[Biofuel] The Non Zero-Sum Society: How the Rich Are Destroying the US Economy

2013-02-01 Thread Keith Addison
Obama Admin. Fails to Prosecute Banking Fraud to 'Save the System' January 29, 2013 Who Runs The World? Solid Proof That A Core Group Of Wealthy Elitists Is Pulling The Strings By Michae

[Biofuel] American Military Power - Interview with William Blum

2013-02-01 Thread Keith Addison
The Real Invasion of Africa is Not News and a Licence to Lie is Hollywood's Gift By John Pilger January 31, 2013 http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33773.htm Why America's Middle East Policy is Doomed By Chuck Spinney January 31, 2013 http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article

[Biofuel] Groups: Beware Call for a 'Greener Revolution' From 'Purveyor of Poison'

2013-02-01 Thread Keith Addison
Don't Put a Fork in It: On the Perils of Genetically Engineered Salmon Despite consumer opposition, the FDA is one step away from approving the 'frankenfish' by Wenonah Hauter Published on Wednesday, January 30, 2013 by OtherWords http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/30-8 Biotech Giants Bat

[Biofuel] A question of Chinese sovereignty

2013-02-01 Thread Keith Addison
The Philippines takes South China Sea dispute to UN tribunal By Joseph Santolan 31 January 2013 http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2013/01/31/phil-j31.html --0-- A question of Chinese sovere

[Biofuel] The Surprising Connection Between Food and Fracking

2013-02-01 Thread Keith Addison
Keep Dirty Oil Out of New England Published on Tuesday, January 29, 2013 by The Boston Globe http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/29-12 David vs. Goliath: Keystone XL Multinational Bullies Pipeline Protestors into Settlement Tar sands activists vow to keep fighting despite repressive tactic

[Biofuel] Sea Shepherd intercepts whaling fleet before Southern Ocean hunt

2013-02-01 Thread Keith Addison
New Permit Would Allow Navy to Harm Millions of Marine Animals More than 31 million instances of harm are anticipated January 29, 2013 Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) http://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2013/01/29-8 Coral Reef Will Serve as Industrial 'Operating Table' for US Naval Ship

[Biofuel] Obama's Non-closing of GITMO and US Government Irony

2013-02-01 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33764.htm Obama's Non-closing of GITMO and US Government Irony The excuse used to justify Obama's failure to close GITMO is incomplete and misleading. Plus: multiple other items By Glenn Greenwald January 30, 2013 " The Guardian" - - A few (rel

[Biofuel] Hagel supports nuclear arms cuts, then elimination

2013-02-01 Thread Keith Addison
Here Is a List of Extremists Who Agree With Chuck Hagel on Ending Nukes By Adam Weinstein Tue Jan. 29, 2013 --0--

[Biofuel] Brookings' Bruce Riedel Urges Intensified US Support for Saudi Despots

2013-01-30 Thread Keith Addison
Revolution in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? The overthrow of the Saudi royals is finally a possibility. In an excerpt from a new Brookings Institution briefing book for Obama's second term, Bruce Riedel on what a catastrophe it would be for Obama. By Bruce Riedel January 29, 2013 "Daily Beast" h

[Biofuel] Israel: Iran slowing nuclear program, won't have bomb before 2015

2013-01-30 Thread Keith Addison
Who Spread Reports of an 'Explosion' at Iran's Fordow Nuclear Plant and Why? According to the report, the explosion in Fordow seriously damaged many of the centrifuges in the plant and trapped underground 240 employees who have yet to be rescued. But if this is true, why have the major news net

[Biofuel] To End Extreme Poverty, Let's Try Ending Extreme Wealth

2013-01-30 Thread Keith Addison
US Treasury rubber-stamps bonus requests from bailed-out firms By Andre Damon and Barry Grey 30 January 2013 http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2013/01/30/tarp-j30.html Who Owns The Federal Reserve? The Fed is privately owned. Its shareholders are private banks By Ellen Brown Global Research, Januar

[Biofuel] Is UK Defense Contractor Planning Syrian WMD False Flag?

