Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-17 Thread Chris Burck
would that be the original publication of the study?  no.  i first
heard of it on a program called 'ring of fire', hosted by robert f.
kennedy, jr. and mike papantonio.  i've heard them a few times, they
seem to do good work.  anyway, they spent an hour on the topic.  i
then heard another program which discussed it, but can't remember
which one that might have been.  anyway, by that point i'd sort had my
fill of it, so to speak.  that mythmaking 101 is an interesting little
article.  will have to make an effort to read barthes at some point.

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Re: [Biofuel] Black light energy

2009-09-17 Thread Chris Burck
i believe that would be white dark inertia. 

On 9/17/09, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>their "product" was evaluated (spring of this year, iinm) by a new
>>jersey university, and according to them it indeed does what ble
>>claims.  even so, it does seem a bit 'star trek'.  it should be noted
>>ble apparently insisted on supplying the catalyst in the university
>>test, rather than allow it to be independently sourced (though they
>>didn't prevent the univ. from evaluating the catalyst material
> What if you switched it off, would you have white dark?
> Keith
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Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-17 Thread Keith Addison
>yeah, that was a very interesting study.  it got some play on the
>alternative radio over here when it was published.  there was one
>individual who suggested that more investigation was needed such as,
>for starters, a duplication of the study built around a
>"left-wing/liberal big lie" (as opposed to the
>"right-wing/conservative big lie" of the original study).  would it
>reinforce the findings of the first study?  or would it point instead
>to the possibility that inflexibility and intolerance are in some way
>inherent to being politically conservative (iirc, according to this
>individual it has something to do with right-brain vs. left-brain

:-) Everybody who can't think of any examples of a "left-wing/liberal 
big lie" please step to the, uh, left...

Here's someone who thinks he suffers from such a thing:

Mythmaking 101: Why Millions Have Bought into 'Death Panel' Propaganda
By Kenny Smith, Religion Dispatches
Posted on September 17, 2009, Printed on September 17, 2009

... "Supporters such as myself, for instance, often claim with 
considerable confidence that current legislation will make 
high-quality health care available to everyone, bring medical costs 
under control, end unethical practices among insurers, and move 
American society toward a more humane position.

"While not as vitriolic [as the howling monkeys], I suspect a similar 
kind of mythmaking is at work here. We have drained away much of the 
specific language of the bill, and imported into it the things we 
value (e.g., a society that looks more like that of the Western 
European societies Michael Moore shows us in Sicko). Hence there 
exists some tension between our own mythological construct and the 
actual bill. Finally, we may be more interested in our own health 
care myths than in the stark realities of the actual health care 
system. Indeed, I found Sicko to be quite inspiring, and it is 
tempting to spend my energies contemplating my health care myths at 
the expense of health care legislation realities." [more]

I read Barthes' Mythologies ages ago, I'd quite forgotten it. FYI you 
can download it here, if you register:

You didn't happen across a copy of the Sociological Inquiry article, 
did you Chris?



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Re: [Biofuel] Black light energy

2009-09-17 Thread Keith Addison
>their "product" was evaluated (spring of this year, iinm) by a new
>jersey university, and according to them it indeed does what ble
>claims.  even so, it does seem a bit 'star trek'.  it should be noted
>ble apparently insisted on supplying the catalyst in the university
>test, rather than allow it to be independently sourced (though they
>didn't prevent the univ. from evaluating the catalyst material

What if you switched it off, would you have white dark?


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[Biofuel] best and worst cell phones -brain cancer

2009-09-17 Thread Kirk McLoren

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Re: [Biofuel] Black light energy

2009-09-17 Thread Chris Burck
their "product" was evaluated (spring of this year, iinm) by a new
jersey university, and according to them it indeed does what ble
claims.  even so, it does seem a bit 'star trek'.  it should be noted
ble apparently insisted on supplying the catalyst in the university
test, rather than allow it to be independently sourced (though they
didn't prevent the univ. from evaluating the catalyst material

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Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Vitamin D may protect against the flu

2009-09-17 Thread Keith Addison
>this suggests to me that people need to go outside in short sleeves 
>without sunblock for a couple hours a day and friggin DO SOMETHING!!
>oh, wait...studies show you'll die of skin cancer if you go out in the sun!
>to those studies, i say bull.
>skin is the body's biggest vitamin D producer- as long as theres 
>sunlight on it.
>vitamin D has also been proven to help the body maintain bone structure.
>(its in the second paragraph of the intro)
>a lot of heart and weight problems could most likely be attributed 
>to staying inside doing nothing as well.
>hmm. flu, obesity, heart disease, bone damage. four birds, one 
>stone? naah- it just seems too easy and under-medicated.

Especially the last. You'd be wiping out four entire areas of major 
drugs sales, you wouldn't want that to happen, the heavens forfend. 
If ordinary people started going outside more and getting some 
sunshine and exercise we'd run the risk that they might actually get 
healthy. But, as we know, there's no profit in healthy people - you'd 
be putting the whole economy at risk, downright irresponsible 
suggestion, IMHO. As these more scientific studies show:

"The Billionaires' motto is: 'If we're not broke, don't fix it.'"
Billionaires Thank Tea-Baggers at Glenn Beck's March on Washington
By Chuck Collins, AlterNet. Posted September 14, 2009.

