Re: [Biofuel] magnetic field on aluminum

2009-09-13 Thread Kirk McLoren
The pull is so weak a compass  takes some time for the needle to steady. Also 
the needle has to be very free to respond at all.
Seems like too weak a force to be the cause.

--- On Sun, 9/13/09, doug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: doug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] magnetic field on aluminum
Date: Sunday, September 13, 2009, 11:41 AM

Kirk McLoren wrote:
> Any idea why this difference? In the eddy current equations there is nothing 
> about polarity
the reason is given in the comments below the video, having to do with 
the earth's magnetic fields...

The actual cause of this effect was later determined to be the Earth's 
magnetic field.
Because I live around 45 degrees north latitude, the magnet pull on the 
north magnets pole is mainly downward toward the ground. This additional 
pull is very strong and simply causes the? north pole of the magnet to 
tend to rotate downward more than the south pole.
This effect would change depending on where you live on the Earth.

Contentment comes not from having more, but from wanting less.
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All generalizations are false.  Including this one.

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Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-13 Thread bmolloy
Just to add to the stew: in New Zealand (the clean, green, much-boasted
nuclear-free land of absolute neutrality) a journalist was held in a mental
hospital as "delusional" for saying that 9/11 was an inside job.

"I was wrongly diagnosed as delusional by the psychiatric staff of Ward 7 at
Northland Base Hospital in Whangarei and held against my will for 11 days in
mid-2006, because I maintained the attacks of 9/11 were orchestrated by
criminal elements inside the US Administration."

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Keith Addison
Sent: Sunday, 13 September 2009 8:58 a.m.
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States
9/11 was Staged Event

Hi Bob


Here you go:



I prefer Snipurl, but they both work well.

>Hi Keith/Bruno et al,
>Your points well taken, n'less the smell seems to
>growing hence the website above.
>Re posting "big items": wasn't aware we suffered a space shortage.

No space shortage, I think Bruno meant "big" in the sense of weighty 
or troublesome. Actually there is a size limit on messages, it's set 
at 100 kb, not very small.

>As for
>the pros and cons of the issue, the title of the thread suggested the
>bunfight was far from over hence my additional tuppence worth. I'm still
>sitting on the fence and hoping someone, somewhere will provide a
>answer. I've yet to see it.

That's right, sad to say. I doubt there'll be a breakthrough any time 
soon. A Mother Jones writer pointed out that this is the first 9/11 
anniversary "when the country is no longer being run by those who so 
cynically exploited horror and legitimate anger". 

Not to presume that the current bunch are above cynically exploiting 
horror and legitimate anger, but a lot of the steam might go out of 
it with Bush-Cheney no longer in the hot seat.

I'd like to see an update of the 2006 Scripps poll:

>"Third of Americans suspect 9-11 government conspiracy", 08/01/2006 

Earlier polls put it much higher than a third - some reported that as 
many as 89% thought the government was lying or complicit (CNN poll, 

But there's less pressure now, there might not be an updated poll, 
and if there is one the figures could be lower.

The protesters, if that's the word, have failed to build up the kind 
of mass movement that might have forced a serious re-examination of 
what happened, and it's rather unlikely that Obama will take the 
initiative in questioning the official version.

Though I hope not, it could just wind down to a core of diehards who 
go on and on thumping away about thermite dust and Building 7 and 
Mossad and so on and everybody else takes about as much notice as 
they do of all the other conspiracy theories, like who killed the 
Kennedys (Bill Moyers just said conspiracy theories are as American 
as apple pie).

>  n'less the smell seems to be growing...

I think we have good news noses, you and I, and smell is the right 
word for this - the whole thing stinks, it did right from the start. 
I simply don't believe anything beyond the bald facts, that the jets 
hit the buildings, everything else is just "murk and suspicion" - the 
conspiracists get the murk, and everything official gets the 

Meanwhile the death toll keeps mounting - 2,752 at the WTC itself, 
and these are the current ICH figures:

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq - 1,339,771
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially 
acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 4,661
Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In 
Afghanistan: 1,378

How many Afghans killed? And Pakistanis? Obama's ratcheting it up in 
Afghanistan and Pakistan, and he's NOT winding Iraq down - more 
"private contractors" (mercenaries) are being moved in than US troops 
are being moved out.

Somehow I think a lot more people than that have died because of 9/11.

Will this just go on and on happening until the real truth about 9/11 
finally emerges and perhaps upsets some applecarts that very badly 
need upsetting? Or will the truth never emerge and the killing never 


>Lastly, perhaps most importantly for me, the "tinyurl" tip was much
>appreesh. However, my technique probably needs some further honing as it
>didn't work for me, as per examples. Will go back to the drawing board.