2013-01-30 Thread Keith Addison
With No Foreign Meddling, Syrian War Over in 2 Weeks - Assad 28/01/2013 MOSCOW, January 28 (RIA Novosti) http://en.rian.ru/world/20130128/179090168.html Assad: We Regained the Upper Hand Published Monday, January 28, 2013 http://english.al-akhbar.com/node/14786/ --0-- http://www.informationclea

[Biofuel] Hidden Agenda behind America's War on Africa: Containing China by "Fighting Al-Qaeda"

2013-01-30 Thread Keith Addison
Report: US Shops for New Drone Base in Africa 'US now considers North Africa to be a theater in the never-ending, non-declared war on terror' - Jon Queally, staff writer Published on Monday, January 28, 2013 by Common Dreams http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/28-6 Drone Wars: Ethics o

[Biofuel] You Ain't Gonna Frack Near Maggie's Farm: Action Blockades Shell Site

2013-01-30 Thread Keith Addison
Idle No More declares wave of protests in 30 Canadian cities Monday BY NATALIE STECHYSON, POSTMEDIA NEWS JANUARY 28, 2013 Neoliberalism No More: Making Common Cause to Defeat the Harpe

[Biofuel] Department of Energy Wants to Let Radioactive Scrap Metal Back into Consumer Products

2013-01-30 Thread Keith Addison
Department of Energy Wants to Let Radioactive Scrap Metal Back into Consumer Products Government to Dispose of Radioactive Waste By Putting It In Our Silverware By Wash

[Biofuel] The Poison We Never Talk About in School - Coal

2013-01-30 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/28-2 Published on Monday, January 28, 2013 by Zinn Education Project The Poison We Never Talk About in School Coal. by Bill Bigelow The most dangerous substance in the world is barely mentioned in the school curriculum. Coal. According to the Intern

[Biofuel] Pentagon's new massive expansion of 'cyber-security' unit is about everything except defense

2013-01-30 Thread Keith Addison
Pentagon's new massive expansion of 'cyber-security' unit is about everything except defense Cyber-threats are the new pretext to justify expansion of power and profit for the public-private Nation

[Biofuel] Anti-Japan propaganda has handcuffed Beijing

2013-01-30 Thread Keith Addison
New arms race in East Asia BY MICHAEL RICHARDSON JAN 28, 2013 Government aims to compile steps in March to protect Japanese overseas KYODO JAN 30, 2013

[Biofuel] Kiriakou and Stuxnet: The Danger of the Still-Escalating Obama Whistleblower War

2013-01-28 Thread Keith Addison
Former CIA agent responsible for torture revelations sentenced to prison By Tom Carter 28 January 2013 http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2013/01/28/ciaw-j28.html 'Assange effectively denied opportunity to enjoy asylum' - Ecuadorian FM Published: 27 January, 2013 http://rt.com/news/ecuador-patino-in

[Biofuel] Economist Stern: 'I Got It Wrong on Climate Change-It's Far, Far Worse'

2013-01-28 Thread Keith Addison
What's striking to me is that in just about every serious, non-denialist study that's been reported over the last 12 years or so, whether of dying glaciers in the Andes or Arctic ice or whatever, the reseachers so often say that their findings are worse than they thought they'd be, it's happeni

[Biofuel] With New Constitution, Post-Collapse Iceland Inches Toward Direct Democracy

2013-01-28 Thread Keith Addison
With New Constitution, Post-Collapse Iceland Inches Toward Direct Democracy Sunday, 27 January 2013 07:10 By Sam Knight, Truthout | News Analysis When the global financial system c

[Biofuel] Vietnam: Resistance, Regret and Redemption

2013-01-28 Thread Keith Addison
Vietnam: Resistance, Regret and Redemption Sunday, 27 January 2013 07:06 By H Patricia Hynes, Truthout | Op-Ed The Paris Peace Accords were signed on January 27, 1973, making possible a re-united Vietnam, but t

[Biofuel] Zero Dark Mali

2013-01-28 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/OA26Ak02.html Zero Dark Mali By Pepe Escobar Jan 26, 2013 God morning, Vietnam! No, sorry, that was another quagmire. The soundtrack then was Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane, Motown and Stax. Now it's Goood morning, Mali! Yet the soundtrack

[Biofuel] Only Three Choices for Afghan Endgame: Compromise, Conflict, or Collapse

2013-01-28 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/28-3 Published on Monday, January 28, 2013 by TomDispatch.com Only Three Choices for Afghan Endgame: Compromise, Conflict, or Collapse Counting down to 2014 by Ann Jones KABUL, Afghanistan - Compromise, conflict, or collapse: ask an Afghan what to exp

