareholders. For 
instance, children in Indonesia in 1990 made shoes for thirteen cents 
an hour working a 12-hour day. The shoes cost $2.60 to make. They 
sold in the United States for $100.

In addition to this slick trick, any U.S. "aid" to these 
transnationals-impoverished countries comes with stainless steel 
strings attached. Besides the "aid" money being used to create an 
infrastructure - ports, railroads, airports, highways, refineries, 
utilities, etc. - which facilitates the transnationals' ability to 
make mo

[Biofuel] The US War against Iraq: The Destruction of a Civilization. James Petras

2009-08-30 Thread Keith Addison

The US War against Iraq: The Destruction of a Civilization

by James Petras

Global Research, August 21, 2009


The US seven-year war and occupation of Iraq is driven by several 
major political forces and informed by a variety of imperial 
interests. However these interests do not in themselves explain the 
depth and scope of the sustained, massive and continuing destruction 
of an entire society and its reduction to a permanent state of war. 
The range of political forces contributing to the making of the war 
and the subsequent US occupation include the following (in order of 

The most important political force was also the least openly 
discussed. The Zionist Power Configuration (ZPC), which includes the 
prominent role of long-time, hard-line unconditional supporters of 
the State of Israel appointed to top positions in the Bush Pentagon 
(Douglas Feith and Paul Wolfowitz ), key operative in the Office of 
the Vice President (Irving (Scooter) Libby), the Treasury Department 
(Stuart Levey), the National Security Council (Elliot Abrams) and a 
phalanx of consultants, Presidential speechwriters (David Frum), 
secondary officials and policy advisers to the State Department. 
These committed Zionists 'insiders' were buttressed by thousands of 
full-time Israel-First functionaries in the 51 major American Jewish 
organizations, which form the President of the Major American Jewish 
Organizations (PMAJO). They openly stated that their top priority was 
to advance Israel's agenda, which, in this case, was a US war against 
Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein, occupy the country, physically 
divide Iraq, destroy its military and industrial capability and 
impose a pro-Israel/pro-US puppet regime. If Iraq were ethnically 
cleansed and divided, as advocated by the ultra-right, Israeli Prime 
Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and the 'Liberal' President Emeritus of 
the Council on Foreign Relations and militarist-Zionist, Leslie Gelb, 
there would be more than several 'client regimes'.

Top pro-Israeli policymakers who promoted the war did not initially 
directly pursue the policy of systematically destroying what, in 
effect, was the entire Iraqi civilization. But their support and 
design of an occupation policy included the total dismemberment of 
the Iraqi state apparatus and recruitment of Israeli advisers to 
provide their 'expertise' in interrogation techniques, repression of 
civilian resistance and counter-insurgency. Israeli expertise 
certainly played a role in fomenting the intra-Iraqi religious and 
ethnic strife, which Israel had mastered in Palestine. The Israeli 
'model' of colonial war and occupation - the invasion of Lebanon in 
1982 - and the practice of 'total destruction' using sectarian, 
ethno-religious division was evident in the notorious massacres at 
the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Beirut, which took place under 
Israeli military supervision.

The second powerful political force behind the Iraq War were civilian 
militarists (like Donald Rumsfeld and Vice President Cheney) who 
sought to extend US imperial reach in the Persian Gulf and strengthen 
its geo-political position by eliminating a strong, secular, 
nationalist backer of Arab anti-imperialist insurgency in the Middle 
East. The civilian militarists sought to extend the American military 
base encirclement of Russia and secure control over Iraqi oil 
reserves as a pressure point against China. The civilian militarists 
were less moved by Vice President Cheney's past ties with the oil 
industry and more interested in his role as CEO of Halliburton's 
giant military base contractor subsidiary Kellogg-Brown and Root, 
which was consolidating the US Empire through worldwide military base 
expansion. Major US oil companies, who feared losing out to European 
and Asian competitors, were already eager to deal with Saddam 
Hussein, and some of the Bush's supporters in the oil industry had 
already engaged in illegal trading with the embargoed Iraqi regime. 
The oil industry was not inclined to promote regional instability 
with a war.

