Re: [Biofuel] I sussed it out

2011-03-09 Thread Aleksander Kac
Hi Aleks!

>  >hope all is well with you Keith
>Got more problems than a cat with 20 kittens and only two tits. :-)
>Changing countries has never been so complicated before. Nearly there
>though - I'll go out in an hour or so and dash about the place again,
>and that should be it, then I can take it easy for a while. Yes,
>all's well.
>Way cool! How is Cape Town?

Warm! (It's snowing again today in Kyoto.)

>I believe, the summer is ending?

Not quite yet. There've been a couple of foggy mornings, cooler, and 
some wind, but not really - I think the wind really starts blowing in 

>Looking forvard to a nice
>fall, eh.

Indeed I am. And you to a nice spring? Does Slovenia have a 
"Mediterranean climate"?

Partly. The terrain rises considerably from the Adriatic sea 
inlands. The effect can be felt some 60-70 km inwards. Not where
I live. But in favourable weather conditions, the fall can have
prolonged periods of mild climate even past november 1st. 2009
was such a year, my sweatheart was sunbathing untill mid december,
with outside day temperatures reaching 17-18°C at the end of november.
More influental even are mediterranean cyclons. We can definitely
feel those. November 28th 2010 we got a foot of snow, and for
a week every other day yielded another foot till the cyclone 

>BTW, I got my sweetheart a kei car yesterday!

Good! Now you'll want one for yourself. :-)

Well. As with every story men tell about the wimens, my previous
statement is only a half truth.
The fact is, I bought the car for myself. I'm getting rid of the
Fat Girl (Toyota LC 80 series), and I wanted a small car for my daily
commute to work. I didn't want just any car, I wanted one with a small
and efficient engine. And it had to be reasonably priced, in a
reasonable/fixable condition. The latter I don't know yet, you see. I
have driven it for 30 minutes only ... Just as I got home, her response
was: "Just in time. My Kia has a shot bearing and the CV joint is making
strange noises. Hand them [car keys] over."
So, you see, my driving tests are of a rather limited time. And my nose
is still somewhat sagged.

>It's a Subaru VIVIO, 17 years old.
>A little gem of an engine: only 660 cc and multipoint injection. 
>It's a 4WD, works like
>magic on snow. A full fuel tank is les than 25 litres, which will 
>take you 500 kilometers
>far. I have been an utter idiot for not getting one of these a while 
>ago. This car
>is surprisingly roomy for its rather small size, and quite 
>comfortable. Least of all,
>you can get a new winter tire for it for les than 30 euros. On the 
>side of the registration
>and insurance costs: only a 50 cc moped is cheaper per year. 
>Anyways, way cheap, only sipping
>fuel and a quite comfortable ride. And sadly the only kei car 
>available in continental Europe
>AFAIK. Pitty they stopped making them in '95.

I think they still make them.

Subaru stopped making them in '97, although old stock was inported to the EU
until '99. But no new ones were imported after '95 to Slovenia. As there engines
are EURO 3, they can not be imported, even from other EU countries. And even
if that were possible, ther are only 40 on sale in the whole EU today, at
ridicoulous prices.


Kei cars:

There are dealers that export second-hand kei trucks all over the 
world, including to Europe I think, and probably kei cars too, not 

Not to this little country they are not! We are (as can be seen on
many, many, way too many other occasions) saintlier as Pope Ratzy.
It can be seen on Google Earth, search for Slovenia. You can observe
a faint golden aura along the borders to Austria, Italy, Hungary and
Croatia. For a similar visual effect search up The City of Vatican and,
during summer, The Apostolic Palace of Castel Gandolfo. A nice little
aura, but ours is stronger ...

I'd like to get another kei truck. They should be available here. 
I'll check it out.

Cheers for now - all best

Good luck! All the best,


>Cheers, Aleks

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] I sussed it out

2011-03-09 Thread Keith Addison
>A Sako is a Finnish rifle.

Oh, a gun. Well, good luck selling it.

