Just a brief note about shapes, swfmill, svg, etc. I tried to find a way 
to convert swfmill's curveTo's back into Actionscript. LineTos worked, 
after a fashion, but I never got CurveTo to work. (I got the positions 
of the points to work but the actual curves never worked right.) In the 
end, I gave up on SVG altogether actually and just used GSView in 
combination with pstoedit. So in this case I ended up not using swfmill. 
I have to say that swfmill was a bit of inspiration for the ends I was 
trying to reach though.


Mark Winterhalder wrote:
> if you asked me what i'd like to see, though, turning shapes into
> arrays (possibly directly as bytecode) so they can be drawn and
> manipulated by script, that would be a wicked feature... :)

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