Jim Leonard stated:
>Considering I'm about to go through the same thing, I'm not opposed to 
>it... and since I'm the moderator of the list, I say it's okay :)  I 
>think the best way to handle it is to put your listing up on a web page 
>somewhere and give us just the URL; also, handle bidding, etc. via 
>personal email address.  That way you can still use us before ebay, but 
>the list is kept clean.

Very well.  I've updated my pathetic trading post pages at
http://home.hiwaay.net/~lkseitz/trade/.  Although those pages are
geared toward trading, what I really need right now is cash.

Let me point out one highlight:
   * Ultima:  The Avatar Adventures book

Make a couple comments:
   * I'm pretty sure I have some more Zork and Micro Adventure books
     somewhere, but can't locate them at the moment.
   * Be sure to check out the "Upcoming eBay auctions" link.  It may
     not have been updated in a while, but that's because I *still*
     haven't put that stuff up yet.

And mention some things I haven't put on the page yet:
   * Best of The '99er book
   * A couple issues of The Rainbow magazine
   * Some Apple /// (no, that's not a typo) productivity software and

And offer FREE STUFF!  A friend gave me a box full of Commodore 64
disks.  I'm obviously never going to have the time or inclination to
go through them all.  A good portion are unlabled.  I'm guessing most
are pirated games, although there's some original disks in it as well.
There's got to be over 100 of them, although I'd cull out some.
Anyone who wants the rest can have them for the cost of shipping.

Lee K. Seitz

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