[Biofuel] Krugman's worn-out ideas for Japan don't fly

2013-01-28 Thread Keith Addison
LDP's No. 2 backs rescue missions Ishiba takes shot at SDF weapons curb KYODO, JIJI JAN 28, 2013 Nearly three-quarters back SDF rescues abroad Support for Abe Cabinet hits 66% KYODO JAN 28,

[Biofuel] Obama's New Appointments Prove that He Will Continue to "Lick Wall Street's Boots"

2013-01-27 Thread Keith Addison
Choice of Mary Jo White to Head SEC Puts Fox In Charge of Hen House by Matt Taibbi Published on Friday, January 25, 2013 by Rolling Stone http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/25-5 Obama names ex-federal prosecutor with Wall Street ties to head SEC By Barry Grey 26 January 2013 http://www.wsws

[Biofuel] Proliferation of Armed Drones for "Global Security": Will the UN Drone Inquiry Get to the Heart of the matter?

2013-01-27 Thread Keith Addison
UN Launches Major Investigation into Civilian Drone Deaths By Chris Woods Global Research, January 26, 2013 The Bureau of Investigative Journalism --0--

[Biofuel] Japan's currency war

2013-01-27 Thread Keith Addison
Businessweek: World 'Plunges Into Currency War' Friday, 25 Jan 2013 By Dan Weil The unloved dollar standard BY RONALD MCKINNON JAN 25, 2013 PALO, ALTO CALIFORNIA

[Biofuel] New Report Shows Extent of 'Kochtopus' Empire of Climate Denial

2013-01-27 Thread Keith Addison
Exclusive: Billionaires secretly fund attacks on climate science Audit trail reveals that donors linked to fossil fuel industry are backing global warming sceptics By Steve Connor January 25, 2013 "The Independent" http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33714.htm --0-- http://www.comm

[Biofuel] A Terrible Normality: The Massacres and Aberrations of History

2013-01-27 Thread Keith Addison
A Terrible Normality: The Massacres and Aberrations of History Through much of history the abnormal has been the norm By Michael Parenti Global Research, January 27, 2013 Dandelion Salad Thro

[Biofuel] The New Mediterranean Oil and Gas Bonanza

2013-01-27 Thread Keith Addison
The New Mediterranean Oil and Gas Bonanza Part II: Rising energy tensions in the Aegean-Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Syria By F. William Engdahl Global Research, January 27, 2013 Global Research, 3 March 2012 The disco

[Biofuel] Terrorism and Non-Conventional Warfare: France, Qatar, and the New World Disorder

2013-01-27 Thread Keith Addison
Qatar, Sponsor of Islamist Political Movements, Major Ally of America Qatar and U.S.: Collusion or Conflict of Interest? By Nicola Nasser Global Research, January 23, 2013 --0--

[Biofuel] Mass protests against Mursi mark second anniversary of Egyptian Revolution

2013-01-27 Thread Keith Addison
Two years of the Egyptian Revolution 25 January 2013 http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2013/01/25/pers-j25.html Fierce Police Backlash Signals 'Long Night' Ahead in Tahrir Square Scores injured and fatalities reported: 'The police are behaving the same as they did during the Mubarak years' Publis

[Biofuel] Reclaiming Our Imaginations from 'There Is No Alternative'

2013-01-27 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/25-2 Published on Friday, January 25, 2013 by Common Dreams Reclaiming Our Imaginations from 'There Is No Alternative' by Andrea Brower We live in a time of heavy fog. A time when, though many of us dissent and resist, humanity seems committed to a cou

[Biofuel] From the Algerian Terror to Al Qaeda Meets Mali: West's Hidden Agenda and One Big Mess

2013-01-27 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/25-10 Published on Friday, January 25, 2013 by WhoWhatWhy.com From the Algerian Terror to Al Qaeda Meets Mali: West's Hidden Agenda and One Big Mess by Victor Kotsev When it comes to unfamiliar, far-off places, we trust our mainstream media to tell u

[Biofuel] Foul Play in the Senate

2013-01-27 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/25-8 Published on Friday, January 25, 2013 by Common Dreams Foul Play in the Senate by Bill Moyers and Michael Winship The inauguration of a president is one of those spectacles of democracy that can make us remember we're part of something big and en

[Biofuel] Seventy Years of Nuclear Fission, Thousands of Centuries of Nuclear Waste

2013-01-27 Thread Keith Addison
More Threats From Fracking: Radioactive Waste Pennsylvania's DEP begins study on radioactivity from oil, gas development; follows other studies showing high levels of radium, boron Published on Friday, January 25, 2013 by Common Dreams http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/25-6 --0-- <

[Biofuel] North Korea threatens "all-out action" against U.S.

