Proposal Link:

The second review of SE-0161 "Smart KeyPaths: Better Key-Value Coding for 
Swift” ran April 5...9, 2017. The first review 
 established the main substance of the proposal, while the second review 
focused mostly on the more lightweight “\” syntax. The proposal is accepted 
with one clarification regarding the intersection between contextual keypaths 
(where the base type is left unspecified) and array types.

The core team felt that the leading “\” is our best option for introducing 
keypaths. It is lightweight, yet provides a visual “escape” to indicate that 
the evaluation of the entities being referenced is being delayed. As noted in 
the result of the first review 
 this is part of a longer-term plan to use the “\” for unapplied method 
references, bringing the two closely-related features into syntactic alignment 
over time and providing an opportunity to stage in the important but 
currently-source-breaking changes accepted in SE-0042 

Much discussion centered around potential ambiguities. Accessing a property of 
a key path, e.g., \Person.friends[0].firstName.someKeyPathProperty, requires 
one to parenthesize the key path as 
(\Person.friends[0].firstName).someKeyPathProperty,  which is a common way to 
disambiguate expressions in Swift (and most other programming languages) 
already. More concerning to the core team was the ambiguity between contextual 
keypaths starting with a subscript and keypaths rooted on an array type, e.g.,

        \[a]?.foo     // is [a]? a type rooting a keypath “.foo”
                      // or is it a contextual keypath starting with a 
subscript [a]?

To resolve this ambiguity, *all* contextual keypaths will start with “\.”. The 
expression above will use the first interpretation (a type [a]? rooting a key 
path “.foo”), while the second interpretation would be written as:

        \.[a]?.foo    // a contextual key path starting with the subscript [a]

The core team felt that the result is more consistent: “\.” indicates a 
contextual keypath, while “\” without the “.” indicates a keypath with a 
specified root.

The authors will revise the proposal according. Thank you to everyone who 
participated in the reviews of this much-anticipated feature!

        - Doug
        Review Manager

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