Dear Swift users,

Gradually over the past couple months, Michael Sheets and I have been
working on updating swift.tmbundle
<>. The subset of you who use
TextMate will be happy to hear that the updates finally went live today! 🎉

Changes to the language grammar (syntax highlighting) include:

- Built-in types, functions, etc. updated for Swift 3
- Support for Swift 2 & 3 styles of generic constraints, operator
declarations, and other constructs
- Full support for the menagerie of valid numeric literals
- Improved highlighting of parameter labels, including in function calls
- Support for conditional compilation directives

Additionally, there's a much more complete and consistent set of
tab-triggered snippets: cl⇥ for class, fu⇥ for func, etc.

One might reasonably expect the grammar improvements to propagate to GitHub's
syntax highlighter
<> in a small
number of weeks; other editors may pick up the changes too, though YMMV.

If you notice any issues or want to make more improvements, just submit a PR
<> 😃


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