Re: [swift-evolution] [swift-users] Plan to move swift-evolution and swift-users mailing lists to Discourse

2017-02-09 Thread Cihat Gündüz via swift-evolution
@Jan: Your arguments are very subjective if not even insulting and derogatory to many people who invest a lot of time and effort in crafting those things you despise so openly. Here are just a few example quotes for you to reflect your language: "I despise fp“, „is so annoying“, "made Swift

Re: [swift-evolution] [Discussion] mailing list alternative

2017-02-04 Thread Cihat Gündüz via swift-evolution
After trying out Nate Cook’s Discourse test server I’d like to add a few things on my previous message: #1 I found the beginning of this threads discussion without any problems (both from navigating through the threads structure and from the search feature) which was interesting for me, as I

Re: [swift-evolution] [Discussion] mailing list alternative

2017-02-02 Thread Cihat Gündüz via swift-evolution
I can only say how I perceive the mailing list from my own perspective: The mailing list is a really confusing way of following the discussions for me. I never know the context of an answer since my mail clients don’t show the quoted parts correctly. Also I get a lot of emails throughout the

[swift-evolution] [Proposal] Add Array binary search to the standard library

2017-01-29 Thread Cihat Gündüz via swift-evolution
Hi guys, I know this topic is probably out of scope for Swift 4 and a proposal was already rejected for Swift 3, but I’d like to share my two cents on this as I just wrote a SortedArray class with support for binary search in my open source library HandySwift. You can see my classes current

Re: [swift-evolution] Proposal Sketch: simplify optional unwrapping syntax

2015-12-19 Thread Cihat Gündüz via swift-evolution
> However, you may be interested in the last email Chris sent in this chain > with regards to shortening it to just "let foo": > > "This is commonly requested - the problem is that while it does help reduce > boilerplate, it runs counter to the goal of improving clarity." > > He's got a

Re: [swift-evolution] Proposal Sketch: simplify optional unwrapping syntax

2015-12-19 Thread Cihat Gündüz via swift-evolution
I’ve only read the last couple of posts but has anybody already suggested using something like this: if let foo! { // code that uses foo } People already know that the ! is unwrapping a value and that let is defining a new constant. So why not combine those two? Alternatively it could also

Re: [swift-evolution] Proposal: Add .times method to Integer type

2015-12-18 Thread Cihat Gündüz via swift-evolution
nners ask >>> for lots of things, but the people who ask about the for loop are usually >>> people with a background in another C-like language who try to use the >>> arguably less readable C-like for loop. I've never seen anyone before say >>> that it looks unclean

Re: [swift-evolution] Proposal: Add .times method to Integer type

2015-12-18 Thread Cihat Gündüz via swift-evolution
I agree with Radek. I find `for i in 5 { doSomething() }` or `for 5 { doSomething() }` to be very confusing since it is neither close to human language nor to any common programming language I know of. I like the idea of giving students a step by step introduction into things, but this is IMO