>I have one of the 3 lug magnums. They dont make them
>anymore. Too expensive to manufacture they say.
>The bolt is more rigid as it has support every 120 degrees instead of 180.
>Machine precision isnt great. A weldingshop can do it. Not like you were going
>to build a hydraulic cylinder or an engine.
>More like the skill set of building a water wheel.
>The mechanical processes are familiar, just combined uniquely. A hammer is a
>hammer even when it is part of my machine.
>I intend to build one.

We'll wait then.

>Just thought I wouldnt make the world wait until I found

It'll wait until you build one, IMHO.

I'm not sure I understand though. Anybody with a computer and an 
Internet connection belongs to the economic elite. If it's such a 
simple job, surely you can afford it? How much will it cost?

>I suppose most people would keep it secret and patent it and become the next
>General Electric.

I don't think patents work very well anymore, unless you're already 
General Electric or someone/something like them/it.

>Guess I am a weird duck.

Maybe you're just normal. There've been a lot of arguments about it 
here, but there's more than ample hard evidence (see list archives) 
that what most distinguishes humankind isn't greediness and narrow 
self-interest as so often alleged, but kindness and generosity.



>From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wed, March 9, 2011 5:56:48 AM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] I sussed it out
>Hello Kirk
>>I am financially strapped but hopefully my Sako will sell soon and my friend
>>will cut the wheel for me.
>What's a Sako?
>>I actually thought it would be so apparent when pointed out that people could
>>get busy and throw them together.
>But nobody has, have they? It's obviously apparent to you, but
>perhaps not to anyone else. And it'll cost some money, it sounds like
>it needs precision engineering. So then it wouldn't be a matter of
>just throwing them together, would it? People need to be convinced
>before they'll invest time and money.
>>I was further motivated to disclose because of my health.
>I'm sorry to hear that.
>>I very well could not
>>be here to disclose if I waited. -Oh well.
>I wasn't talking about waiting.
>>Plans are as easy as falling off a log.
>Well that shouldn't be a problem for you then. If plans would be that
>easy, why not produce plans?
>Sorry if this seems tiresome, but the rest of your message is just
>another explanation. Explanations are not the same as plans, a
>working model, a design. As far as I'm concerned, and perhaps to most
>of us here, all it amounts to is just more theorising.
>>   So I gurantee it works.
>You can't guarantee it. Guarantees are 100%. Until you've built a
>working model and proved that it works as you think it will, you
>won't really know yourself whether it works or not, despite your
>conviction that it will. Don't you owe it to yourself to do that?
>Best wishes
>>momentum is transferred between 2 masses
>>using a wheel as a lever and the only thing you have to observe is
>>input momentum is transferred at v/2 and output mass has to have 
>>the same mass
>>relationship as the ratio of wheel diameters. ie if mass is 4:1
>>   then driven point on wheel and output point on wheel are also 4:1
>>Capturing the faster mass after it has swapped its ke for altitude
>>is done with
>>a ferris wheel (or think water wheel) or cups on a belt also called
>>an elevator
>>in the agriculture industry.
>>People insist on thinking ke is something besides velocity and it isnt. The
>>glareing clue should be it ignores Newtons 3rd law of motion.
>>When Einstein discussed conservation of energy he used momentum not
>>ke. There is
>>a reason he chose to do it that way
>>I suppose the classic textbook nonsense is they describe a mass moving at x
>>velocity picking up (colliding) with an equivalent mass and now
>  >moving v/2. They
>>show how no momentum was lost, ie m1v1=m2v2 and then fall off the
>>wagon with the
>>absurdity the missing ke was turned into heat and sound. If you lost
>>no momentum
>>you lost no energy. Cant have it both ways.
>>So much for Newtonian mechanics in the 21st century educational system.
>>So I gurantee it works. Just have to keep beating my head against the wall I

Re: [Biofuel] I sussed it out

2011-03-09 Thread Kirk McLoren


A Sako is a Finnish rifle. I have one of the 3 lug magnums. They dont make them 
anymore. Too expensive to manufacture they say.
The bolt is more rigid as it has support every 120 degrees instead of 180.

Machine precision isnt great. A weldingshop can do it. Not like you were going 
to build a hydraulic cylinder or an engine.
More like the skill set of building a water wheel.