The militarist strategy of conquest and occupation was designed to 
establish a long-term colonial military presence in the form of 
strategic military bases with a significant and sustained contingent 
of colonial military advisors and combat units. The brutal colonial 
occupation of an independent secular state with a strong nationalist 
history and an advanced infrastructure with a sophisticated military 
and police apparatus, extensive public services and wide-spread 
literacy naturally led to the growth of a wide array of militant and 
armed anti-occupation movements. In response, US colonial officials, 
the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agencies devised a 'divide and 
rule' strategy (the so-called 'El Salvador solution' associated with 
the former 'hot-spot' Ambassador and US Director of National 

[Biofuel] How Israel Wages Game Theory Warfare

2009-08-30 Thread Keith Addison

How Israel Wages Game Theory Warfare

By: Jeff Gates
August 20, 2009

In 2005, the Nobel Prize in Economic Science was awarded to Israeli 
mathematician and game theory specialist Robert J. Aumann, co-founder 
of the Center for Rationality at Hebrew University. This Jerusalem 
resident explains: "the entire school of thought that we have 
developed here in Israel" has turned "Israel into the leading 
authority in this field."

Israeli strategists rely on game theory models to ensure the intended 
response to staged provocations and manipulated crises. With the use 
of game theory algorithms, those responses become predictable, even 
foreseeable-within an acceptable range of probabilities. The waging 
of war "by way of deception" is now a mathematical discipline.

Such "probabilistic" war planning enables Tel Aviv to deploy serial 
provocations and well-timed crises as a force multiplier to project 
Israeli influence worldwide. For a skilled agent provocateur, the 
target can be a person, a company, an economy, a legislature, a 
nation or an entire culture-such as Islam. With a well-modeled 
provocation, the anticipated reaction can even become a powerful 
weapon in the Israeli arsenal.

For instance, a skilled game theorist could foresee that, in response 
to a 911-type mass murder, "the mark" (the U.S.) would deploy its 
military to avenge that attack. With phony intelligence fixed around 
a preset goal, a game theory algorithm could anticipate that those 
forces might well be redirected to invade Iraq-not to avenge 911 but 
to pursue the expansionist goals of Greater Israel.

To provoke that invasion required the displacement of an inconvenient 
truth (Iraq played no role in 911) with what lawmakers and the public 
could be deceived to believe. The emotionally wrenching nature of 
that incident was essential in order to induce Americans to abandon 
rational analysis and to facilitate their reliance on false 

Americans were (predictably) provoked by that mass murder. The 
foreseeable reaction-shock, grief and outrage-made it easier for them 
to believe that an infamous Iraqi Evil Doer was to blame. The 
displacement of facts with beliefs lies at heart of how Israel, the 
world's leading authority in game theory, induces other nations to 
wage their wars.

False but Plausible

To displace facts with credible fiction requires a period of 
"preparing the minds" so that the mark will believe a pre-staged 
storyline. Thus the essential role of a complicit media to promote: 
(a) a plausible present danger (Iraqi weapons of mass destruction), 
(b) a plausible villain (a former ally rebranded as an Evil Doer), 
and (c) a plausible post-Cold War threat to national security (The 
Clash of Civilizations and "Islamo-fascism").

Reports from inside Israeli intelligence suggest that the 
war-planners who induced the 2003 invasion of Iraq began their psyops 
campaign no later than 1986 when an Israeli Mossad operation 
(Operation Trojan) made it appear that the Libyan leadership was 
transmitting terrorist directives from Tripoli to their embassies 
worldwide. Soon thereafter, two U.S. soldiers were killed by a 
terrorist attack in a Berlin discotheque. Ten days later, U.S., 
British and German aircraft dropped 60 tons of bombs on Libya.

The following is a senior Mossad operative's assessment (published in 
1994 in The Other Side of Deception) of that 1986 operation-five 
years before the Gulf War and 15 years before the murderous 
provocation that preceded the invasion of Iraq:

After the bombing of Libya, our friend Qadhafi is sure to stay out of 
the picture for some time. Iraq and Saddam Hussein are the next 
target. We're starting now to build him up as the big villain. It 
will take some time, but in the end, there's no doubt that it'll work.

Could this account by former Mossad case officer Victor Ostrovsky be 
correct? If so, Tel Aviv's Iraqi operation required more pre-staging 
than its relatively simple Libyan deception.

America the Mark

 From a game theory perspective, what is the probability of a violent 
reaction in the Middle East after more than a half-century of serial 
Israeli provocations-in an environment where the U.S. is identified 
(correctly) as the Zionist state's special friend and protector?

During the 1967 War, the Israeli killing of 34 Americans aboard the 
USS Liberty confirmed that a U.S. president (Democrat Lyndon Johnson) 
could be induced to condone murderous behavior by Israel. Two decades 
later, Operation Trojan confirmed that a U.S. president (Republican 
Ronald Reagan) could be induced to attack an Arab nation based on 
intelligence fixed by Israel.

