From what you wrote, I think you will love D.W.Bradley's Wizardry 6 and 7. It has phased combat, it is strongly combat oriented, it is not a typical fantasy setting (it is mostly fantasy but... ok I won't spoil it for you. :) If you liked Arcanum, you'll like these two, specially Wiz7), and both have a great storyline and plot (Wizardry 6 being slightly more interesting).

Wizardry 6 characters have normal names like Rebecca, Bela, King, Robin, Geoffrey... but on the other hand there's one "Lord Haiyato Daikuta, Yojimbo Kaishakunin, Guardian of the 4th Order" :D

I played LotR before reading the books and I have to say it was an interesting experience and a motivation to read the whole Tolkien collection.

On a completely different tone, I'd look back at 2002 (a golden year for RPGs -- more about this in reply to Edward's mail) and imho the best RPG of that year: Prince of Qin. Nice non typical fantasy story (it's based on true facts in medieval China, although it's "fantasized"), strongly combat oriented, combat is paused real time, complete item/drops randomization... it would not make it to my top 10 list of RPGs, but it's worth a look.

Pedro R. Quaresma
Salvador Caetano IMVT
Div. Sistemas de Informação / Systems and Information Division
Administração e Desenvolvimento Lotus Notes /
Lotus Notes Administration and Development
[EMAIL PROTECTED] // +351 22 7867000 (ext. 3492)

Toyota Prius '01, Aqua Ice Opalescent, 37K km., "Esperanza"

'People don't quit playing because they grow old. They grow old because they quit playing.' - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Assunto: Re: [SWCollect] "Modern" classics
13-01-2004 18:31
Solicita-se resposta a swcollect

Excellent, excellent suggestions, thank you.

Pedro Quaresma wrote:
> I have given perhaps too many suggestions :) I can be more specific if
> you tell me exactly what you enjoy the most on a RPG. Combat/story
> driven? Turn based/real time/phased/action combat? First person/3rd
> person perspective? Does good gfx/sound matter?

Things I look for in an RPG:

- turn-based combat.

- combat-driven as opposed to story-driven (at least, I think I lean
that way -- is Wasteland and Fallout combat-driven?)

- non-typical genre.  I don't prefer the typical "medieval fantasy"
setting but I'm not opposed to it either.  I prefer
post-apocolyptic/nuclear aftermath settings, or something unconventional
like Arcanum's "steamworks and magic obscura" setting (the setting alone
in Arcanum was 80% of why I loved the game).  I've never tried
Necromancer or Mines of Titan but they seem like settings I would enjoy.

- sound and graphics don't matter to me (they're a bonus if they're
cleverly done, like in BT or Wasteland, but not mandatory).  I'm a fan
of clever sound, but I don't think it would be required in an RPG.

- Not reliant on another system or rule of play.  For example, I don't
think I'll ever play a Hobbit/LOTR game because I haven't read the
books.  Same goes for Star Wars because I'm not really that into it.
Original AD&D I can handle because it's simple, but the new Rev 3 games

scare me :).

- Finally, dumb-ass fictional LONG proper nouns drive me nuts and really
turn me off.  Text like "Making the ascension of Arrogath in the land of
Blesmythson requires the blessing of Gorgonax the Blargnargian during
the Time of Rhyne" in a game usually has me uninstall it within minutes.

So, any refinements to your suggestions?  :)

To everyone:  This is great fun, keep the suggestions coming!
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