The mechanical processes are familiar, just combined uniquely. A hammer is a 
hammer even when it is part of my machine.
I intend to build one. Just thought I wouldnt make the world wait until I found 
I suppose most people would keep it secret and patent it and become the next 
General Electric.
Guess I am a weird duck.



From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, March 9, 2011 5:56:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] I sussed it out

Hello Kirk

>I am financially strapped but hopefully my Sako will sell soon and my friend
>will cut the wheel for me.

What's a Sako?

>I actually thought it would be so apparent when pointed out that people could
>get busy and throw them together.

But nobody has, have they? It's obviously apparent to you, but 
perhaps not to anyone else. And it'll cost some money, it sounds like 
it needs precision engineering. So then it wouldn't be a matter of 
just throwing them together, would it? People need to be convinced 
before they'll invest time and money.

>I was further motivated to disclose because of my health.

I'm sorry to hear that.

>I very well could not
>be here to disclose if I waited. -Oh well.

I wasn't talking about waiting.

>Plans are as easy as falling off a log.

Well that shouldn't be a problem for you then. If plans would be that 
easy, why not produce plans?

Sorry if this seems tiresome, but the rest of your message is just 
another explanation. Explanations are not the same as plans, a 
working model, a design. As far as I'm concerned, and perhaps to most 
of us here, all it amounts to is just more theorising.

>  So I gurantee it works.

You can't guarantee it. Guarantees are 100%. Until you've built a 
working model and proved that it works as you think it will, you 
won't really know yourself whether it works or not, despite your 
conviction that it will. Don't you owe it to yourself to do that?

Best wishes


>momentum is transferred between 2 masses
>using a wheel as a lever and the only thing you have to observe is
>input momentum is transferred at v/2 and output mass has to have the same mass
>relationship as the ratio of wheel diameters. ie if mass is 4:1
>  then driven point on wheel and output point on wheel are also 4:1
>Capturing the faster mass after it has swapped its ke for altitude 
>is done with
>a ferris wheel (or think water wheel) or cups on a belt also called 
>an elevator
>in the agriculture industry.
>People insist on thinking ke is something besides velocity and it isnt. The
>glareing clue should be it ignores Newtons 3rd law of motion.
>When Einstein discussed conservation of energy he used momentum not 
>ke. There is
>a reason he chose to do it that way
>I suppose the classic textbook nonsense is they describe a mass moving at x
>velocity picking up (colliding) with an equivalent mass and now 
>moving v/2. They
>show how no momentum was lost, ie m1v1=m2v2 and then fall off the 
>wagon with the
>absurdity the missing ke was turned into heat and sound. If you lost 
>no momentum
>you lost no energy. Cant have it both ways.
>So much for Newtonian mechanics in the 21st century educational system.
>So I gurantee it works. Just have to keep beating my head against the wall I
>I think educated people are at a disadvantage. If you believe something to the
>point there is no doubt, no question in your mind, then when asked 
>to change it
>you have to go through some profound psychological changes. I know when I
>fianally "saw" it I actually felt physically dizzy for a moment. Interesting
>that changing a viewpoint could do that.
>Seems once something is part of the paradigm we can go hysterically 
>blind rather
>than challenge it.
>Funny creatures arent we?
>Soon, very soon, my friend I can take pictures and hopefully that will do it.
>All the best
>From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tue, March 8, 2011 2:10:13 AM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] I sussed it out
>Hello Kirk
>>I published my notes on the Bessler list how momentum can be manipulated to
>>extract power.
>>Probably the best fuel is no fuel needed

Re: [Biofuel] I sussed it out

2011-03-09 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Kirk

>I am financially strapped but hopefully my Sako will sell soon and my friend
>will cut the wheel for me.

What's a Sako?

>I actually thought it would be so apparent when pointed out that people could
>get busy and throw them together.

But nobody has, have they? It's obviously apparent to you, but 
perhaps not to anyone else. And it'll cost some money, it sounds like 
it needs precision engineering. So then it wouldn't be a matter of 
just throwing them together, would it? People need to be convinced 
before they'll invest time and money.

