[Biofuel] ANALYSIS-Canadian aboriginals dig in as pipeline decision nears | Reuters

2013-12-23 Thread Darryl McMahon
http://in.reuters.com/article/2013/12/23/enbridge-northerngateway-idINL2N0JZ1P820131223 [Note: 'the favorable recommendation by the Joint Review Panel of energy and environment regulators' included over 200 specific conditions, including a real spill response plan - something that will be rev

[Biofuel] NSA Program Stopped No Terror Attacks, Says White House Panel Member

2013-12-23 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article37174.htm NSA Program Stopped No Terror Attacks, Says White House Panel Member By Michael Isikoff December 20, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "NBC News" - A member of the White House review panel on NSA surveillance said he was "absolutely"

[Biofuel] Conservative Donors Pump $1 Billion A Year Into Climate Denying Groups, Study Finds

2013-12-23 Thread Keith Addison
Conservative Donors Pump $1 Billion A Year Into Climate Denying Groups, Study Finds BY KILEY KROH ON DECEMBER 22, 2013 Organizations that actively block efforts to address climate change are funded by a la

[Biofuel] Can the Cost of Solar in the U.S. Compete with Germany?

2013-12-23 Thread Jake Kruger
Can the Cost of Solar in the U.S. Compete with Germany? RMI’s new report with Georgia Tech details U.S. installation cost reduction opportunities by Coben Calhoun and Jesse Morris http://blog.rmi.org/blog_2013_12_05_can_usa_solar_cost_compete_with_germany [lots of links and graphs in the online

[Biofuel] Scrap Ontario’s Biodiesel Proposal, OTA Urges | News | Today's Trucking

2013-12-23 Thread Darryl McMahon
http://www.todaystrucking.com/scrap-ontarios-biodiesel-proposal-ota-urges [currently, the 'Tories' (Progressive Conservative Party) are not the government, but the major opposition party in Ontario] Scrap Ontario’s Biodiesel Proposal, OTA Urges Posted: Dec 22, 2013 11:33 AM | Last Updated: Dec

[Biofuel] Federal government gave energy firms $400M to go green

2013-12-23 Thread Darryl McMahon
http://www.leaderpost.com/technology/Federal+government+gave+energy+firms+400M+green/9316877/story.html Federal government gave energy firms $400M to go green By Mike De Souza, Postmedia News December 23, 2013 Canadian taxpayers have given more than $400 million to some large oil, gas and pipe

[Biofuel] User-friendly device to fight water pollution

2013-12-23 Thread Darryl McMahon
http://my.news.yahoo.com/user-friendly-device-fight-water-pollution-151514619.html User-friendly device to fight water pollution WASTE cooking oil is a serious hazard to the environment, causing pollution to waterways and clogging municipal drainage systems. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysi