[Biofuel] The FBI's Manufactured War on Terrorism

2013-01-08 Thread Keith Addison
Monday, 07 January 2013 The FBI's Manufactured War on Terrorism BILL BERKOWITZ FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT "If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all," the late great blues man Albert

[Biofuel] The Anti-Empire Report - William Blum

2013-01-08 Thread Keith Addison
http://killinghope.org/bblum6/aer112.html The Anti-Empire Report January 8th, 2013 by William Blum www.killinghope.org Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? "France no longer recognizes its children," lamented Guillaume Roquette in an editorial in the Figaro weekly magazine in Paris. "How can

[Biofuel] The Hoax of 'Entitlement' Reform

2013-01-08 Thread Keith Addison
The world economy 2013: Illusions and reality 8 January 2013 http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2013/01/08/pers-j08.html Save Social Security: Paul Krugman for Treasury Secretary Sunday, 06 January 2013 15:31 By Robert Naiman, Truthout | Op-Ed

Re: [Biofuel] How millions of farmers are advancing agriculture for themselves

2013-01-08 Thread Keith Addison
Hi David http://journeytoforever.org/farm.html#sri A French Jesuit priest working in Madagascar stumbled on a system that raises typical rice yields from 3 to 12 tonnes per hectare. The trick is to transplant seedlings earlier with wider spacing; to keep paddies unflooded for much of the grow

Re: [Biofuel] Let's Give Up on the Constitution

2013-01-08 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Jason "giving up" on the constitution would just give the US a new constitution. tradition and respect? that's all well and good, but somebody's going to want to write it down sometime or another, and it'll be the same rusty old arguments with a different piece of parchment two hundred yea

[Biofuel] Obama Needs Hagel in the Pentagon

2013-01-07 Thread Keith Addison
Six Years Ago, Chuck Hagel Told the Truth About Iraq By Michael Moore January 05, 2013 http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33530.htm Major Test for Israel Lobby As Obama Leans to Hagel for Pentagon By Jim Lobe WASHINGTON, Jan 5 2013 (IPS)

[Biofuel] US-funded anti-terror squad in Indonesia under criticism for killing suspected militants

2013-01-07 Thread Keith Addison
Obama's New Year's Resolution: More Extrajudicial Murder By Spencer Ackerman January 06, 2012 "Wired" http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33537.htm By Any Measure, the U.S. Is the Largest Sponsor of Terror By Washington's Blog Global Research, January 06, 2013

[Biofuel] Iran should be key topic at hearings - Brzezinski

2013-01-07 Thread Keith Addison
Iran Unveils Copycat Arsenal BY DAVID AXE 01.04.13 Diskin: Netanyahu unreliable, 'possessed' by Iran By JPOST.COM STAFF 01/04/2013 --0--

[Biofuel] War Addiction Default: America's Political Dysfunction at Root is an Unwillingness to Cut War Spending

2013-01-07 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33534.htm War Addiction Default: America's Political Dysfunction at Root is an Unwillingness to Cut War Spending The US spends $1.3 trillion a year on a military it does not need. Politicians won't talk about cutting it down to size. By Dave L

[Biofuel] Defiant Assad outlines peace plans for Syria

2013-01-07 Thread Keith Addison
The West has Brought Terrorists to Syria: President Bashar Al Assad's Historic Speech. Full Transcript By Bashar al-Assad Global Research, January 07, 2013 SANA President al-Assad : Out of Womb of Pain, Hope Should Be Begotten, from Suffering Important Solutions Rise

[Biofuel] Meet Anthony Ingraffea - From Industry Insider to Implacable Fracking Opponent

2013-01-07 Thread Keith Addison
Meet Anthony Ingraffea - From Industry Insider to Implacable Fracking Opponent Saturday, 05 January 2013 10:04 By Ellen Cantarow, EcoWatch | Interview Why, exactly, is high-volum

[Biofuel] Does Truth Have A Future In America?