>I was further motivated to disclose because of my health.

I'm sorry to hear that.

>I very well could not
>be here to disclose if I waited. -Oh well.

I wasn't talking about waiting.

>Plans are as easy as falling off a log.

Well that shouldn't be a problem for you then. If plans would be that 
easy, why not produce plans?

Sorry if this seems tiresome, but the rest of your message is just 
another explanation. Explanations are not the same as plans, a 
working model, a design. As far as I'm concerned, and perhaps to most 
of us here, all it amounts to is just more theorising.

>  So I gurantee it works.

You can't guarantee it. Guarantees are 100%. Until you've built a 
working model and proved that it works as you think it will, you 
won't really know yourself whether it works or not, despite your 
conviction that it will. Don't you owe it to yourself to do that?

Best wishes


>momentum is transferred between 2 masses
>using a wheel as a lever and the only thing you have to observe is
>input momentum is transferred at v/2 and output mass has to have the same mass
>relationship as the ratio of wheel diameters. ie if mass is 4:1
>  then driven point on wheel and output point on wheel are also 4:1
>Capturing the faster mass after it has swapped its ke for altitude 
>is done with
>a ferris wheel (or think water wheel) or cups on a belt also called 
>an elevator
>in the agriculture industry.
>People insist on thinking ke is something besides velocity and it isnt. The
>glareing clue should be it ignores Newtons 3rd law of motion.
>When Einstein discussed conservation of energy he used momentum not 
>ke. There is
>a reason he chose to do it that way
>I suppose the classic textbook nonsense is they describe a mass moving at x
>velocity picking up (colliding) with an equivalent mass and now 
>moving v/2. They
>show how no momentum was lost, ie m1v1=m2v2 and then fall off the 
>wagon with the
>absurdity the missing ke was turned into heat and sound. If you lost 
>no momentum
>you lost no energy. Cant have it both ways.
>So much for Newtonian mechanics in the 21st century educational system.
>So I gurantee it works. Just have to keep beating my head against the wall I
>I think educated people are at a disadvantage. If you believe something to the
>point there is no doubt, no question in your mind, then when asked 
>to change it
>you have to go through some profound psychological changes. I know when I
>fianally "saw" it I actually felt physically dizzy for a moment. Interesting
>that changing a viewpoint could do that.
>Seems once something is part of the paradigm we can go hysterically 
>blind rather
>than challenge it.
>Funny creatures arent we?
>Soon, very soon, my friend I can take pictures and hopefully that will do it.
>All the best
>From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tue, March 8, 2011 2:10:13 AM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] I sussed it out
>Hello Kirk
>>I published my notes on the Bessler list how momentum can be manipulated to
>>extract power.
>>Probably the best fuel is no fuel needed
>But I don't see much there. There's some discussion further up the
>page and so on. "Can we look forward to you building a working device
>in the near future?" someone asks. Can we? "Now we need to set up a
>shop and turn them out by the thousands," you say. But that requires
>a working model, a design, plans, not just theoretical discussion, or
>nobody'll buy it except the true-believers. Sorry to sound so
>negative, but that's how it is, IMHO. Do you have a design that
>works, not just something for further experimentation?
>>hope all is well with you Keith
>Got more problems than a cat with 20 kittens and only two tits. :-)
>Changing countries has never been so complicated before. Nearly there
>though - I'll go out in an hour or so and dash about the place again,
>and that should be it, then I 

Re: [Biofuel] I sussed it out

2011-03-09 Thread Keith Addison
Hi Aleks!

>  >hope all is well with you Keith
>Got more problems than a cat with 20 kittens and only two tits. :-)
>Changing countries has never been so complicated before. Nearly there
>though - I'll go out in an hour or so and dash about the place again,
>and that should be it, then I can take it easy for a while. Yes,
>all's well.
>Way cool! How is Cape Town?

Warm! (It's snowing again today in Kyoto.)

>I believe, the summer is ending?

Not quite yet. There've been a couple of foggy mornings, cooler, and 
some wind, but not really - I think the wind really starts blowing in 

>Looking forvard to a nice
>fall, eh.

