Re: [Biofuel] Shell Boss Warns Of Global Warming

2005-01-30 Thread MH

> Happy that it has been an "enjoyable" experience :-). After all, what is the
> point of coming to a place like this and JtF where a person with little or
> no (like in my case) experience at most anything constructive and come away
> with oodles of not only useful information but hands on ability to build
> something of real value and not share in the growth process ?

 Learning from each other on this list is helpful
 together with an ubiquitous illumination. 

> I was taugh by my Bible teacher that every student should be an improvement
> on the stock, and that means sharing experiences along the learning curve,
> be they a "success" or "failure". Another thing I was taught by the same
> teacher was "if you learn to treat success and failure as one then you will
> have become a man". I don't know about the "man" part but isn't so-called
> failures a necesary part of success ? 

 I'd think insight is gained from mistakes and
 worth noting or very little will be achieved. 

> For without some trials along the way
> how is one supposed to understand the process?

 To error is human and hopefully the prospectus
 leads to gaining knowledge, understanding
 and discernment. 

> In any case, it's free info
> for the taking ...or leaving.
> Luc

 And thank you for sharing it,
 it is - an "enjoyable" experience.  

>>> Gotta love these rats. First they create the problem then warn you how it is
>>> causing a "disaster", like it is now up to you to clean up their mess.
>>> Luc

>> I must say I've enjoyed following your progress
>> where as pedaling is my favored alternative.
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Shell Boss Warns Of Global Warming

2005-01-30 Thread Legal Eagle

point of coming to a place like this and JtF where a person with little or 
no (like in my case) experience at most anything constructive and come away 
with oodles of not only useful information but hands on ability to build 
something of real value and not share in the growth process ?
I was taugh by my Bible teacher that every student should be an improvement 
on the stock, and that means sharing experiences along the learning curve, 
be they a "success" or "failure". Another thing I was taught by the same 
teacher was "if you learn to treat success and failure as one then you will 
have become a man". I don't know about the "man" part but isn't so-called 
failures a necesary part of success ? For without some trials along the way 
how is one supposed to understand the process? In any case, it's free info 
for the taking ...or leaving.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Shell Boss Warns Of Global Warming

Gotta love these rats. First they create the problem then warn you how it 

causing a "disaster", like it is now up to you to clean up their mess.

I must say I've enjoyed following your progress
where as pedaling is my favored alternative.
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Shell Boss Warns Of Global Warming

2005-01-30 Thread MH

> Gotta love these rats. First they create the problem then warn you how it is
> causing a "disaster", like it is now up to you to clean up their mess.
> Luc

 I must say I've enjoyed following your progress
 where as pedaling is my favored alternative.
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Shell Boss Warns Of Global Warming

2005-01-30 Thread Legal Eagle

causing a "disaster", like it is now up to you to clean up their mess.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 10:14 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Shell Boss Warns Of Global Warming

Shell Boss Warns Of Global Warming 'Disaster'
The Independent,
26 Jan 2005

Governments, not oil companies, must act now on
global warming or there will be a "disaster",
the chairman of Shell's UK arm warned last night.

Delivering the annual business lecture hosted by
the environmental group Greenpeace, Lord Oxburgh
laid responsibility for tackling greenhouse gas
emissions squarely at the feet of government.

Lord Oxburgh, a former chief scientific adviser to
the Ministry of Defence, is one of the two chairmen
at Shell, the Anglo-Dutch oil giant. He heads the
UK half of the business. He insisted last night
that it was not up to the likes of Shell to reform
their behaviour and reduce their supply of fossil fuels.

"Whether you like it or not, we live in a capitalist society.
If we at Shell ceased to find and extract and market fossil
fuel products while there was demand for them, we would fail
as a company. Shell would disappear as any kind of
economic force," Lord Oxburgh maintained.

He said it was up to government to provide a
new regulatory framework that would reduce
the incentive to consume fossil fuels, the
burning of which produces carbon dioxide,
the main gas blamed for global warming.

If government failed to do this, there "will be a disaster"
he said, pointing to the environmental consequences of a
rise in the earth's temperature. Lord Oxburgh said that
Shell would be prepared to accept this kind of regulatory change,
"provided that our competitors operate under similar constraints".

He said: "Our job is to respond in a positive way to
a regulatory environment that has to be determined by
government ... given the urgency, we have to start now."

Unusually for an oil company
the chairman of Shell is an eminent
scientist and an expert on climate change.

Shell Exec: We Need to Shift from Oil
Jan 26, 2005

Reuters.  Lord Oxburgh, the chairman of the
Royal Dutch/Shell Group in Britain, said at a
Greenpeace conference this week that
governments should push society towards a
world less dependent on fossil fuel given
the potentially "disastrous" consequences
of climate change.

[He] added that governments needed to act to make
renewable and less environmentally harmful energy
sources more economical compared to hydrocarbons.

"Shell is an energy company and I would be very
surprised if Shell were doing business in the same way in
30 years time as it is today ... It's difficult to see why
big business should be frightened," Oxburgh said.

The burning of fossil fuels appeared to be causing
global warming, Oxburgh added, and this posed a
potentially disastrous risk to the world. He urged
governments in developed countries to introduce taxes,
regulations or plans such as the European Union
trading scheme to increase the cost of emitting carbon
dioxide, a gas many scientists tie to global warming.

In doing so, he added, technologies such as biofuel,
carbon sequestration, the use of hydrogen as a fuel and
wave power would displace the use of oil, gas and coal.

Lord Oxburgh (earlier post) has been outspoken about
the need for carbon sequestration and the need to
move off of a fossil fuel platform. His point about
business is exactly to the point. (Oxburgh, as an
interesting coincidence, was a graduate school
classmate of Prof. Ken Deffeyes, author of
Hubbert's Peak and an upcoming follow-on.)

Shell oil chief defects to the green lobby
Jan 30, 2005,,2087-1462584,00.html

THE outgoing chairman of Shell has announced he
wants to take up a post with a climate-change
charity when he quits the oil giant later this year,
writes Jonathan Leake.

Lord Oxburgh is so concerned at the potential
destruction from global warming that he wants to
devote more of his time to cutting greenhouse gas
emissions and the use of fossil fuels.

The move is likely to cause some embarrassment
at Shell, one of the biggest oil and gas producers in
the world.

Despite a history of environmental controversies, it
is now seen as one of the greenest oil companies,
but each year its worldwide activities and products
still release about 700m tons of carbon dioxide
into the atmosphere.

By contrast, emissions from the whole of Britain
total around 560m tons out of a total world output
of 25 billion tons.

Oxburgh, who chairs Shell as a non-executive,
said: "When I leave I would like to go onto the
board of a climate change charity. I would be
campaigning for more responsible use of

Oxburgh, who is also chairman of the House of
Lords science and technology committee,
emphasises that the target of