2013-01-07 Thread Keith Addison
Does Truth Have A Future In America? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Global Research, January 07, 2013 As a writer I have found that one problem in communicating with readers is that many have political, social, economic, or

[Biofuel] Monsanto Ad Claiming Roundup Safety is Misleading - Dutch Commission

2013-01-07 Thread Keith Addison
Monsanto Ad Claiming Roundup Safety is Misleading - Dutch Commission Earth Open Source / News Report Published: Monday 31 December 2012 Monsanto placed its advertisement to defend Roundup

[Biofuel] New Shade of Green: Stark Shift for Onetime Foe of Genetic Engineering in Crops

2013-01-07 Thread Keith Addison
January 4, 2013 New Shade of Green: Stark Shift for Onetime Foe of Genetic Engineering in Crops By ANDREW C. REVKIN In case you missed the coverage and commen

[Biofuel] Can a woman's death spur a nation to end its violence against a gender?

2013-01-07 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.japantimes.co.jp/print/eo20130107rt.html Can a woman's death spur a nation to end its violence against a gender? By RAMESH THAKUR CANBERRA - Never have I felt so ashamed to be from India nor so despairing of its future. The poor young woman, brutally assaulted by a pack of thugs,

[Biofuel] As plutonium hoard grows, so do Japan's headaches

2013-01-07 Thread Keith Addison
Komeito as countervailing power EDITORIAL http://www.japantimes.co.jp/print/ed20130107a1.html --0-- http://www.japantimes.co.jp/text/nn20130107a3.html As plutonium hoard grows, so do Japan's headaches By MARI YAMAGUCHI AP ROKKASHO, Aomori Pref. - How is an atomic-powered island nation riddl

[Biofuel] Latvia's Economic Disaster as a Neoliberal Success Story

2013-01-06 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33528.htm A Model for Europe and the US? Latvia's Economic Disaster as a Neoliberal Success Story By Jeffrey Sommers and Michael Hudson January 04, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - A generation ago the Chicago Boys and their financial support

[Biofuel] Noam Chomsky: The Gravest Threat to World Peace

2013-01-06 Thread Keith Addison
Noam Chomsky: The Gravest Threat to World Peace Friday, 04 January 2013 09:05 By Noam Chomsky, Truthout | Op-Ed Reporting on the final U.S. presidential campaign debate, on foreign policy, The Wall Street

[Biofuel] Obama Administration Throwing Medical Marijuana Patients Into Federal Prison at Unprecedented Rate

2013-01-06 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2013/01/04-1 January 4, 2013 Americans for Safe Access http://www.safeaccessnow.org/ Obama Administration Throwing Medical Marijuana Patients Into Federal Prison at Unprecedented Rate This month will see a number of patients sentenced, sent to prison des

[Biofuel] NOAA Declines to Probe Vast Underestimate of BP Spill

2013-01-06 Thread Keith Addison
Shell's 2013 Arctic Drilling Programme 'On the Brink' After Grounded Drilling Rig Incident January 4, 2013 Greenpeace http://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2013/01/04-4 --0-- Friday, 04

[Biofuel] The 'War on Terror' - by Design - Can Never End

2013-01-06 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/04-6 Published on Friday, January 4, 2013 by The Guardian The 'War on Terror' - by Design - Can Never End As the Pentagon's former top lawyer urges that the war be viewed as finite, the US moves in the opposite direction by Glenn Greenwald Last month

[Biofuel] Uranium rebound seen as Japan considers reactor restarts

2013-01-06 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.japantimes.co.jp/print/nb20130105n2.html Uranium rebound seen as Japan considers reactor restarts By BEN SHARPLES Bloomberg MELBOURNE - Uranium is poised to rebound from a second annual decline as Japan considers restarting its atomic plants almost two years after the start of the

[Biofuel] Arab Slave Traders Supporting Democracy in Syria?

2013-01-05 Thread Keith Addison
Vatican Envoy Praises Iran Plan for Syria So-called Free Syrian Army is a group of terrorists: IHCR Thu Jan 3, 2013 --0

[Biofuel] Obama's New Year's Resolution: Protect the Status Quo

2013-01-05 Thread Keith Addison
Obama's Lawless, Secretive Drone War Continues Over Pakistan Taliban leader reportedly killed in latest clandestine strike in South Waziristan Published on Thursday, January 3, 2013 by Common Dreams http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/03-0 New US drone attacks in Pakistan and Yemen By

[Biofuel] Burmese military escalates war in Kachin state

2013-01-05 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2013/01/04/burm-j04.html Burmese military escalates war in Kachin state By John Roberts 4 January 2013 Fighting has intensified in Burma (Myanmar) between the Burmese army and the separatist Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in the north of the country close to t

[Biofuel] It's Time to Stop Spinning Our Wheels on Climate Change

2013-01-05 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/03-4 Published on Thursday, January 3, 2013 by David Suzuki It's Time to Stop Spinning Our Wheels on Climate Change by David Suzuki In 1988, hundreds of scientists and policy-makers met in Toronto for a major international conference on climate change.