2013-01-26 Thread Keith Addison
Putting Pyongyang's gulags on the world's radar BY JARED GENSER THE WASHINGTON POST JAN 23, 2013 Chronology of U.S.-North Korean Nuclear and Missile Diplomacy Press Contact: Dar

[Biofuel] War on Terror Forever

2013-01-26 Thread Keith Addison
Mali: The Fastest Blowback Yet in This Disastrous War on Terror French intervention in Mali will fuel terrorism, but the west's buildup in Africa is also driven by the struggle for resources by Seumas Milne Published on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 by The Guardian/UK http://www.commondreams.org/v

[Biofuel] From Walden to the White House: Why Climate Change Demands Civil Disobedience

2013-01-26 Thread Keith Addison
Climate Crisis Pushes Sierra Club to End Civil Disobedience Ban After 120 years of using 'lawful means,' group's executive director says 'time is running out' to stop climate disaster Published on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 by Common Dreams http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/23-2 Glo

[Biofuel] Shinzo Abe's quantitative easing: Japan can have a 'free lunch' and eat it too

2013-01-26 Thread Keith Addison
Shinzo Abe's quantitative easing: Japan can have a 'free lunch' and eat it too Economist Adam Posen is wrong: Japan can fund a stimulus without risk to its economy. The US and eurozone, take note Mark W

[Biofuel] Report: Chemicals Most Countries Ban Still Permitted in US Foods

2013-01-26 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/23-3 Published on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 by Common Dreams Report: Chemicals Most Countries Ban Still Permitted in US Foods Recent investigations highlight industry preference in FDA, expose frequent use of cheap and dangerous additives - Laur

[Biofuel] The really, really big picture: There isn't going to be enough net energy for the economic growth we want

2013-01-26 Thread Keith Addison
The really, really big picture: There isn't going to be enough net energy for the economic growth we want Posted Jan 18, 2013 by Chris Martenson [Many longtime followers of the Crash Course have asked Chris to

[Biofuel] Killer Compost Update: Herbicide Damage Still a Major Problem

2013-01-26 Thread Keith Addison
Killer Compost Update: Herbicide Damage Still a Major Problem Persistent herbicides continue to contaminate the compos

[Biofuel] Goldman Sach's Food Speculation Turns Global Hunger Into Wall Street Profit

2013-01-26 Thread Keith Addison
Goldman Sach's Food Speculation Turns Global Hunger Into Wall Street Profit Financial giant makes $400 million as high-risk commodity trading pushes already fragile food system to breaking point Published on Tuesday, January 22, 2013 by Common Dreams http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/

[Biofuel] Assange calls WikiLeaks film 'propaganda attack'

2013-01-26 Thread Keith Addison
http://rt.com/news/assange-wikileaks-propaganda-attack-619/ Assange calls WikiLeaks film 'propaganda attack' Published: 24 January, 2013 Julian Assange has lashed out at a Hollywood film about WikiLeaks, calling it "a massive propaganda attack" against the whistle blowing website, also accusi

[Biofuel] France sends troops to secure Niger uranium mines

2013-01-26 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2013/01/25/nige-j25.html France sends troops to secure Niger uranium mines By Bill Van Auken 25 January 2013 Barely two weeks after invading Mali with over 2,000 troops of the Foreign Legion, France has dispatched special forces troops to neighboring Niger to

[Biofuel] "Fire in the Blood": Millions Die in Africa After Big Pharma Blocks Imports of Generic AIDS Drugs

2013-01-26 Thread Keith Addison
"Fire in the Blood": Millions Die in Africa After Big Pharma Blocks Imports of Generic AIDS Drugs Thursday, 24 January 2013 12:59 By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now

[Biofuel] Mali, France, and Chickens

2013-01-22 Thread Keith Addison
Imperialist powers escalate war in Mali By Ernst Wolff 22 January 2013 http://wsws.org/en/articles/2013/01/22/mali-j22.html Western Powers Continue to Reap War on Terror's Blowback France: 'Our goal is the total reconquest of Mali' - Andrea Germanos, staff writer Cite terrorism, bomb, fuel terror

