IMHO it seems reasonable for Foundation to return the contents of procfs items 
when constructing Data. That being said - I would probably favor a more 
structured parsing for actually using that resultant Data than just a blob. 
Those structured elements are probably not very portable so perhaps they belong 
in something above Foundation. 

I don’t know of any linux variants off hand that don’t have /proc, but it might 
be interesting to somehow detect if that is truly a procfs element. I think it 
would perhaps be a failure if just the path /proc is special cased; Android, 
Solaris and Plan9 also share this same concept iirc (there are likely others).

> On Jan 12, 2017, at 11:40 AM, Carl Brown1 via swift-corelibs-dev 
> <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I run the Austin Swift meetup group, and a question came up about the /proc 
> filesystem on Linux:
> The question involved the inability to get any useful information from 
> Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/proc/sys/fs/file-max")).
> It turns out that Data(contentsOf:) does a stat() on the inode of the file 
> you give it, and then runs alloc()/read() for the specified number of bytes. 
> This works fine on normal files on normal file systems. But all the files in 
> /proc have a 0 length specified by their inodes, and you have to actually 
> read them until EOF to find out how much is there.
> So the question is: Is that something the *Programmer* should be responsible 
> for knowing, or should *Foundation* be responsible for handling that 
> correctly?
> I can see a case that we'd want to avoid embedding things this OS-specific in 
> Foundation, but on the other hand, I know that this is very confusing for 
> Darwin developers moving to Linux and expecting Data(contentsOf:) to "Just 
> work."
> So I thought I'd ask the community and see if there was a consensus.
> Thanks,
> -Carl
> -- 
> Carl Brown
> Swift@IBM
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