[Biofuel] 'Shared Sacrifice' Is for Suckers: 7 Common Sense Thoughts on Washington's Budget Bedlam

2013-01-05 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/view/2013/01/03-8 Published on Thursday, January 3, 2013 by Our Future Blog 'Shared Sacrifice' Is for Suckers: 7 Common Sense Thoughts on Washington's Budget Bedlam The richest 1% have waged war against the rest of us; Now is time to fight back and fight back hard

[Biofuel] I Do Not Support the Troops

2013-01-05 Thread Keith Addison
Waiting for Our Veterans to Die Newspaper Articles Reveal VBA's Delay and Error Scandal Spreading Nationwide On January 3, 2013, in VA Disability Benefits, by Charles Sheehan Miles --0-- http://www.commondreams.or

[Biofuel] Corporate-Friendly Fiscal Deal Maintains Tens of Billions in Fossil Fuel Industry Giveaways

2013-01-05 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/03-1 Published on Thursday, January 3, 2013 by Common Dreams Corporate-Friendly Fiscal Deal Maintains Tens of Billions in Fossil Fuel Industry Giveaways Deal manages to raise taxes on millions of working class taxpayers while preserving friendly s

[Biofuel] 'An Accident Waiting to Happen': As Rail Increasingly Transports Crude, Opponents Sound Environmental Alarm

2013-01-05 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/03-7 Published on Thursday, January 3, 2013 by Common Dreams 'An Accident Waiting to Happen': As Rail Increasingly Transports Crude, Opponents Sound Environmental Alarm Rails see 'game-changing opportunity for their business' - Andrea Germanos, st

[Biofuel] 'Alarmingly High Methane Emissions' from Natural Gas Extraction

2013-01-05 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/03-4 Published on Thursday, January 3, 2013 by Common Dreams 'Alarmingly High Methane Emissions' from Natural Gas Extraction New findings suggest higher than previously noted levels of potent greenhouse gas leaked - Andrea Germanos, staff writer

[Biofuel] Time Warner Cable Dumps Current TV Faster Than You Can Say 'Al-Jazeera America'

2013-01-05 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/03 Published on Thursday, January 3, 2013 by Common Dreams Time Warner Cable Dumps Current TV Faster Than You Can Say 'Al-Jazeera America' Cable giant pulls channel just hours after announcement of acquisition - Jon Queally, staff writer Following

[Biofuel] Details of Obama 'Kill List' to Remain in the Shadows, Court Rules

2013-01-04 Thread Keith Addison
The Coming Drone Attack On America Drones on domestic surveillance duties are already deployed by police and corporations. In time, they will likely be weaponised By Naomi Wolf By 2020, it is estimated that as many as 30,000 drones will be in use in US domestic airspace. January 02, 2012 http:

[Biofuel] A Tale of Two Diplomatic Asylums: Julian Assange and Chen Guangcheng

2013-01-04 Thread Keith Addison
A Tale of Two Diplomatic Asylums: Julian Assange and Chen Guangcheng Wednesday, 02 January 2013 11:37 By Danny Weil, Truthout | Op-Ed Two dissidents, two appeals for asylum, two very d

[Biofuel] Free Syrian Army Claims It Can Make Chemical Weapons

2013-01-04 Thread Keith Addison
New UN Report on Syria By Stephen Lendman January 02, 2013 http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33510.htm Al Qaeda in Yemen offers bounty for U.S. ambassador DUBAI | Mon Dec 31, 2012

[Biofuel] Thirty Foot Waves, Arctic Storm Batter Shell's Grounded Oil Rig

2013-01-04 Thread Keith Addison
Greenpeace Statement on Shell's Arctic Drill Rig Kulluk Greenpeace January 2, 2013 http://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2013/01/02 --0-- http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/02 Published on Wednesday, January 2, 2013 by Common Dreams Thirty Foot Waves, Arctic Storm Batter Shell's Groun

[Biofuel] New Year's Day Farm Bill Extension a Giant Step Backward

2013-01-04 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2013/01/02-2 January 2, 2013 Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) New Year's Day Farm Bill Extension a Giant Step Backward Prior Senate Gains for Healthy Food and Farms Lost Out to Big Ag Subsidies WASHINGTON - January 2 - Having failed throughout 2012 to c

