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2016-11-10 Thread Darryl McMahon


Vattenfall to build the largest offshore wind farm in the Nordics


Vattenfall has won a tender to build Danish Kriegers Flak, a 600 MW 
offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea, with a record low bid of EUR 49.9 
per MWh, bringing down the costs for renewable energy.

Kriegers Flak is set to be the largest offshore wind farm in the Nordics 
and could supply electricity to 600, 000 Danish households upon 
completion, corresponding to 23 percent of all households in Denmark. 
The wind farm is part of Denmark’s Parliament decision to shift from 
non-renewable or fossil fuels to a completely renewable resources 
dependent country by 2050. As part of the agreement, it decided to build 
three major offshore wind farms. The wind farms include Horns Rev 3, 
Danish Near Shore and Kriegers Flak. Vattenfall has won the development 
tenders for all the three wind farms. Vattenfall’s investment in 
Kriegers Flak wind farm will be EUR 1.1 – 1.3 billion, pending a final 
investment decision.

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2016-08-03 Thread Darryl McMahon


Vestas obtains 120 MW wind order from Morocco


Vestas obtained a 120 megawatt wind turbine order for the Khalladi wind 
park, in the windy Tangiers area of northern Morocco, the firm made 
known on Tuesday.

Vestas will offer 40 units of 3 megawatt wind turbines to the wind park. 
The park will be the first clean energy project funded by the European 
Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in Morocco to permit to 
private producers to sell power through electricity purchase agreements 
to industrial off-takers. In addition to the EBRD, the project will be 
co-financed by the Moroccan bank BMCE and Argan Infrastructure Fund, an 
Africa-focused infrastructure fund run by Infra Invest, according to 
Vestas. The Danish firm declared the order will enhance Vestas' 
increasing presence in the region which has either already installed or 
under construction over 900 megawatts of capacity in Africa. Turbine 
delivery is scheduled for the second quarter of 2017, while 
commissioning is estimated for the fourth quarter of 2017.

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2016-04-27 Thread Darryl McMahon


   China connected 5.33 GW of wind capacity to the grid in Q1 2016


*China’s newly installed wind power capacity hit 5.33 GW in the first 
quarter, up 13% year-on-year, according to figures released by the 
National Energy Administration (NEA).*

The first quarter 2016 saw a total grid-connected wind generation 
capacity at 134 GW, up 33% compared with data from March last year. 
However, wind-power consumption declined due to wastage. China's wind 
farms supplied 55.2 billion kilowatt-hours to the grid over the 
three-month period, up 21 percent from a year earlier. The average usage 
of wind power in the first three months was 422 hours, 61 less than the 
same period in 2015, the NEA stated. The NEA said that 19.2 billion KWh, 
or 26 percent, of total wind output was wasted.

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2016-04-22 Thread Darryl McMahon


Britain: National Grid will pay companies to use electricity this summer


A dozen British firms will be paid to use power under a scheme National 
Grid will start next month intended at balancing the system in summer, 
when production is high from green energy sources such as wind and solar.

National Grid declared 12 companies have obtained contracts for the 
Demand Turn Up scheme which will operate from May until September. Under 
the scheme, companies will run several operations at night or at midday 
when there is a lot of electricity production from wind farms and solar 
power plants. As a part of the tender, firms were demanded to 
demonstrate they need to complete such operations and that the 
electricity would not be unexploited. The scheme was also open to small 
scale power generators that can also cut their output at short notice, 
such as combined heat and power units, which produce electricity as a 
by-product of heating. The firms will be paid 1.5 pounds per megawatt 
hour (MWh) for taking part in the scheme. They will be paid an extra 
60-75 pounds/MWh if called upon to perform. British spot power prices 
presently trade approximately 37 pounds/MWh. In 2014 National Grid paid 
10 million pounds ($14.43 million) to wind power producers to halt 
output when electricity demand was low to guarantee the system was not 
oversupplied. National Grid predicts electricity demand will attain a 
record low this summer. Meanwhile green electricity production Britain 
is increasing. It represented a record 25 percent of the nation's 
generation in 2015.

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2016-03-27 Thread Darryl McMahon


[And yet, there are still politicians in Canada arguing that carbon 
taxes don't work.  Seemed to work in this case.]

