public extension CollectionType where Index : RandomAccessIndexType {


    func matchWith<C : CollectionType where C.Index : BidirectionalIndexType,
C.Generator.Element == Generator.Element>(pattern: C, @noescape
isEquivalent: (Generator.Element, Generator.Element) throws -> Bool)
rethrows -> Index? {

        let pattern_count = pattern.count.toIntMax()

        if count.toIntMax() < pattern_count {

            return nil


        let reverse_pattern = pattern.reverse()

        var cursor = startIndex.advancedBy(numericCast(pattern_count - 1))

        while cursor < endIndex {

            let left = startIndex...cursor

            let pair = zip(left.reverse(), reverse_pattern)

            guard let not_match = try pair.firstOf({ try
$1) }) else {

                return cursor.advancedBy(numericCast(1 - pattern_count))


            if let pos = try reverse_pattern.dropFirst().indexOf({ try
isEquivalent(self[not_match.0], $0) }) {

                let offset = reverse_pattern.startIndex.distanceTo(pos).

                cursor = not_match.0.advancedBy(numericCast(offset), limit:

            } else {

                cursor = not_match.0.advancedBy(numericCast(pattern_count),
limit: endIndex)



        if try self.reverse().startsWith(reverse_pattern, isEquivalent:
isEquivalent) {

            return endIndex.advancedBy(numericCast(-pattern_count))


        return nil



public extension CollectionType where Index : RandomAccessIndexType,
Generator.Element : Equatable {


    func matchWith<C : CollectionType where C.Index : BidirectionalIndexType,
C.Generator.Element == Generator.Element>(pattern: C) -> Index? {

        return self.matchWith(pattern) { $0 == $1 }



with this simplify version of Horspool algorithm, it can speed up searching
in any random access CollectionType (better than brute force searching).
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