Hi all

I discovered that memoization can be pretty hard to implement for pure 
functions in enums and I wanted to ask if anyone knows of a good way to 
implement it?
To explain the problem further look at this example of a primitive lazy linked 

public struct LazyList<T> {
    let root: LLE<T>
    init(_ root: LLE<T> = LLE<T>.End) {
        self.root = root
    public var hd: T? {
        get {return root.val()}
    lazy private var tail: LLE<T> = self.root.tail()()
    public var tl: LazyList<T> {
        mutating get {
            return LazyList<T>(tail)

enum LLE<T> {
    case End
    indirect case Node(T, () -> LLE<T>)
    func val() -> T? {
        switch self {
        case let .Node(v, _):
            return v
            return nil
    func tail() -> () -> LLE<T> {
        switch self {
        case let .Node(_, tl):
            return tl
            assert(false, "Can't call tail on empty list")
            return {self}

For the memoization I need a separate struct which wraps the actual linked 
list. For this primitive list this would work, but as soon as you want to 
implement “count”, it gets very complicated: A call of count would require the 
evaluation of the tail, so it would make sense to memoize the tail (and its 
computed count property). But this way it is not possible, because a struct 
does not allow to have a stored property that references itself. And as I 
cannot have any stored property at all in a enum, I don’t find a way how I 
could implement memoization for a pure function like “tail” in the enum.

So is it somehow possible to memoize the output of a pure function in an enum?

Tierry Hoermann
swift-users mailing list

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