Closure of Longannet coal-fired power station brings the end of an era 
in Scotland


Scottish Power will on Thursday halt production at the country's last 
coal-fired power station, the 46 year old Longannet Power Station in 
Fife, blaming high carbon taxes and transmission charges made it 

The coal-fired power station, which at its peak provided electricity for 
over 2 million homes, will stop generating at 15:00 GMT, according to 
its owner, Scottish Power. During its lifespan, more than 177 million 
tonnes of coal was used along with 2.7 million tonnes of heavy fuel oil 
and 2.4 million cubic metres of natural gas. It was the biggest power 
station in Europe when it became operational in 1969, capable of 
producing 2,400MW of electricity for the national grid and supplying 
over two million homes each year. By the closure of Longannet, Scotland 
becomes one of the first nations to end its use of coal for power, 
marking a historic step in its energy transition. Scottish Power, one of 
the big six energy suppliers and now owned by Iberdrola, once had half a 
dozen coal-fired power stations, but is now reliant on gas and wind 
farms for generating electricity.

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2016-02-24 Thread Darryl McMahon


U.S. hit a stunning record in terms of solar PV installations in 2015


The U.S. solar industry has broken another record, adding 7.3 GW of new 
generating capacity in 2015, according to figures released by GTM 
Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA).

The data unveiled on Monday, represent an increase of over 1 GW of solar 
photovoltaic installations compared to 2014. Photovoltaic technology is 
able to directly convert sunlight into electricity. Last year, solar 
provided 29.5 per cent of all new electric generating capacity in the 
US, delivering a year-on-year growth rate of 17 per cent. For the first 
time, solar beat out natural gas capacity additions in 2015. The 
residential solar segment surpassed expectations, growing 66% year over 
year, and for the first time ever overtook 2 GW.

Meanwhile, the utility-scale sector grew by six per cent, and 
represented more than half of all solar PV installations in 2015. The 
USA’s cumulative solar PV installations had exceeded 25 GW by the end of 
2015 - more than twelve times installed capacity at the end of 2010 
(2GW). The U.S. solar market was driven by California, North Carolina, 
Nevada, Massachusetts, and New York. The market continued to diversify 
geographically, with 13 states installing more than 100 MW each in 2015. 
Utah jumped in ranking from No. 23 state to No. 7, and Georgia moved 
from 16th to eighth place. The U.S is on the track to hit a renewables 
boom following Congress' approval in December 2015 of tax credits for 
wind and solar projects, providing investors with a relatively stable 
investment climate through to 2020.

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2016-01-27 Thread Darryl McMahon


[Note GE will not participate so long as it is subject to conventional 
liability law in India, but only after given government protection, as 
is done in U.S., U.K., Canada etc.]

EDF inks preliminary agreement to build six nuclear plants in India


French utility EDF declared on Tuesday it had inked a preliminary deal 
with Nuclear Power Corp of India Ltd (NPCIL) to construct six nuclear 
reactors at Jaitapur, in the west of India.

EDF is taking over the long-postponed project, which might turn into the 
world's huge nuclear agreement, from fellow French state-controlled 
group Areva, which will vend its reactor unit to EDF later this year. 
The Jaitapur project is at the primary technical studies stage after 
obtaining initial environmental approval in 2010, according to EDF. An 
accord for pre-engineering studies was signed by Areva and NPCIL last 
April. EDF declared that in the next few months it would go on with the 
work started by Areva and NPCIL to get authorization for the European 
Pressurised Reactor (EPR) reactor in India and to settle the economic 
and financial conditions. The six 1650 megawatt EPR reactors with a 
total capacity of approximately 10,000 MW would make Jaitapur one of the 
world's largest nuclear sites and the deal, if concluded, one of the 
biggest in the history of the nuclear industry. Nevertheless Indian 
legislation on manufacturer's responsibility has long blocked French, US 
and Russian nuclear projects in the country. General Electric Chairman 
Jeff Immelt announced in September that GE will not make any investment 
in atomic energy in India until accident liability laws are brought in 
line with international practice. Following 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy, 
India's parliament ratified a law six years ago that makes equipment 
providers liable for an accident. French President Francois Hollande, 
making a state visit to India, made known on Monday that a deal to build 
the six nuclear reactors must be settled within a year. EDF also 
mentioned that its EDF Energies Nouvelles division had decided to 
collaborate with India's SITAC to construct four onshore wind farms by 
the end of 2016 with a total capacity of 142 MW in the state of Gujarat.

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2015-09-15 Thread Darryl McMahon


France to stop immediately the coal credits for exporters


The French government unveiled it will end export subsidies for building 
coal plants abroad ahead of high-profile climate change United Nations 
talks in December.

The measures, which will take effect immediately, involve removing 
export credits for all new coal power projects not equipped with carbon 
capture and storage technology (CCS). The decision will mainly hit 
French industrial group Alstom, which is the exporter of technology for 
coal, gas and nuclear power plants abroad. Instead, the French 
government will provide subsidies for French companies building 
renewable-energy plants overseas, declared Environment Minister Segolene 
Royal. Coal accounts for only a small amount of France's energy mix. 
However, France was one of the world's largest providers of subsidies 
for coal energy exports between 2007 and 2013, according to the OECD.