[Biofuel] US covers up Islamist involvement in Aleppo bombing

2013-01-22 Thread Keith Addison
http://wsws.org/en/articles/2013/01/22/syri-j22.html US covers up Islamist involvement in Aleppo bombing By Oliver Campbell 22 January 2013 Two bomb blasts at the University of Aleppo on January 15 killed at least 87 people, and wounded dozens more. The US State Department denounced the bomb

[Biofuel] Obama Inaugural Demagogy

2013-01-22 Thread Keith Addison
A Second Inaugural, A Second Conspiracy Monday, 21 January 2013 15:12 By Thom Hartmann and Sam Sacks, The Daily Take | Op-Ed 'Pedal to the Metal': Obama's Drone Program Escalates as Second Term Begins Published on Mo

[Biofuel] Canada and the US: The Shameless Bailout of the Auto Industry

2013-01-22 Thread Keith Addison
Canada and the US: The Shameless Bailout of the Auto Industry Subsidies and Concessions: The Never-Ending Corporate Shake-Down By Leo Panitch and Prof. Sam Gindin Global Research, January 22, 20

[Biofuel] Japan - 'Abenomics' out of the gate

2013-01-22 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.japantimes.co.jp/print/eo20130122a1.html 'Abenomics' out of the gate By KEVIN RAFFERTY Special to The Japan Times HONG KONG - Prime Minister Shinzo Abe would do well to consult professor Noriko Hama of Doshisha University. Asked by The Japan Times what the country needs, she repli

[Biofuel] Mineral dust sprinkled in oceans could absorb vast amounts of carbon: study

2013-01-22 Thread Keith Addison
Mineral dust sprinkled in oceans could absorb vast amounts of carbon: study Geoengineering method could reduce emissions but would require huge mining effort and alter balance of the oceans Damian Ca

[Biofuel] MLK's Vehement Condemnations of US Militarism are More Relevant Than Ever

2013-01-22 Thread Keith Addison
Martin Luther King Was a Radical, Not a Saint by Peter Dreier Published on Monday, January 21, 2013 by Common Dreams http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/21-2 MLK Injustice Index 2013: Racism, Materialism and Militarism in the US by Bill Quigley Published on Monday, January 21, 2013 by Common

[Biofuel] Aaron Was a Criminal and So Are You

2013-01-21 Thread Keith Addison
US attorney downplays vendetta against Internet pioneer Aaron Swartz By Eric London 21 January 2013 http://wsws.org/en/articles/2013/01/21/orti-j21.html The Institutionalization of Tyranny By Paul Craig Roberts January 20, 2013 http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33670.htm What the F

[Biofuel] Algeria hostage crisis ends in bloodbath

2013-01-21 Thread Keith Addison
Algeria: The Slaughter of the Good and Bad The real rulers in this country are a military who were "blooded" in a civil war that taught them to care as little for the innocent as they do for the guilty By Robert Fisk January 20, 2013 "The Independent" http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/ar

[Biofuel] The Iraq War "Surge" Myth Returns

2013-01-21 Thread Keith Addison
The Iraq War "Surge" Myth Returns Sunday, 20 January 2013 10:23 By Robert Parry, Consortium News | News Analysis At confirmation hearings for Defense Secretary-designate Chuck Hagel, Official Washington will reprise one of

[Biofuel] Obama's second inauguration

2013-01-21 Thread Keith Addison
http://wsws.org/en/articles/2013/01/21/pers-j21.html Obama's second inauguration 21 January 2013 Four years ago, close to 2 million people converged on Washington DC to witness the swearing in of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States. There were widespread illusions, not onl

[Biofuel] Fightback needed to defend the UK's National Health Service

2013-01-21 Thread Keith Addison
European Union demands further attacks on Ireland's public sector By Jordan Shilton 21 January 2013 http://wsws.org/en/articles/2013/01/21/irel-j21.html "This deliberate running down of staffing and resources is reaping a terrible human cost. Last year 43 NHS hospital patients starved to death.

