Re: [SWCollect] Technology never ceases to amaze (long)

2003-12-29 Thread Lee K. Seitz
Jim Leonard stated:
>Digitized sound on any machine without dedicated sound hardware:

>Digitized sound on the IBM PC that did *not* halt the computer and had 
>*no* distortion:

This brings to mind an old game called Star Trek:  The Nth Iteration.
It used "ANSI graphics," but played actual clips from the original
show over the PC's speaker.  I was amazed at the time.  It was the
early '90s and I had only had a IBM PC-compatible for a year or two.

I've just discovered it's still available on the web from the author:  Source code is even
included, although it turns out it's written in XPL0, a language I was
not previously aware of.  The sound routines are written in assembly.

Lee K. Seitz

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Re: [SWCollect] Technology never ceases to amaze (long)

2003-12-29 Thread Dan Chisarick
Good god.  Ok, tell me you just rattled all that off your head...

Apple or Mac?  Both.  Actually Apple II, IIgs and Mac.  Nearly all the 
IIgs and Mac titles can be fast copied or at most have one protected 
track (which I'll skip).  I use Apple's built-in disk imager for the 
Mac and Asimov ( for the 
IIgs.  I'll just sector-edit out the protection call on the image.  Due 
to time constraints I'll skip format-protected titles for either (there 
aren't many I've seen).  For the Apple II at least 50% aren't 
format-protected, so same strategy (Asimov images 5.25" or 3.5").  I'll 
use Super IOB ( to normalize everything else, many 
times w/the swap controller (capture the program's DOS and use it to 
read the protected disks).  Dos 3.3-based stuff is far more reliable to 
get a solid image out of than 3.2.  Might be better error checking, 
might also be that 3.2 is so old the media is WAY past its shelf life.  
For those "oh god I will not be complete without this" titles, I will 
dissect (boot trace, disassemble, etc.) the loader for however long as 
need be (and no I don't have a cookbook from Computist for these) until 
I have decoded data in normalized form.  These would be stuff like 
"Caverns of Callisto", "Sherwood Forest", "Elite"...  All of these have 
stories that would go for pages :)  And last there are titles that are 
so heavily protected I just don't try (almost anything Broderbund and 
definitely anything Sirius).  They have been beaten 15+ years ago by 
The Disk Jockey and the Apple Bandit, and because the formats are so 
far out there, I see no value in repeating these feats to only get the 
identical results (yes real men rewrite loaders, if you have 2 months 
to work 1 title).  Oh yeah, SST will make nibble copy IMAGES of many 
protected titles (as long as there is no nibble count).  I've used this 
as a last resort, but because its so hard to tell if a sector was 
misread using this tool, I try to avoid it where possible.  Stuff I 
have in this form includes: Choplifter, Russki Duck, Wings of Fury and 
the original CP Ultima I.  I wish I knew more, I wish I had more time, 
but I do what I can with what I have (and I would give my right eye to 
have the read routines from Copy II+ as a callable library... those 
things are just so good).  And Copy II+ 9.1 to do the 'refresh' copy 
(make a copy first, THEN normalize from a fresh copy greatly enhances 

Pushing hardware beyond its limits is so cool: Hit the nail on the 
head.  I pity the people who had to PORT titles like that :)  Unlikely 
we'll ever see that pushing again for that reason (portability, diverse 
hardware platforms).  Wonder if we'll see 2Ghz PC emulators in cell 
phones someday (we never expected to see 2600, Nintendo and 
Intellivisions run in such small packages, who knows).

Sid tunes: I have SidPlay2 on my Mac and the HVSC library in it.  I've 
listened to it for hours and burned a non-trivial number of CD's from 
it.  Of course I also bought the Mac version of all the Doom II 
episodes to get all the music files (they're in QuickTime MIDI 
format... iTunes burns them straight to CD :)

I wish I could make a site w/the 'minimal crack' images I've made 
(along w/the original bytes if you have a better way) and not get sued 
from here to hell.  I just *know* I've got images of stuff no one else 
has, and clean copies of stuff (like Rescue Raiders) that's been 
covered in 'graffiti' everywhere else, mods to images to make them work 
w/the real hardware AND emulators, etc.  I think in 2004 I'm going to 
start scanning in all my issues of Computist (much like the Andover 
project) into PDF files.  Tedious but its at least a known quantity of 
work (probably 1 hour per issue to assemble).  I thought I had them 
all.  I'm shy about 9 (mostly the really, really early ones.)  Oops.

I have (no kidding) at least 10 copies of 'Omega', probably more.  I 
still can't bring myself to destroy just *one* copy of the massive 
manual to scan it :)

On Dec 29, 2003, at 5:57 PM, Jim Leonard wrote:

Dan Chisarick wrote:

When I was done w/this batch (61 disk images) and waiting for the lot 
to transfer over the serial AppleTalk network (think 10.5MB over a 
These are Apple II images or Mac images?  Protected or not?  If 
protected, what program are you using?

