Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-20 Thread Keith Addison
Brilliant Chris, you found it. How did you manage to get in there? 
Wileys always shuts me out.

Sociological Inquiry
Volume 79, Issue 2, Pages 142-162
Published Online: 13 Mar 2009

There Must Be a Reason: Osama, Saddam, and Inferred Justification

Monica Prasad 1 , Andrew J. Perrin 2 , Kieran Bezila 1 , Steve G. 
Hoffman 3 , Kate Kindleberger 1 , Kim Manturuk 2 and Ashleigh Smith 
Powers 4
1 Northwestern University
2 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
3 University at Buffalo, State University of New York (SUNY)
4 Millsaps College


One of the most curious aspects of the 2004 presidential election was 
the strength and resilience of the belief among many Americans that 
Saddam Hussein was linked to the terrorist attacks of September 11. 
Scholars have suggested that this belief was the result of a campaign 
of false information and innuendo from the Bush administration. We 
call this the information environment explanation. Using a technique 
of challenge interviews on a sample of voters who reported 
believing in a link between Saddam and 9/11, we propose instead a 
social psychological explanation for the belief in this link. We 
identify a number of social psychological mechanisms voters use to 
maintain false beliefs in the face of disconfirming information, and 
we show that for a subset of voters the main reason to believe in the 
link was that it made sense of the administration's decision to go to 
war against Iraq. We call this inferred justification: for these 
voters, the fact of the war led to a search for a justification for 
it, which led them to infer the existence of ties between Iraq and 


Nice terms... disconfirming information, aka inconvenient truths 
(which has become a spinners' term), motivational reasoning, ie 
cherry-picking the facts to fit the belief. Useful study, but a 
little odd, as if they're working in a sort of vacuum. They study the 
effects without seeking the cause or asking how or why it's done, as 
if it's self-administered, just something that happens to people, 
like catching a cold. That it's not, it's the product of a massive 
industry worth trillions. A strangely invisible industry, how 

ok, i googled SI, did a search of their website and found the article.
  i'm pretty sure it's the one paul roberts is referring to.  it dates
from 13 March of this year, so wonder whether it isn't another
exercise entirely from the one i heard about.  it was over a year ago,
sometime in 2007 i think.  you make a good point about liberal big
lies.  it's something i've given some thought to.  clearly they must
exist (though, in the u.s.a., there are certain semantic issues with
the category left/liberal, rather more so than with

How about New Right/conservative? I don't think right/conservative 
used to include the likes of what Robert called the howling monkeys, 
aka the violently ignorant (both factors induced). I suppose it did 
include the likes of the KKK, but I don't think they howl, do they? 
On the other hand, Rush Limbaugh just said we need to move forward to 
segretated buses. :-(

Liberal is a bit of an awkward term, things like neo-liberal 
economics and trade liberalisation give it a bad press, and the 
libertarians muddy it some more. Leftwingers in the US often talk of 
progressives. As opposed to what, regressives? And left of what? I 
don't think the centre is in the same place in the US as elsewhere. 
Maybe the left needs a rebrand. At least a Nazi can say he's a Nazi 
and nobody's in any doubt about what it means. Leftwing? Are you a 
socialist? Are you a communist? (That's what John Bolton asked John 
Pilger after an interview in which Pilger confronted him with what 
There Must Be a Reason calls correct answers.) Or, are you a 
socialist fascist? (A whole new species, must be a GMO.)

I wonder how many liberals also believe the rightwing myth that the 
mainstream US media have a liberal bias etc. The aberrant mythology 
on the right doesn't necessarily stay on the right. The right's 
spinmeisters are much more savvy (very smart dumb guys) - well, just 
savvy, the left doesn't really have spinmeisters as such, and it's 
not very good at dealing with spin. Even if the spin itself bounces 
off a leftie, it's often the other side that gets to set the terms of 
the debate anyway: take it up and you've already lost. The left tends 
to be so steeped in its intellect and facts and stuff that they can't 
resist. But, as There Must Be a Reason says, it's not a discussion 
(information environment), it's emotional (social psychological), 
the facts aren't important. Very dumb smart guys, blind to low 

So everybody's being dumb in one way or the other: the left is 
outmanoeuvred to a virtual standstill, and supporters of the right 
play into the hands of folks (?) who do not have their best interests 
at heart.


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Re: [Biofuel] U. S. Head of Military Intelligence Publically States 9/11 was Staged Event

2009-09-20 Thread Chris Burck
lol, i don't know.  normally, i can't get anywhere at science
publication websites either.  it's possible, and i meant to mention
this when i posted the url, that they gave it to me because there was
a link for some sort of free subscription whereby you could get access
to a large number of SI's issues.  so perhaps this article fits that
category and, though i didn't bother with the freebie, the server saw
no reason not to give me the article.  i can try and retrace my steps
if you want, just let me know.

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