[Biofuel] The Moral Torment of Leon Panetta

2013-01-21 Thread Keith Addison
CIA drone strikes will get pass in counterterrorism 'playbook,' officials say By Greg Miller, Ellen Nakashima and Karen DeYoung, Published: January 19

[Biofuel] Director Kathryn Bigelow defends her indefensible Zero Dark Thirty

2013-01-21 Thread Keith Addison
http://wsws.org/en/articles/2013/01/18/bige-j18.html Director Kathryn Bigelow defends her indefensible Zero Dark Thirty By David Walsh 18 January 2013 Director Kathryn Bigelow took to the pages of the Los Angeles Times Tuesday to defend her pro-CIA film Zero Dark Thirty which has provoked op

[Biofuel] Waking Up in Tehran

2013-01-21 Thread Keith Addison
http://truth-out.org/news/item/14027-waking-up-in-tehran Waking Up in Tehran Sunday, 20 January 2013 13:39 By David Swanson, WarIsACrime.org | News Analysis According to one theory, U.S.-Iranian relations began around November 1979 when a crowd of irrational religious nutcases violently seize

[Biofuel] Sky-High Radiation Found in Fukushima Fish

2013-01-21 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/18-2 Published on Friday, January 18, 2013 by Common Dreams Sky-High Radiation Found in Fukushima Fish Glaring contamination from nuclear disaster persists - Jacob Chamberlain, staff writer In the latest discovery revealing the ongoing and devastat

[Biofuel] The Extremist Cult of Capitalism

2013-01-21 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/21 Published on Monday, January 21, 2013 by Common Dreams The Extremist Cult of Capitalism by Paul Buchheit A 'cult,' according to Merriam-Webster, can be defined as "Great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work..(and)..a usually small

[Biofuel] Making Green A Threat Again

2013-01-21 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/20 Published on Sunday, January 20, 2013 by Common Dreams Making Green A Threat Again by Scott Parkin "The climate movement needs to have one hell of a comeback." -Naomi Klein The energy was there. It was an overcast spring morning in April 2011 in t

[Biofuel] Water Grabbing to Follow Food Speculation?

2013-01-21 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/19-3 Published on Saturday, January 19, 2013 by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy Water Grabbing to Follow Food Speculation? Where are the checks and balances? by Shiney Varghese Writing in National Geographic in December 2012 about "sma

[Biofuel] Newly Discovered 'Plastic Island' Shows Global Epidemic Worsening

2013-01-21 Thread Keith Addison
"They found something else too: minute shreds of plastic. In fact, they found more plastic than plankton - especially in the Antarctic." CBS Journey to the Antarctic Ocean A 70

[Biofuel] Japan, 140 countries adopt groundbreaking treaty to cut mercury emissions

2013-01-20 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.japantimes.co.jp/print/nn20130120a4.html Japan, 140 countries adopt groundbreaking treaty to cut mercury emissions AP, Kyodo GENEVA - More than 140 nations including Japan on Saturday adopted the first legally binding international treaty aimed at reducing mercury emissions, cappin

[Biofuel] Revolving Wars: Towards An Age of Constant and Perpetual Conflict

2013-01-20 Thread Keith Addison
NATO's War Plans For The High North. The Militarization of the Arctic Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea By Rick Rozoff Global Research, January 19, 2013 Stop NATO and Global Research 14 June 2009 King: I Have a Dream. Obama: I

[Biofuel] "The PirateBox": WiFi + USB Drive = Your Own Mini-Internet (Freedom)

2013-01-20 Thread Keith Addison
Hacktivism: Civil Disobedience or Cyber Crime? by Christie Thompson ProPublica, Jan. 18, 2013 --0-- "The PirateBox"

[Biofuel] Sins of Omissions: The United Nations Ignores Terrorism Within Syrian Rebel Organizations

2013-01-20 Thread Keith Addison
Sins of Omissions: The United Nations Ignores Terrorism Within Syrian Rebel Organizations By Carla Stea Global Research, January 19, 2013 On October 23, 2012, Syria

[Biofuel] Exposed! How the Billionaires Class Is Destroying Democracy

2013-01-20 Thread Keith Addison
Exposed! How the Billionaires Class Is Destroying Democracy Saturday, 19 January 2013 09:19 By Thom Hartmann and Sam Sacks, The Daily Take | Op-Ed Out of the guts of the internet, we find an en

[Biofuel] Islamists Retreat Without Fight From Towns in Central Mali as French Continue to Deploy

2013-01-20 Thread Keith Addison
Islamists Retreat Without Fight From Towns in Central Mali as French Continue to Deploy Saturday, 19 January 2013 09:09 By Alan Boswell, McClatchy Newspapers | Report

[Biofuel] Billionaires' fortunes hinder fight against poverty, says Oxfam

2013-01-20 Thread Keith Addison
Widening gap between rich and poor threatens to swallow us all Leaders meeting in Davos must take concrete action to reverse rising inequality - and finally put the poorest 99% first Emma Seery Saturday 19 January 2013

