Hi Jeff,

To use FreepapeR 2, you first need to convert a pdf file to a swf file using 
There's 2 manners to achieve this goal :
a) convert your pdf file manually (command line or using the swftools GUI). 
After you get the swf version of your pdf document, you can use FreepapeR to 
view it.
b) use FreepapeR ability (using php exec) to run pdf2swf with the right 
parameters. The generated document is then automaticaly opened in your web page.
Just download the zip file, 
http://lededansdubocal.net/IMG/zip/freepaper2.0.9.0-20100417.zip. Extract the 
archive under your document root. You will find the 2 described cases (a and b) 
a -> sample using the manually converted version of the document. There's no 
use of php.
b -> sample using php : just give the path of your pdf document (in 
index.html), the tools will first convert to a swf document, the display it in 
The FreeapeR interface (buttons, colors ...) and language can be set using XML 
FreepapeR is build using Flashdevelop anf Flex 4 SDK (Actionscript 3) and is 
open source (source available on request).
The "SPIP plugin" is a plugin written to use FreepapeR with SPIP (a Content 
Management System)

If somebody find it useful, I could translate the FreepapeR doc in english.



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