[Biofuel] Renditions continue under Obama, despite due-process concerns

2013-01-04 Thread Keith Addison
Mysterious Court Appearance Proves Rendition Alive and Well Under Obama Three men were detained for months before appearing in Brooklyn court - Lauren McCauley, staff writer Published on Wednesday, January 2, 2013 by Common Dreams http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/02-7 --0--

[Biofuel] As 2013 begins: A mood of anxiety in ruling circles

2013-01-04 Thread Keith Addison
Pope calls for new economic model, more ethical markets Fri Dec 14, 2012 Net worth of world's richest rose by $241B in 2012 Bloomberg index ranks wealthiest 100 individuals Bloomberg News 11:53 a.m. CST, January 2, 201

[Biofuel] Progressives: Washington's Fiscal Deal a Predictable, Terrible Mess

2013-01-04 Thread Keith Addison
Fiscal Cliff Over, Now the Attack on the People Begins By Kevin Zeese January 02, 2013 http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33504.htm Politicians Who Cut Social Programs Will Pay Price By Orson Aguilar January 02, 2013 http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33500.htm The fisc

[Biofuel] World Bank 'Fights Poverty' by Investing in Five-Star Hotel

2013-01-04 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2013/01/02-1 Published on Wednesday, January 2, 2013 by ProPublica World Bank 'Fights Poverty' by Investing in Five-Star Hotel by Cheryl Strauss Einhorn Accra is a city of choking red dust where almost no rain falls for three months at a time and clothes h

[Biofuel] Let's Give Up on the Constitution

2013-01-04 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33506.htm Let's Give Up on the Constitution By LOUIS MICHAEL SEIDMAN January 02, 2012 "NY Times" -- AS the nation teeters at the edge of fiscal chaos, observers are reaching the conclusion that the American system of government is broken. But a

[Biofuel] Japan - New fossil fuel resources

2013-01-04 Thread Keith Addison
LNG gains political value as Japan's needs soar Alaska looks to be key source if pipeline plan goes through http://www.japantimes.co.jp/print/nn20130103f1.html --0-- http://www.japantimes.co.jp/print/ed20130103a1.html EDITORIAL New fossil fuel resources While there have been heated discussion

[Biofuel] Japan - A cautious return to nuclear power

2013-01-04 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.japantimes.co.jp/print/nn20130103f2.html A cautious return to nuclear power Though public is wary, new LDP-led government backs resumption of reactors, plant construction By MIYA TANAKA Kyodo Japan appears to be heading toward a gradual revival of nuclear power generation under

[Biofuel] Al-Qaida carves out own country in Mali

2013-01-02 Thread Keith Addison
Al-Qaida carves out own country in Mali By By RUKMINI CALLIMACHI | Associated Press - Mon, Dec 31, 2012 MOPTI, Mali (AP) - Deep inside caves, in remote desert bases, in the escarpments and cliff faces of northern

[Biofuel] Compare the 1912 Elections with the 2012 Elections

2013-01-02 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33492.htm Compare the 1912 Elections with the 2012 Elections By Ralph Nader January 01, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - Before the electoral year of 2012 slinks into history, it is worth a comparative glance back to the electoral year of 191

[Biofuel] 2012: the year we did our best to abandon the natural world

2013-01-02 Thread Keith Addison
2012: the year we did our best to abandon the natural world Emissions are rising, ice is melting and yet the response of governments is simply to pretend that none of it is happening George Monbiot The Guardian,

[Biofuel] Will Syria Become Another "Failed State"? The Role of the United Nations

2013-01-02 Thread Keith Addison
Will Syria Become Another "Failed State"? The Role of the United Nations By Carla Stea Global Research, December 30, 2012 "According to Robert Baer, a former CIA covert operations specia

[Biofuel] How Bicycling Is Transforming Business

2013-01-02 Thread Keith Addison
How Bicycling Is Transforming Business Tuesday, 01 January 2013 10:45 By Jay Walljasper, Yes! Magazine | Report Cities across the US discover that good biking attracts great jobs and top talent to their communities.