[Biofuel] Nanjing remembers; disputes fester

2013-01-20 Thread Keith Addison
U.S. warns China to steer clear of Senkakus Kyodo http://www.japantimes.co.jp/print/nn20130120a6.html Abe bolsters Southeast Asia ties in bid to counter China's rising threat By MAYA KANEKO Kyodo http://www.japantimes.co.jp/print/nn20130120a7.html --0-- http://www.japantimes.co.jp/print/fl20130

[Biofuel] Citizens' woeful social consciousness ensures a bleak outlook for Japan

2013-01-20 Thread Keith Addison
Japan's growing diaspora reflects concern for the country's future By MICHAEL HOFFMAN The Japan Times: Sunday, Jan. 20, 2013 http://www.japantimes.co.jp/print/fd20130120bj.html --0-- http://www.japantimes.co.jp/print/fl20130120rp.html Citizens' woeful social consciousness ensures a bleak outloo

[Biofuel] The Detroit auto show: Auto execs celebrate record profits

2013-01-19 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2013/01/18/auto-j18.html The Detroit auto show: Auto execs celebrate record profits By Jerry White 18 January 2013 The North American International Auto Show in Detroit has put a spotlight on the deep social divisions in the United States, and who has benefite

[Biofuel] Nixon Went to China, Who Will Go to Iran?

2013-01-19 Thread Keith Addison
Nixon Went to China, Who Will Go to Iran? Friday, 18 January 2013 10:10 By David Swanson, War Is a Crime | News Analysis Iranians are now beginning to die for lack of medicines kept out by U.S.-imposed sanctions. I

[Biofuel] Sectarian tensions are pushing Iraq to the brink

2013-01-19 Thread Keith Addison
Sectarian tensions are pushing Iraq to the brink Prime minister Nouri al-Maliki has become a dictator. He must resign to prevent a bloody confrontation with Sunnis and Kurds Wadah Khanfar, northern Iraq T

[Biofuel] Global Economic Crisis: No End in Sight

2013-01-19 Thread Keith Addison
Paul Krugman Explains the Keys to Our Recovery Friday, 18 January 2013 09:26 By Bill Moyers, Moyers & Company | Interview The Trillion Dollar Coin: A Debt Solution for the People Far from being a gimmick, having

[Biofuel] "Economic Terrorism": Destroying Syria's Industry, Turkey Stealing and Looting Aleppo's Factories

2013-01-19 Thread Keith Addison
Iran, China consider Assad plan to end Syria crisis realistic Saturday, 19 January 2013 http://www.dailynews.lk/2013/01/19/wld01.asp Assad approval ratings rising across Syria: Franklin Lamb Fri Jan 18, 2013

[Biofuel] Pakistan strikes deal with opposition cleric

2013-01-19 Thread Keith Addison
Pakistan says it will free all Afghan Taliban detainees By Stanley Carvalho ABU DHABI | Fri Jan 18, 2013 India-Pakistan relationship remains tense By Deepal Jayasekera 19 January 2013 http://www.wsws.

[Biofuel] Report: Libya on the road to oil failure

2013-01-19 Thread Keith Addison
Report: Libya on the road to oil failure Published: Jan. 18, 2013 WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 (UPI) -- An editorial from Bloomberg News states that Libya may eventually fail as a

[Biofuel] Burn, burn - Africa's Afghanistan

2013-01-19 Thread Keith Addison
Deadly end to Algeria hostage crisis Ministry says 23 captives and 32 kidnappers killed over three days as special forces storm gas complex in the Sahara. Last Modified: 20 Jan 2013 Algeria, Mali, and why this week has looke

[Biofuel] Study: Planet's Lungs Under Assault From Climate Change

2013-01-19 Thread Keith Addison
Don't Ignore the Drought: It's Bad, and It's Not Going Away by Brooke Jarvis Published on Friday, January 18, 2013 by Rolling Stone http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/18-12 --0-- http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/18-4 Published on Friday, January 18, 2013 by Common Dreams Stud

[Biofuel] Frenzy in the Gold Market: The Repatriation of Germany's Post World War II Gold Reserves

2013-01-19 Thread Keith Addison
China sovereign wealth fund may cut US debt holdings Agence France-Presse in Shanghai Tuesday, 15 January, 2013 --0--

