Cool, this was educational.  Thanks!

> Just to clear up what seems to be a misunderstanding about this disk, it was
> NOT signed, but 12 of them were hand numbered. I know of 3 others not
> numbered, two are complete games, one is my disk. Here are pics of one of the
> unnumbered disks, my label which I have not put on the disk yet (label came
> from RG himself though so is legit, it looks to be a different color than
> this disk) and screenshots of the title screen of the original and CPC
> versions. Hope this helps!!
> Tom
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                          Name: Aklabel.ZIP
>    Aklabel.ZIP           Type: Download File (application/x-zip-compressed)
>                      Encoding: base64
>               Download Status: Not downloaded with message

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