[Biofuel] Part 1 of the Fiscal Cliff is Over. Now Gird Yourself for Part 2

2013-01-02 Thread Keith Addison
... "when the economy recovers." ?? Uninformed Politicians Pushing US Toward Austerity Tuesday, 01 January 2013 09:30 By Paul Krugman, Krugman & Co. | Op-Ed --0--

[Biofuel] Afghans angry at US soldiers who drove away in the night leaving rent unpaid

2013-01-01 Thread Keith Addison
Afghans angry at US soldiers who drove away in the night leaving rent unpaid Only sign of huge US base is pile of rubbish and broken vehicles - and a festering land dispute in a volatile province Emma Grah

[Biofuel] Fraud, Money Laundering and Narcotics. Impunity of the Banking Giants. No Prosecution of HSBC

2013-01-01 Thread Keith Addison
Fraud, Money Laundering and Narcotics. Impunity of the Banking Giants. No Prosecution of HSBC By Tom Burghardt Global Research, December 31, 2012 Antifascist Call

[Biofuel] Gang Rape in India Galvanizes Nation

2013-01-01 Thread Keith Addison
India Marks Somber New Year's Eve After Rape Victim's Death VOA News December 31, 2012 --0-- http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2012/12/31-6 Published on Monday, December 31, 2012 by Common

[Biofuel] Chuck Hagel's big problem: being a realist about American power and Iran

2013-01-01 Thread Keith Addison
Hagel, the Lobby and the Limits of Power The former Republican senator is guilty of a cardinal sin which has cut short many promising careers in Washington. By Muhammad Idrees Ahmad December 31, 2012 "Al Jazeera" http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33486.htm --0--

[Biofuel] Story of the Year: It's Global Warming, Stupid

2013-01-01 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/12/31-9 Published on Monday, December 31, 2012 by EcoWatch Story of the Year: It's Global Warming, Stupid by Stefanie Penn Spear My favorite headline of 2012 was "It's Global Warming, Stupid," which appeared on the cover of Bloomberg Businessweek on Nov.

[Biofuel] Obama Quietly Signs Abusive Spy Bill He Once Vowed to Eliminate

2013-01-01 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2012/12/31-1 Published on Monday, December 31, 2012 by Common Dreams Obama Quietly Signs Abusive Spy Bill He Once Vowed to Eliminate After Senate rejects oversight amendments, bill sails into law - Lauren McCauley, staff writer Under the cover of holiday w

[Biofuel] The Financial Elite's War Against the US Economy

2013-01-01 Thread Keith Addison
Longer version: America's Deceptive 2012 Fiscal Cliff How today's fiscal austerity is reminiscent of World War I's economic misunderstandings By Michael Hudson December 29, 2012 http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33471.htm The Top 12 Political Fallacies of 2012 by Richard Eskow Pub

[Biofuel] Rosy Forecast of Cheap Oil Abundance, Economic Boom a Myth

2013-01-01 Thread Keith Addison
Rosy Forecast of Cheap Oil Abundance, Economic Boom a Myth Monday, 31 December 2012 00:00 By Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed , Truthout | Op-Ed Headlines about this year's "World Energy Outlook" (WEO) from the International

[Biofuel] We Call This Progress

2013-01-01 Thread Keith Addison
http://truth-out.org/opinion/item/13631-we-call-this-progress We Call This Progress Monday, 31 December 2012 10:48 By Arundhati Roy, ZCommunications | Op-Ed From a speech at the Earth at Risk conference on the misuses of democracy and the revolutionary power of exclusion. I don't know how f

[Biofuel] Back to the future for Japan?

2013-01-01 Thread Keith Addison
Goal of no new reactors in jeopardy Kyodo http://www.japantimes.co.jp/print/nn20130101a4.html NRA has final reactor say-so: Motegi http://www.japantimes.co.jp/print/nn20130101a9.html U.S. nuke crisis team's Fukushima findings wasted http://www.japantimes.co.jp/print/nn20130101a3.html Summer pol

[Biofuel] [corp-watchers] The Good, the Bad and the Ugly News of 2012

2013-01-01 Thread Keith Addison
Subject: [corp-watchers] The Good, the Bad and the Ugly News of 2012 List-Id: List-Archive: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe:

[Biofuel] Mali: The 'gentle' face of al-Qaeda

2012-12-31 Thread Keith Addison
Mali: The 'gentle' face of al-Qaeda An exclusive report from inside northern Mali. May Ying We