[Biofuel] The Geopolitical Reordering of Africa: US Covert Support to Al Qaeda in Northern Mali, France "Comes to the Rescue"

2013-01-18 Thread Keith Addison
NATO funding, arming, while simultaneously fighting Al Qaeda from Mali to Syria By Tony Cartalucci Global Research, January 15, 2013 Land

[Biofuel] Corporate Profits Have Grown By 171 Percent Under 'Anti-Business' Obama

2013-01-18 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33642.htm Corporate Profits Have Grown By 171 Percent Under 'Anti-Business' Obama By Pat Garofalo January 17, 2013 "Think Progress" - -Business executives like to portray the Obama administration as the "most anti-business" in history, creating

[Biofuel] Study: BPA Alternative Also Toxic

2013-01-18 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/17-5 Published on Thursday, January 17, 2013 by Common Dreams Study: BPA Alternative Also Toxic New research shows BPA replacement BPS disrupts hormones, is a "cause for concern." - Andrea Germanos, staff writer Have you been reaching for product

[Biofuel] How Did the Gates of Hell Open in Vietnam?

2013-01-18 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33629.htm "Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam" By Democracy Now January 16, 2013 --0-- How Did the Gates of Hell Open in Vietnam? Thursday, 1

[Biofuel] Iraq: A Twenty Two Year Genocide

2013-01-18 Thread Keith Addison
Iraq: A Twenty Two Year Genocide By Felicity Arbuthnot Global Research, January 17, 2013 'It is the first genocide of the 21th century. Poor Iraq and Iraqis. The silence of the world pushes me to lose faith in humanity."

[Biofuel] What Would a Down-to-Earth Economy Look Like?

2013-01-18 Thread Keith Addison
New Cuba: Beachhead for Economic Democracy Beyond Capitalism Thursday, 17 January 2013 00:00 By Keith Harrington, Truthout | Op-Ed --0-- http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/17-11 Pub

[Biofuel] Syria: Proxy War By U.S. And Gulf Monarchies

2013-01-18 Thread Keith Addison
Syria hit by car bombs and rockets Twin car bombs exploded in southern Syria while a rocket hit a building in the north in a spike in violence blamed by state media on rebels. 18 Jan 2013

[Biofuel] Study Shows Impact of Keystone XL Pipeline More Disastrous Than Previously Thought

2013-01-18 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/17-4 Published on Thursday, January 17, 2013 by Common Dreams Study Shows Impact of Keystone XL Pipeline More Disastrous Than Previously Thought Unaccounted for byproduct of tar sands: dirtier, cheaper version of black gold - Lauren McCauley, staf

[Biofuel] Climate-Friendly Food Demands Animal-Friendly Farming

2013-01-18 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/17-5 Published on Thursday, January 17, 2013 by Common Dreams Climate-Friendly Food Demands Animal-Friendly Farming Why we need labels on all factory-farmed food by Ronnie Cummins A growing number of organic consumers, natural health advocates and cli

Re: [Biofuel] Bringing in the bullion: Germany to repatriate gold from US and France

2013-01-18 Thread Keith Addison
Russia Says World Is Nearing Currency War as Europe Joins By Simon Kennedy & Scott Rose - Jan 16, 2013 Gold Market Instability: Does the US Have Fungible Gold Assets to the Degree Claimed?

[Biofuel] BP's Big Plan: Burn It. Burn It All.

2013-01-18 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/17 Published on Thursday, January 17, 2013 by Common Dreams BP's Big Plan: Burn It. Burn It All. Showing no concern for climate, CEO of oil giant says notions of Peak Oil are 'increasingly groundless' - Jon Queally, staff writer Ignoring overtly

[Biofuel] 'Iceberg Cowboys': Exxon's Outrageous Plan for Drilling the North Atlantic

2013-01-18 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/17-2 Published on Thursday, January 17, 2013 by Common Dreams 'Iceberg Cowboys': Exxon's Outrageous Plan for Drilling the North Atlantic - Jon Queally, staff writer It would be funny if it weren't so enormously dangerous or so shockingly reckless,

[Biofuel] Champions of 'Idle No More' Stage Blockades Across Canada

2013-01-17 Thread Keith Addison
Canada's Environmental Gamble: The Threat of Oil Supertankers Corey Ogilvie Posted on: January 16, 2013 Caving to Corporate Pressure, EPA Dropped Fracking Contamination Probe 'The deep pocketed oil and gas

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