Indeed I am. And you to a nice spring? Does Slovenia have a 
"Mediterranean climate"?

>BTW, I got my sweetheart a kei car yesterday!

Good! Now you'll want one for yourself. :-)

>It's a Subaru VIVIO, 17 years old.
>A little gem of an engine: only 660 cc and multipoint injection. 
>It's a 4WD, works like
>magic on snow. A full fuel tank is les than 25 litres, which will 
>take you 500 kilometers
>far. I have been an utter idiot for not getting one of these a while 
>ago. This car
>is surprisingly roomy for its rather small size, and quite 
>comfortable. Least of all,
>you can get a new winter tire for it for les than 30 euros. On the 
>side of the registration
>and insurance costs: only a 50 cc moped is cheaper per year. 
>Anyways, way cheap, only sipping
>fuel and a quite comfortable ride. And sadly the only kei car 
>available in continental Europe
>AFAIK. Pitty they stopped making them in '95.

I think they still make them.


Kei cars:

There are dealers that export second-hand kei trucks all over the 
world, including to Europe I think, and probably kei cars too, not 

I'd like to get another kei truck. They should be available here. 
I'll check it out.

Cheers for now - all best


>Cheers, Aleks

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] I sussed it out

2011-03-08 Thread Kirk McLoren
I am financially strapped but hopefully my Sako will sell soon and my friend 
will cut the wheel for me.
I actually thought it would be so apparent when pointed out that people could 
get busy and throw them together.
I was further motivated to disclose because of my health. I very well could not 
be here to disclose if I waited. -Oh well.

Plans are as easy as falling off a log. momentum is transferred between 2 
using a wheel as a lever and the only thing you have to observe is
input momentum is transferred at v/2 and output mass has to have the same mass 
relationship as the ratio of wheel diameters. ie if mass is 4:1
 then driven point on wheel and output point on wheel are also 4:1
Capturing the faster mass after it has swapped its ke for altitude is done with 
a ferris wheel (or think water wheel) or cups on a belt also called an elevator 
in the agriculture industry.
People insist on thinking ke is something besides velocity and it isnt. The 
glareing clue should be it ignores Newtons 3rd law of motion.
When Einstein discussed conservation of energy he used momentum not ke. There 
a reason he chose to do it that way

I suppose the classic textbook nonsense is they describe a mass moving at x 
velocity picking up (colliding) with an equivalent mass and now moving v/2. 
show how no momentum was lost, ie m1v1=m2v2 and then fall off the wagon with 
absurdity the missing ke was turned into heat and sound. If you lost no 
you lost no energy. Cant have it both ways.
So much for Newtonian mechanics in the 21st century educational system.

So I gurantee it works. Just have to keep beating my head against the wall I 
I think educated people are at a disadvantage. If you believe something to the 
point there is no doubt, no question in your mind, then when asked to change it 
you have to go through some profound psychological changes. I know when I 
fianally "saw" it I actually felt physically dizzy for a moment. Interesting 
that changing a viewpoint could do that.
Seems once something is part of the paradigm we can go hysterically blind 
than challenge it.
Funny creatures arent we?

Soon, very soon, my friend I can take pictures and hopefully that will do it.

All the best

From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue, March 8, 2011 2:10:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] I sussed it out

Hello Kirk

>I published my notes on the Bessler list how momentum can be manipulated to
>extract power.
>Probably the best fuel is no fuel needed

But I don't see much there. There's some discussion further up the 
page and so on. "Can we look forward to you building a working device 
in the near future?" someone asks. Can we? "Now we need to set up a 
shop and turn them out by the thousands," you say. But that requires 
a working model, a design, plans, not just theoretical discussion, or 
nobody'll buy it except the true-believers. Sorry to sound so 
negative, but that's how it is, IMHO. Do you have a design that 
works, not just something for further experimentation?

>hope all is well with you Keith

Got more problems than a cat with 20 kittens and only two tits. :-) 
Changing countries has never been so complicated before. Nearly there 
though - I'll go out in an hour or so and dash about the place again, 
and that should be it, then I can take it easy for a while. Yes, 
all's well.

