El 2010. 01. 21. 12:57, Andrey Chernov escribió:
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 04:25:53PM +1100, Bruce Evans wrote:
To be used in practice, strcoll() should never fails, doing fallback to
strcmp() instead, not only in that, but in lots of other cases too (it may
set errno like EILSEQ, but not fails). The next important thing is to
return 0 only for true binary equals, additionaly ranking (f.e. by
strcmp()) anything inside classes of equality to stabilize result.

I hope our strcoll() will be kept in that state after implementing
UCA too.
What is UCA?
IIRC, there was a SoC student working on collation. Do we know something about him and the status of that project?


Gabor Kovesdan
FreeBSD Volunteer

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