[Biofuel] International Media Regurgitating Syrian Rebel Propaganda

2012-12-31 Thread Keith Addison
Russia blames Syrian opposition for failure to halt conflict By Kathy Lally and Will Englund, Published: December 29 --0-- htt

[Biofuel] Community Action Propels the Taiwanese Government Toward Zero Waste

2012-12-31 Thread Keith Addison
Mexico City launches trash-for-food program By Samantha Kimmey Sunday, December 30, 2012 --0-- Communit

[Biofuel] Four More Years: The Asia Pivot

2012-12-31 Thread Keith Addison
Four More Years: The Asia Pivot Sunday, 30 December 2012 12:07 By Conn Hallinan, Foreign Policy in Focus | News Analysis In March 1990, Time magazine ran an article titled "Ripples in The American Lake." It was not about sm

[Biofuel] Descent Into Holy War: What's Really Happening in Syria

2012-12-31 Thread Keith Addison
Descent Into Holy War: What's Really Happening in Syria Sunday, 30 December 2012 12:23 By Patrick Cockburn, Counterpunch | News Analysis Damascus. It is one of the most horrifying videos of the war in

[Biofuel] Investor Wars: Korea Thru Syria

2012-12-31 Thread Keith Addison
Missed at the time... http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article32270.htm Investor Wars: Korea Thru Syria By Jay Janson August 23, 2012 "Information Clearing House" For almost sixty years, during the presidencies of Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush,

[Biofuel] UK High Court rejects inquiry into British role in Pakistan drone strikes

2012-12-31 Thread Keith Addison
Last month, a former Labour Party defence minister proposed a discussion on the feasibility of dropping a neutron bomb on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. Speaking in the House of Lords on November 22, Lord Gilbert said the bomb's "full title was the ERRB-enhanced radiation reduced blast weapon

[Biofuel] Presenting America's Top Ten Greediest of 2012

2012-12-30 Thread Keith Addison
Presenting America's Top Ten Greediest of 2012 Saturday, 29 December 2012 09:54 By Sam Pizzigati, Too Much | News Analysis Some of today's greediest are running giant multinational corporations. Some are just

[Biofuel] US Kills 12 Civilians and Destroys a Community

2012-12-30 Thread Keith Addison
Villagers Join al-Qaeda After Deadly US Strike Keith Addison Thu, 27 Dec 2012 18:41:44 -0800 When U.S. drones kill civilians, Yemen's government tries to conceal it By Sudarsan Raghavan, Published: December 25, 2012 Dhamar, Yemen Villagers Join al-Qaeda After Deadly US Strike By Sud

[Biofuel] Fearful of Ban, Frenzied Buyers Swarm Gun Stores

2012-12-30 Thread Keith Addison
New Poll Shows Surge in Support for Gun Control Saturday, 29 December 2012 10:27 By Matt Pearce, Los Angeles Times | Report UN's Last Stand on Arms Trade Treaty Saturday, 29 December 2012 10:36 By Thalif Deen,

[Biofuel] Nuclear Roulette: The Truth About the Most Dangerous Energy Source on Earth

2012-12-30 Thread Keith Addison
We Are Being Nuked With False Information on Atomic Energy Friday, 21 December 2012 00:00 By Gar Smith, Chelsea Green Publishing | Book Excerpt --0--

[Biofuel] Revealed: how the FBI coordinated the crackdown on Occupy

2012-12-30 Thread Keith Addison
Revealed: how the FBI coordinated the crackdown on Occupy New documents prove what was once dismissed as paranoid fantasy: totally integrated corporate-state repression of dissent Naomi Wolf guardian.co.uk

[Biofuel] Is juggernaut Japan being driven to destruction (and no one's to blame)?

2012-12-30 Thread Keith Addison
Wakeup call for Japan's politicians By CHRISTOPHER HOBSON Special to The Japan Times The Japan Times: Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012 http://www.japantimes.co.jp/print/eo20121230a1.html As the new year approaches, Japan still reels from 2011 http://www.japantimes.co.jp/print/fd20121230bj.html 2012: a year

[Biofuel] Top Obama Environmental Official Departs "Frustrated" Over Pipeline, Inaction On Climate

2012-12-29 Thread Keith Addison
Top Obama Environmental Official Departs "Frustrated" Over Pipeline, Inaction On Climate She had "too much principle" to work on Keystone, says Tittel. Ruby Cramer BuzzFeed Staff Posted Dec 27, 2012 10:10p