I hope all's well with you too Kirk.

All best



Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):
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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] I sussed it out

2011-03-08 Thread Fred
Pictures Alex!!

We need pictures!

Of course not attached but post a link or something!



On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 2:51 AM, Aleksander Kac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> snipped
> >hope all is well with you Keith
> Got more problems than a cat with 20 kittens and only two tits. :-)
> Changing countries has never been so complicated before. Nearly there
> though - I'll go out in an hour or so and dash about the place again,
> and that should be it, then I can take it easy for a while. Yes,
> all's well.
> Way cool! How is Cape Town? I believe, the summer is ending? Looking
> forvard to a nice
> fall, eh.
> BTW, I got my sweetheart a kei car yesterday! It's a Subaru VIVIO, 17 years
> old.
> A little gem of an engine: only 660 cc and multipoint injection. It's a
> 4WD, works like
> magic on snow. A full fuel tank is les than 25 litres, which will take you
> 500 kilometers
> far. I have been an utter idiot for not getting one of these a while ago.
> This car
> is surprisingly roomy for its rather small size, and quite comfortable.
> Least of all,
> you can get a new winter tire for it for les than 30 euros. On the side of
> the registration
> and insurance costs: only a 50 cc moped is cheaper per year. Anyways, way
> cheap, only sipping
> fuel and a quite comfortable ride. And sadly the only kei car available in
> continental Europe
> AFAIK. Pitty they stopped making them in '95.
> Cheers, Aleks
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000
> messages):

I enjoy the massacre of ads. This sentence will slaughter ads without a
messy bloodbath.
-- next part --
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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] I sussed it out

2011-03-08 Thread Aleksander Kac
>hope all is well with you Keith

Got more problems than a cat with 20 kittens and only two tits. :-) 
Changing countries has never been so complicated before. Nearly there 
though - I'll go out in an hour or so and dash about the place again, 
and that should be it, then I can take it easy for a while. Yes, 
all's well.

Way cool! How is Cape Town? I believe, the summer is ending? Looking forvard to 
a nice
fall, eh. 

BTW, I got my sweetheart a kei car yesterday! It's a Subaru VIVIO, 17 years old.
A little gem of an engine: only 660 cc and multipoint injection. It's a 4WD, 
works like
magic on snow. A full fuel tank is les than 25 litres, which will take you 500 
far. I have been an utter idiot for not getting one of these a while ago. This 
is surprisingly roomy for its rather small size, and quite comfortable. Least 
of all,
you can get a new winter tire for it for les than 30 euros. On the side of the 
and insurance costs: only a 50 cc moped is cheaper per year. Anyways, way 
cheap, only sipping
fuel and a quite comfortable ride. And sadly the only kei car available in 
continental Europe
AFAIK. Pitty they stopped making them in '95.

Cheers, Aleks

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] I sussed it out

2011-03-08 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Kirk

>I published my notes on the Bessler list how momentum can be manipulated to
>extract power.
>Probably the best fuel is no fuel needed

But I don't see much there. There's some discussion further up the 
page and so on. "Can we look forward to you building a working device 
in the near future?" someone asks. Can we? "Now we need to set up a 
shop and turn them out by the thousands," you say. But that requires 
a working model, a design, plans, not just theoretical discussion, or 
nobody'll buy it except the true-believers. Sorry to sound so 
negative, but that's how it is, IMHO. Do you have a design that 
works, not just something for further experimentation?

>hope all is well with you Keith

Got more problems than a cat with 20 kittens and only two tits. :-) 
Changing countries has never been so complicated before. Nearly there 
though - I'll go out in an hour or so and dash about the place again, 
and that should be it, then I can take it easy for a while. Yes, 
all's well.

I hope all's well with you too Kirk.

All best



Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

[Biofuel] I sussed it out

2011-03-06 Thread Kirk McLoren
I published my notes on the Bessler list how momentum can be manipulated to 
extract power.
Probably the best fuel is no fuel needed

hope all is well with you Keith

-- next part --
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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):