Hello all,

I have cloned the swagger-ui Git repo and started a server using *npm run 
dev*. It is running on local port 3200.

In older versions of swagger-ui, I could type a file:// URL into the 
"Explore" field and load a .yaml file from my local filesystem, to explore 
the UI of my under-development service running on the same machine. 
However, this version of swagger-ui complains that:

Fetch errorFailed to fetch 
Fetch errorPossible cross-origin (CORS) issue? The URL origin (file://) 
does not match the page (http://localhost:3200). Check the server returns 
the correct 'Access-Control-Allow-*' headers.

Any idea how I might get around this problem? I'm not sure which "server" 
would have to return the CORS headers, since it's just a file://.

Thank you,

Joe Knapka

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