Keep at it, you'll get there.

All best


>-Original Message-

Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-13 Thread bmolloy
Thanks Keith,
  Snipurl does the trick. As for the rest, your summing up is
superb. We know the planes hits the towers. That's about it and no-one in
government is interested in exposing the dirty tricks brigade (though Sibel
Edmonds might just come through).

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Keith Addison
Sent: Sunday, 13 September 2009 8:58 a.m.
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States
9/11 was Staged Event

Hi Bob


Here you go:



I prefer Snipurl, but they both work well.

>Hi Keith/Bruno et al,
>Your points well taken, n'less the smell seems to
>growing hence the website above.
>Re posting "big items": wasn't aware we suffered a space shortage.

No space shortage, I think Bruno meant "big" in the sense of weighty 
or troublesome. Actually there is a size limit on messages, it's set 
at 100 kb, not very small.

>As for
>the pros and cons of the issue, the title of the thread suggested the
>bunfight was far from over hence my additional tuppence worth. I'm still
>sitting on the fence and hoping someone, somewhere will provide a
>answer. I've yet to see it.

That's right, sad to say. I doubt there'll be a breakthrough any time 
soon. A Mother Jones writer pointed out that this is the first 9/11 
anniversary "when the country is no longer being run by those who so 
cynically exploited horror and legitimate anger". 

Not to presume that the current bunch are above cynically exploiting 
horror and legitimate anger, but a lot of the steam might go out of 
it with Bush-Cheney no longer in the hot seat.

I'd like to see an update of the 2006 Scripps poll:

>"Third of Americans suspect 9-11 government conspiracy", 08/01/2006 

Earlier polls put it much higher than a third - some reported that as 
many as 89% thought the government was lying or complicit (CNN poll, 

But there's less pressure now, there might not be an updated poll, 
and if there is one the figures could be lower.

The protesters, if that's the word, have failed to build up the kind 
of mass movement that might have forced a serious re-examination of 
what happened, and it's rather unlikely that Obama will take the 
initiative in questioning the official version.

Though I hope not, it could just wind down to a core of diehards who 
go on and on thumping away about thermite dust and Building 7 and 
Mossad and so on and everybody else takes about as much notice as 
they do of all the other conspiracy theories, like who killed the 
Kennedys (Bill Moyers just said conspiracy theories are as American 
as apple pie).

>  n'less the smell seems to be growing...

I think we have good news noses, you and I, and smell is the right 
word for this - the whole thing stinks, it did right from the start. 
I simply don't believe anything beyond the bald facts, that the jets 
hit the buildings, everything else is just "murk and suspicion" - the 
conspiracists get the murk, and everything official gets the 

Meanwhile the death toll keeps mounting - 2,752 at the WTC itself, 
and these are the current ICH figures:

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq - 1,339,771
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially 
acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 4,661
Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In 
Afghanistan: 1,378

How many Afghans killed? And Pakistanis? Obama's ratcheting it up in 
Afghanistan and Pakistan, and he's NOT winding Iraq down - more 
"private contractors" (mercenaries) are being moved in than US troops 
are being moved out.

Somehow I think a lot more people than that have died because of 9/11.

Will this just go on and on happening until the real truth about 9/11 
finally emerges and perhaps upsets some applecarts that very badly 
need upsetting? Or will the truth never emerge and the killing never 


>Lastly, perhaps most importantly for me, the "tinyurl" tip was much
>appreesh. However, my technique probably needs some further honing as it
>didn't work for me, as per examples. Will go back to the drawing board.

Keep at it, you'll get there.

All best


>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
>Keith Addison
>Sent: Friday, 11 September 2009 7:21 a.m.
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically
>9/11 was Staged Event

Re: [Biofuel] magnetic field on aluminum

2009-09-13 Thread doug
Kirk McLoren wrote:
> Any idea why this difference? In the eddy current equations there is nothing 
> about polarity
the reason is given in the comments below the video, having to do with 
the earth's magnetic fields...

The actual cause of this effect was later determined to be the Earth's 
magnetic field.
Because I live around 45 degrees north latitude, the magnet pull on the 
north magnets pole is mainly downward toward the ground. This additional 
pull is very strong and simply causes the? north pole of the magnet to 
tend to rotate downward more than the south pole.
This effect would change depending on where you live on the Earth.

Contentment comes not from having more, but from wanting less.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

All generalizations are false.  Including this one.

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This email is constructed entirely with OpenSource Software.

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[Biofuel] magnetic field on aluminum

2009-09-13 Thread Kirk McLoren

Any idea why this difference? In the eddy current equations there is nothing 
about polarity
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