For more than six decades, the U.S. has armed, financed, befriended 
and defended Zionism. This "special relationship" includes the 
U.S.-discrediting veto of dozens of U.N. resolutions critical of 
Israeli conduct. From a game theory pe

Re: [Biofuel] CIA's Total Envolment in Indo-China War

2009-08-30 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Gustl

Thanks - great to hear from you.

Much to the point, perhaps especially Alex Carey:

>Taking  the Risk out of Democracy: Corporate Propaganda versus Freedom
>and Liberty
>Alex Carey
>University of Illinois Press 1995 (paperback 1997)
>ISBN 0-252-06616-2

The book is previewed online at Google:

Taking the risk out of democracy: corporate propaganda versus freedom 
and liberty
By Alex Carey, Andrew Lohrey
Preview only, pages missing, Noam Chomsky's foreword in full.


Reshaping the Truth: Pragmatists and Propagandists in America
Alex Carey

Carey's famous quote:

"Australian academic Alex Carey once wrote that 'the twentieth 
century has been characterized by three developments of great 
political importance: the growth of democracy, the growth of 
corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of 
protecting corporate power against democracy.'"
The Secret Battle for the American Mind
An Interview with John Stauber
By Derrick Jensen

All best


>Just in case anyone is interested:
>National  Security  Archives  has just released documents on the CIA's
>envolvement in Viet Nam and all of Indo-China...
>Taking  the Risk out of Democracy: Corporate Propaganda versus Freedom
>and Liberty
>Alex Carey
>University of Illinois Press 1995 (paperback 1997)
>ISBN 0-252-06616-2
>|Happy Happy,
>Je mehr wir haben, desto mehr fordert Gott von uns.
>We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails.
>The safest road to Hell is the gradual one - the gentle slope,
>soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones,
>without signposts. 
>C. S. Lewis, "The Screwtape Letters"
>Es gibt Wahrheiten, die so sehr auf der Straße liegen,
>daß sie gerade deshalb von der gewöhnlichen Welt nicht
>gesehen oder wenigstens nicht erkannt werden.
>And those who were seen dancing were thought to be
>insane by those who could not hear the music.
>Friedrich Nietzsche
>The best portion of a good man's life -
>His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
>William Wordsworth

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Re: [Biofuel] Game theory trumps everything...

2009-08-30 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Bob

>If the message is too strong, analyse, rationalize and talk it to death. I
>think that's what we are in danger of doing there.

You mean "here", at the Biofuel list? No fear or favour here, this 
isn't a place for cherished notions or delicate sensibilities. No 
more turning away .

 From the list archives: "Holocausts are two a penny these days..." 
(Not just armchair talk.) "The only growth industry around here is in 
making little coffins..." And so on...

"James Petras says genocides are 'repeated, common practices,' 
impunity for committing them is the norm, and no effective 
international order is in place to stop them." 

How many people does it take to make a good holocaust? "The key 
metric is million," said one list member. Fritz disagreed: "Even one 
is too many," he said (bravo Fritz!).

"Genocides will only end when imperial powers are defeated and their 
leaders held to account for their crimes, but that goal is nowhere in 
sight" (Petras, above).

If we're not talking about genocides, then what are we talking about?

>Perhaps what we need is a
>bit more information.

The more the merrier of course, but we're not being blinded by a lack 
of information, especially not here. The problem is all the "pretty 

>Try this, be warned, any attempt to read the complete
>article will wreck your day, hurt your head and leave you with a resolve to
>watch only Fox News in future. If you insist, Google the following:

Thanks, good pull-together, Petras is a good read. But I don't see 
anything much that we haven't had here before.

The difficulty is a lack of focus, not a lack of information.

Anatol Lieven wrote in 2002: "[T]he publicly expressed motive for war 
with Iraq functions mainly as a tool to gain the necessary public 
support for an operation the real goals of which are far wider. The 
indifference of the US public to serious discussion of foreign or 
security affairs, and the negligence and ideological rigidity of the 
US media and policy community make searching debate on such issues 
extremely difficult, and allow such manipulation to succeed." - The 
Push for War, Anatol Lieven, LRB | Vol. 24 No. 19, 3 October 2002 

Bill Blum wrote, also in 2002: "Most Americans find it difficult in 
the extreme to accept the proposition that terrorist acts against the 
United States can be viewed as revenge for Washington's policies 
abroad. They believe that the US is targeted because of its freedom, 
its democracy, its modernity, its wealth, or just being part of the 
West." - Why Terrorists Hate America, by William Blum, Sept 2002 

Gore Vidal wrote: "The corporate grip on opinion in the United States 
is one of the wonders of the Western world. No First World country 
has ever managed to eliminate so entirely from its media all 
objectivity - much less dissent. Of course, it is possible for any 
citizen with time to spare, and a canny eye, to work out what is 
actually going on, but for the many there is not time, and the 
network news is the only news even though it may not be news at all 
but only a series of flashing fictions..."