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2015-09-08 Thread Darryl McMahon


Britain to scrap four scheduled wind farms in Wales


Britain’s Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has scrapped 
plans for the construction of four onshore wind farms in Wales, it said 
in a statement on Monday.

The scheduled Llanbadarn Fynydd, Llaithddu, Llanbrynmair, and Carnedd 
Wen onshore wind farms, which would have a combined capacity of over 
350MW, were each rejected yesterday, following the results of a public 
inquiry which closed in May last year. DECC cited a number of reasons 
for throwing away the schemes, including worries about the wind farms' 
effect on local biodiversity, local traffic, and landscape and visual 
impacts. The government gave the green light to Scottish Power to 
replace turbines at its 100 MW Llandinam Windfarm in Wales, but an 
application for connecting power lines was declined. DECC unveiled 
earlier this year that Britain aims to scrap all new subsidies for 
onshore wind plants from April 2016, when it ends a renewable support 
scheme. It has also announced plans to cut the feed-in tariff payments 
by more than 80 per cent for some domestic solar rooftop schemes. The 
government has been blamed of launching an attack on the renewable 
energy industry since it came to power in May, with a particular 
spotlight on onshore wind power. However, the government argues the 
reductions in support are necessary in order to cope with the declining 
costs of technology and ramping rates of deployment.

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2015-09-03 Thread Darryl McMahon


UK: Coal-fired Eggborough power plant set to close in March on high costs


Britain's coal-fired Eggborough power plant is set to close at the end 
of March 2016, blaming too high costs to continue running the 
53-year-old power station, according to its owner declarations on Wednesday.

The shutdown is likely to increase risks of blackouts in winter 2016-17 
and threatening the loss of 240 jobs. The power plant provides 4 % of 
the UK’s electricity needs or to around 2 million of houses. The 2GW 
coal-fired power station needs an extra £200 million over the next three 
years to continue generating power and owner Eggborough Power Limited 
said this level of investment is "financially unsustainable”. The 
company warned in 2014 that a closure is likely due to the rallying 
carbon tax and the investment needed to meet European Union emissions 
standards. Eggborough power plant failed to win support for biomass 
conversion in 2014, but was acquired by Czech energy company EPH in 
November 2014 as part of a UK acquisition strategy. British wholesale 
power prices have decreased by around 9 percent since the beginning of 
the year, while costs jumped after Britain's carbon tax doubled this 
April to 18.08 pounds ($27.68) per tonne of carbon dioxide (CO2) 
released. The announcement comes just weeks after ScottishPower unveiled 
it would close its Longannet coal plant in Fife in March after it became 
too costly.

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2015-08-26 Thread Darryl McMahon


Vestas obtains 50 MW wind farm order in Uruguay

26/08/2015   |

Vestas has been granted a contract to supply 50MW of turbines for a wind 
project in Uruguay.

The Danish firm will be in charge of the supply, installation and 
commissioning of 15 blades with a capacity of 3.3MW each. The Florida II 
project is a continuation of Florida I and is likely to have a capacity 
of 142MW. The delivery of the wind turbines are planned for the first 
quarter of 2016. The power produced will be acquired by the 
Administración Nacional de Usinas y Trasmisiones Eléctricas (UTE), 
Uruguay’s state-owned grid operator. Akuo Energy and Eurus Energy 
America are developing the project.

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2015-08-11 Thread Darryl McMahon


[Wow!  I'm not sure I would ever see this without serious carbon taxes 
in place, but this says an electricity utility is shutting down all 
their coal-fired generation to save money - because of "the low costs of 
green energy".  I have to find a way to spend some time in NZ someday.

Next, perhaps they'll look into biogas production to displace some of 
the fossil natural gas they're using.]

New Zealand marks end to coal electricity

11/08/2015   |

The last two coal-fired power units in New Zealand will be closed in the 
following three years.

Genesis Energy declared its coal-burning power generators at Huntly 
Power Station will be forever removed from the market by December 2018. 
Chief Executive Albert Brantley mentioned that one of the reasons is the 
low costs of green energy. The firm hopes that the shutdown of the two 
units will save almost NZD$25 million (£10.7m) in operational and 
capital costs and reduce carbon emissions. The units released a maximum 
of 5,000 kilotonnes of CO2 – or approximately 5% of New Zealand’s total 
greenhouse gas emissions. The Huntly location will keep on producing 
power from the two existing gas-fired units, which have a total capacity 
of 450MW.

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