Video version: Let's Save the Status Quo

An Inconvenient Truth for the GOP: Canada's System is Better
by Eugene Lang and Philip DeMont
Published on Tuesday, September 15, 2009 by Globe and Mail

Fortunately, however, the altruistic donations that PhRMA 
 and its members make so generously to the PR 
industry every year helps to fund a program of full-spectrum 
domination  (Mainstream Media Message Massage) that keeps the 
great unwashed - uh, sorry, I mean We, the People, thoroughly 
besotted. Sorry, informed.



>>  Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 15:31:52 -0700
>>  Subject: [Biofuel] Fw: Vitamin D may protect against the flu
>>  D3 is the D of interest
>>  Kirk
>>  --- On Wed, 9/16/09, denvernaturopathic wrote:
>>  From: denvernaturopathic
>>  Subject: Vitamin D may protect against the flu
>>  Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 2:24 PM
>>  Vitamin D and that Flu thing:
>>  Jacob Schor ND FABNO
>>  September 16, 2009
>>  As most of you are well aware from past newsletters, I believe 
>>that there is compelling evidence to thing the seasonality of flu 
>>outbreaks can be linked to seasonal fluctuations in vitamin D 
>>status in individuals. Vitamin D levels are at their highest in 
>>late summer and early fall and at their lowest in late winter and 
>>early spring. These fluctuations correspond exactly with incidence 
>>of flu infections.
>>  To this point we have not seen anything published in the peer 
>>reviewed literature suggesting that adequate vitamin D levels are 
>>protective against the H1N1 strain of influenza. We have assumed it 
>>will be but until there is proof, doubt remains. Thus it is with 
>>interest that I read an email from John Cannell, MD just now. Dr. 
>>Cannell forwarded and email from Norris Glick, MD who describes the 
>>experience of the Central Wisconsin Center (CWC) and extended care 
>>  The CWC is home for 275 residents. There are approximately 800 
>>staff that work at the facility caring for the residents. The 
>>vitamin D levels of the residents are tested regularly the 
>>residents receive oral supplements to maintain adequate levels. In 
>>June 2009 two residents of CWC developed influenza like illness and 
>>positive for the H1N1 flu. These were the only two residents to get 
>>sick. On the other hand when it came to the staff who were not 
>>monitored for vitamin D levels, 103 got sick. I⤁ll paste Dr. 
>>Glick⤁s letter below
>  >
>>  Granted that this data is not published in a peer reviewed journal 
>>but it certainly makes me pay attention. Dr. Cannell maintains a 
>>website about vitamin D and sends out random newsletters. You can 
>>sign up for Dr. Cannell⤁s newsletter at his website:
>>  Dear Dr. Cannell:
>>  Your recent newsletters and video about Swine flu (H1N1) prompted 
>>me to convey our recent experience with an H1N1 outbreak at Central 
>>Wisconsin Center (CWC). Unfortunately, the state epidemiologist was 
>>not interested in studying it further so I pass it on to you since 
>>I think it is noteworthy.
>>  CWC is a long-term care facility for people with developmental 
>>disabilities, home for approx. 275 people with approx. 800 staff. 

Re: [Biofuel] paint that saves energy

2009-09-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've search in big hardware stores in Italy but none knows about it.
roberto-- Initial Header ---

To  :
Cc  : 
Date  : Wed, 16 Sep 2009 21:44:36 +0900
Subject : Re: [Biofuel] paint that saves energy

>Is our friend still on the list that moved to Spain after retirement?
>Would like some info on the paint he wrote about.

Doesn't ring a bell, needs more for a search, any more hints? Quite a 
few members in Spain.

>Every law not based on wisdom is a menace to society.

Indeed, but then what's wisdom? The opposite of low cunning, would that do?

"Wisdom is the domain of the Wis (which is extinct)." - Frank Zappa




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Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Vitamin D may protect against the flu

2009-09-17 Thread Les Smith
; Glick’s letter below
> >
> > Granted that this data is not published in a peer reviewed journal but it
> certainly makes me pay attention. Dr. Cannell maintains a website about
> vitamin D and sends out random newsletters. You can sign up for Dr.
> Cannell’s newsletter at his website:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Dear Dr. Cannell:
> >
> > Your recent newsletters and video about Swine flu (H1N1) prompted me to
> convey our recent experience with an H1N1 outbreak at Central Wisconsin
> Center (CWC). Unfortunately, the state epidemiologist was not interested in
> studying it further so I pass it on to you since I think it is noteworthy.
> >
> > CWC is a long-term care facility for people with developmental
> disabilities, home for approx. 275 people with approx. 800 staff. Serum
> 25-OHD has been monitored in virtually all residents for several years and
> patients supplemented with vitamin D.
> >
> > In June, 2009, at the time of the well-publicized Wisconsin spike in H1N1
> cases, two residents developed influenza-like illness (ILI) and had positive
> tests for H1N1: one was a long-term resident; the other, a child, was
> transferred to us with what was later proven to be H1N1.
> >
> > On the other hand, 60 staff members developed ILI or were documented to
> have H1N1: of 17 tested for ILI, eight were positive. An additional 43 staff
> members called in sick with ILI. (Approx. 11-12 staff developed ILI after
> working on the unit where the child was given care, several of whom had
> positive H1N1 tests.)
> >
> > So, it is rather remarkable that only two residents of 275 developed ILI,
> one of which did not develop it here, while 103 of 800 staff members had
> ILI. It appears that the spread of H1N1 was not from staff-to-resident but
> from resident-to-staff (most obvious in the imported case) and between
> staff, implying that staff were susceptible and our residents protected.
> >
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Norris Glick, MD
> > Central Wisconsin Center
> > Madison, WI
> >
> >
> > 
> >
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