One US commentator said Americans live in what he called the 
"Hollywood hologram", an alternative reality with little interface 
with what really happens. A lot of commentators say things like that. 
Kirk said Americans are hypnotised, and he wouldn't know how to wake 
them up.

Johann Hari just asked, writing about the "birthers" in the US: "How 
do they train themselves to be so impervious to reality?"

They don't train themselves, that's not how it works. And it's not 
just Americans (though they're obviously the main target).

Michael Hagos wrote earlier this year: "After all, 'The secret of 
great propaganda is that it is never seen as propaganda.' (Jeffrey 
Robinson, Alex Carey) It can indeed be very distressing to realize 
that many of the values, ideas, beliefs, attitudes, feelings, tastes 
and dispositions that we believe to be our own may very well be, and 
in all likelihood are, inculcated by invisible propagandistic 
forces." - The Cult of Having Versus The City of Being, Michael 
Hagos, 2009 

Did you read the link I posted?

>  >Manufacturing Poor People
>>By Vi Ransel

Disaster capitalism in action. It's only half the story though. It 
wouldn't work, it couldn't be done, nor could any of this stuff 
happen, from Gaza to Baghdad to Wall Street, without public consent.

Chomsky and Herman called their book "Manufacturing Consent", but it 
doesn't quite work like that either (the book itself shows how it 
works though). I've quite often referred to impl


2009-08-30 Thread Kirk McLoren

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[Biofuel] Law on Raw Milk Should Be Overturned

2009-08-30 Thread SurpriseShan2
omes from  Europe, 
where investigators found, in a study of 14,893 children aged 5 to 13,  that 
consumption of raw milk was the strongest factor for reducing the risk of  
asthma and allergy, whether the children lived on a farm or not. The benefits  
were greatest when consumption of raw milk began during the first year of 
life.  About 5 million children are afflicted with asthma, and 5,500 people 
in the US  die from asthma each year. About 1,250 people in the US die from 
food-borne  pathogens from all sources with virtually no deaths from raw 
milk. Thus, the  risk of dying from asthma is over four times greater than the 
risk of dying from  food-borne pathogens from all sources, and infinitely 
greater than the risk of  dying from raw milk. Yet defenders of the dairy 
industry insist that children  should not have the right to consume raw milk, 
even hinting that parents who  love their children enough to give them raw milk 
are guilty of neglect. 

Our opponents today will insist that raw milk is  inherently dangerous and 
that there is no way to make it safe. These arguments  are based on 
40-year-old science and a discredited medical paradigm. Raw milk is  inherently 
safe, safer than any other food, and we have the technology and  knowledge 
to get safe raw milk to children in every part of the country.  Our 
opponents will insist that raw milk has no health benefits compared to  
pasteurized. They will omit mention of the many studies that show that  
destroys the vital qualities of milk, reduces nutrient  assimilation, and 
renders it allergenic and difficult to digest. In response to  this, I quote 
Sinclair Lewis: **It is very difficult to get a man to understand  something 
when his salary depends on not understanding it.**   ** 

A final argument against raw milk goes like this: if raw  milk results in 
an outbreak, this would cause people to stop drinking milk  altogether and 
adversely affect the whole milk industry. I hope your  intelligence is not 
insulted with such an argument today. The industry does its  best to publicize 
any possible problem caused by raw milk in an effort to  staunch the 
declining sales of pasteurized and ultrapasteurized milk, a product  that fewer 
fewer consumers can tolerate. 

In summary, I urge the joint committees to work towards  overturning AB 
1735 and doing everything in their power to support raw milk in  California. 
Opposition to raw milk is illogical, it is unscientific, it is  expensive, it 
is heartless and cruel. The child who benefits from raw milk –  perhaps even 
whose life is saved by raw milk – may be your own child, or your  own 
grandchild, or even a child or grandchild of our opponents – our efforts are  
dedicated to all children. We have the knowledge and technology today to get  
safe raw milk to every child who needs it, and we ask that you work with us, 
not  against us, to achieve this important goal. 
** Editor*s note: Actual quote was  by Upton Sinclair, **It is difficult to 
get a man to understand something, when  his salary depends upon his not 
understanding it!**

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