[Biofuel] The P.U.-litzer Prizes

2012-12-29 Thread Keith Addison
12/28/12 The P.U.-litzer Prizes for 2012 Recalling some of the stinkiest media moments of the year They're back: The P.U.-litzers, FAIR's annual rundown of some of the stinkiest moments in American journalism. As

[Biofuel] The United Nations Syria "Peace Plan" is a Fraud

2012-12-29 Thread Keith Addison
Syria faces humanitarian catastrophe By Bill Van Auken 29 December 2012 http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2012/12/29/syri-d29.html US-NATO-Israeli Agenda: Syria to be Subdivided into "Three Weaker States" Global Research, December 28, 2012

[Biofuel] GOP and Feinstein join to fulfill Obama's demand for renewed warrantless eavesdropping

2012-12-29 Thread Keith Addison
Senate Votes to Extend Sweeping Bush Era Surveillance Powers Even modest attempts to reign in domestic spying law fail as Senators defend sweeping powers for NSA Published on Friday, December 28, 2012 by Common Dreams http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2012/12/28 Senate Reauthorizes Warrantle

[Biofuel] Obama Administration Gives Tentative Approval to Frankenfish

2012-12-29 Thread Keith Addison
Also: Ready to eat: the first GM fish for the dinner table Keith Addison Wed, 26 Dec 2012 <http://www.mail-archive.com/sustainablelorgbiofuel@lists.sustainablelists.org/msg78153.html> --0-- <http://truth-out.org/news/item/13594-obama-administration-gives-tentative-approval-to-fr

[Biofuel] The Larger Question of Chuck Hagel

2012-12-29 Thread Keith Addison
The Larger Question of Chuck Hagel Friday, 28 December 2012 12:34 By Ray McGovern, Consortium News | News Analysis The up-in-the-air nomination of Chuck Hagel to be Defense Secretary has become a test of whether the Isr

[Biofuel] 'Where Do the Children Play?' In Shadow of Fukushima Disaster... Inside

2012-12-29 Thread Keith Addison
San Onofre: Edison's Experimental Restart Scheme May Violate Terms of Plant's Operating License Controversial plan to run reactor at reduced power could require formal legal hearings December 28, 2012 Friends of the Earth http://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2012/12/28 US sailors sue Japan's TE

[Biofuel] Why Claiming US Has 'Best Health System' Is a Sick Joke

2012-12-29 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/12/28-3 Published on Friday, December 28, 2012 by The Oregonian Why Claiming US Has 'Best Health System' Is a Sick Joke The 'best' health care depends on your perspective by Samuel Metz Is the American health care system "the best in the world"? If so, p

[Biofuel] There Is No American Left

2012-12-28 Thread Keith Addison
http://truth-out.org/opinion/item/13567-there-is-no-american-left There Is No American Left Thursday, 27 December 2012 09:49 By Salvatore Babones, Truthout | Op-Ed In September 2012 Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel attempted to break the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) with a bid to privatize Chicago'

[Biofuel] Syrian rebels sidetracked by scramble for spoils of war

2012-12-28 Thread Keith Addison
Good and Bad Terrorists in Syria By Ismail Salami December 26, 2012 http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33442.htm Russia Warns of 'Bloody Chaos' in Syria Russia has warned that Syria would descend into "bloody chaos" should a proposal from Lakhdar Brahimi, the international envoy, to

[Biofuel] EPA Chief's Resignation Imperils Obama's Already Ambiguous Environmental Policy

2012-12-28 Thread Keith Addison
EPA Chief to Step Down, With Climate Still Low Priority Thursday, 27 December 2012 13:33 By John M Broder, The New York Times News Service | Report --0-- http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2012/12/27-

[Biofuel] The Only Way Left to Beat GOP Fanatics: Call Their Bluff and Go Over the Fabricated "Cliff"

2012-12-28 Thread Keith Addison
Republicans Now 100 Percent AWOL From Fiscal Cliff Talks -By Kevin Drum Thu Dec. 27, 2012 Washington Post Pushes Mayan End of the World Story on "Fiscal Cliff" by

[Biofuel] How Big Business Poisons Academic Research

2012-12-28 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/12/27-6 Published on Thursday, December 27, 2012 by OtherWords How Big Business Poisons Academic Research The energy industry and Big Agribusiness are distorting academic research by wielding corporate influence. by Wenonah Hauter In 1862, the federal g