In addition to all the wonderful things that vintage games had going 
for them, many of them had that "wow, how'd they do that" sort of 
feeling.  Even "Mode 0x13" for the PC (320x200 256 colors, and I 
think it was a linear frame buffer too instead of interlaced), even 
though it was more or less just poorly documented, was a "big thing".
MCGA didn't need to be documented, it was brainless to program for. 
64000 bytes of video RAM at 0xA000 that you could linearly address; no 
paging or funny business, and each byte was exactly one pixel.  Talk 
about simple!  The neato modes were the tweaked one

Re: [SWCollect] Technology never ceases to amaze (long)

2003-12-29 Thread Jim Leonard
Dan Chisarick wrote:

When I was done w/this batch (61 disk images) and waiting for the lot to 
transfer over the serial AppleTalk network (think 10.5MB over a 115KB/s 
These are Apple II images or Mac images?  Protected or not?  If 
protected, what program are you using?

In addition to all the wonderful things that vintage games had going for 
them, many of them had that "wow, how'd they do that" sort of feeling.  
Even "Mode 0x13" for the PC (320x200 256 colors, and I think it was a 
linear frame buffer too instead of interlaced), even though it was more 
or less just poorly documented, was a "big thing".
MCGA didn't need to be documented, it was brainless to program for. 
64000 bytes of video RAM at 0xA000 that you could linearly address; no 
paging or funny business, and each byte was exactly one pixel.  Talk 
about simple!  The neato modes were the tweaked ones, like unchaining 
video memory on a VGA card so that you could not only tweak to get 
320x240 (square pixel aspect ratio) but also three video pages.  John R. 
can attest to the advantages of triple buffering :)  More on this later.

Now some of the advances you've seen in years past: deformable surfaces, 
colored lighting, inverse kinematics, more colors, more polygons, better 
frame rates, full-screen anti-aliasing, hi-res textures, etc. while 
visually impressive, don't seem to have the same impact.
Agreed.  This is because they aren't exceeding the design parameters of 
the hardware.  The truly cool stuff of yesteryear was produced by clever 
programming and/or hardware exploitation that accomplished things the 
hardware was *never intended to do*.  All the stuff you mentioned above 
-- full-screen AA, compressed textures, pixel shaders, etc. -- are 
*supposed* to be used; they are in the design specs of the hardware and 
software.  But when you produce digitized sound out of a computer with 
NO SOUND HARDWARE, or produce realtively fluid 3D graphics on a machine 
with no mathco or dedicated graphics displays running at sub-MHz speeds, 
or coax six voices out of a four-voice sound chip... that's impressive!

I am with you 110% on this.  It is the same reason I got involved with 
the demoscene, which, for a very brief period around 1990-1995, almost 
always exceeded game companies in the ability of pushing hardware past 
its specified limits.  Not to toot my own horn, but if you haven't heard 
of the demoscene, you should buy a copy of MindCandy 
( and watch the "oldskool" side and the featurette 
on the "new" side for 2+ hours of this kind of nostalgia :)

So two questions: Can you think of any technical innovation in games in 
the past few years that really jumped out and made you say "gee whiz"?  
Yes, actually I can (with links to screenshots):

Outcast:  The entire game was software-rendered in an era where 3D 
hardware was taking over the industry, but it was done so entirely with 
voxels.  It was designed for 500MHz machines, but if you have a 2GHz or 
faster machine, you can run it with every single option turned on at a 
high resolution and it looks stunning.  Smoothly-sloped mountains, 
uneven ground, true reflections... very impressive.
(,3/gameId,358/ )

Tron 2.0:  The "glow" effect (every lightsource has a hazy glow) was 
perfectly recreated from the movie.  It is not a hard effect to do 
(depending on implementation it doesn't even need pixel shaders) but it 
was extremely effective.  I love that game.
(,3/gameId,10153/ )

Any classic favorites whose technology at the time was just awe-inspiring?
Well, unfortunately for anyone who doesn't want to read this, you have 
touched on the very nerve that has drawn me to computers since I was a 
boy.  I am not saying that to be melodramatic -- it's the honest truth. 
 So here's some stuff off the top of my head that truly impressed me by 
either being clever with existing hardware or exceeding the hardware's 
design limits:

C64 SID tunes:  There are a few tunes that exploit very distinct 
behaviors of the C64 SID that produce sound that theoretically should 
not be possible given the waveforms and operators you had available.  It 
is said that the designer of the SID is continually amazed at what has 
been produced with the chip, stuff that he never intended -- sounds that 
should not even be possible.

C64 SID music with digitized sound:  A good (but not the best) example 
of this is the title theme to Turbo Outrun.  Getting digitized sound out 
of a C64 is amazing enough, but at the same time all three channels are 
maxed out playing music?!?  One of these days I'll figure out how it was 

Digitized sound on any machine without dedicated sound hardware:  Apple 
II, IBM PC, C64, and many (if not most) 8-bit computers did not have 
dedicated hardware to produce digitized sound (music and/or sound 
effects, yes, but not dedicated sampled sound like a Sound Blaster).  So 
any title