[Biofuel] Winter Storm Euclid Punctuates Year of Extreme Weather

2012-12-28 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2012/12/27-5 Published on Thursday, December 27, 2012 by Common Dreams Winter Storm Euclid Punctuates Year of Extreme Weather Record breaking tornadoes, 'thundersnow' and cross-country snow fall: a sign of things to come - Lauren McCauley, staff writer W

[Biofuel] Villagers Join al-Qaeda After Deadly US Strike

2012-12-27 Thread Keith Addison
When U.S. drones kill civilians, Yemen's government tries to conceal it By Sudarsan Raghavan, Published: December 25, 2012 Dhamar, Yemen

[Biofuel] Australian utility companies disconnect thousands of households

2012-12-27 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2012/12/27/elec-d27.html Australian utility companies disconnect thousands of households By Terry Cook 27 December 2012 Increasing numbers of Australian households are being disconnected from electricity and gas supplies because of soaring energy bills, accord

[Biofuel] Watchdogs: US Regulators Are Not Prepared to Prevent Arctic Spill, Sue for Access to Info on Shell Oil Drilling Plan

2012-12-27 Thread Keith Addison
New Report Finds That West Antarctica Is Warming at an Alarming Rate DEC 24 2012 Rebecca J. Rosen Top Three Dirty Energy Battles to Watch in 2013 Wednesday, 26 Dece

[Biofuel] New Year's Revolution: Connecting the Dots, Coming Together and Fighting Like Hell

2012-12-27 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/12/27-0 Published on Thursday, December 27, 2012 by Common Dreams New Year's Revolution: Connecting the Dots, Coming Together and Fighting Like Hell by Ronnie Cummins As a longtime writer and activist campaigning for decades on food and farming issues,

[Biofuel] FBI Documents Reveal Secret Nationwide Occupy Monitoring

2012-12-27 Thread Keith Addison
F.B.I. Counterterrorism Agents Monitored Occupy Movement, Records Show By MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT and COLIN MOYNIHAN Published: December 24, 2012 Occupy protests targeted by F

[Biofuel] Bahrain, a Brutal Ally

2012-12-27 Thread Keith Addison
OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR Bahrain, a Brutal Ally By ZAINAB al-KHAWAJA Published: December 25, 2012 EARLIER this month, Aqeel Abdul Mohsen, 19, was shot in the face for protesting against Bahrain's government. He was covered

[Biofuel] Why Chuck Hagel Is Irrelevant

2012-12-27 Thread Keith Addison
Why Chuck Hagel Is Irrelevant Dec 24 2012 by Max Ajl The latest non-scandal scandalizing the American commentariat is whether Barack Obama will be able to nominate former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel as his new Secre

[Biofuel] Obama's gift to al-Qaida, support for tyranny, and FBI monitoring of dissent

2012-12-27 Thread Keith Addison
Obama's gift to al-Qaida, support for tyranny, and FBI monitoring of dissent Numerous individual events from this week alone signify important trends in US government policy Glenn Greenwald guardian.co.uk

[Biofuel] US retools terror war in scramble for Africa

2012-12-27 Thread Keith Addison
US Deploying Troops To 35 African Countries By Russia Today December 25, 2012 http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33431.htm Scrambling for Africa's Resources By Stephen Lendman Global Research, December 26, 2012 It's more than about oil, stupid. It's for vast African riches. Resource

[Biofuel] TEPCO Can't Keep Up with Costs of Its Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima

2012-12-27 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2012/12/27-0 Published on Thursday, December 27, 2012 by Common Dreams TEPCO Can't Keep Up with Costs of Its Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima Corporate utility looks for increased public funding yet again - Jon Queally, staff writer Tokyo Electric Power Co. (

[Biofuel] Enriching Big Oil and Coal

2012-12-26 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article33434.htm Enriching Big Oil and Coal U.S. Energy Independence is a Sham By Joshua Frank December 25, 2012 "Counterpunch" -- Whether it is the hucksters pushing for the Keystone XL pipeline to cut across the Heartland, or the coal barons who are

[Biofuel] Why Does Neoliberalism Persist Even After the Global Crisis?

2012-12-26 Thread Keith Addison
Why Does Neoliberalism Persist Even After the Global Crisis? Tuesday, 25 December 2012 11:51 By Vamsi Vakulabharanam, Triple Crisis | News Analysis heterodox economists, and more broadly to the c

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