On Thu, 19 Aug 2021 06:13:39 GMT, Prasanta Sadhukhan <psadhuk...@openjdk.org> 

> This is another attempt of fixing JDK-8249674 which created a regression 
> JDK-8266510 for which it was backed out.
> This fix reinstates the UIResource properties  for "Tree.leafIcon", 
> "Tree.closedIcon",  "Tree.openIcon", "Tree.selectionForeground",
>  "Tree.textForeground", "Tree.selectionBackground", "Tree.textBackground", 
> "Tree.selectionBorderColor" for NimbusLookAndFeel.
> The regression which was "when a JTree node is selected, the text should be 
> painted using the selected text color (white), matching the color of the 
> expansion control. Instead, it is painted using the standard color (black)"  
> is also fixed by this fix, although I could not find any mention of this 
> behaviour in the spec that selected text color should match the expanded icon 
> color
> but it's a long standing behaviour, so catered to it.
> It was happening because SynthLabelUI#paint when it tries to paint 
> textForeground for cell label, it calls
> g.setColor(context.getStyle().getColor(context,
>                     ColorType.TEXT_FOREGROUND));
> which then calls SynthStyle#getColor where even though cell renderer 
> correctly gets the foreground color, it gets overridden by getColorForState() 
>  because the color is a UIResource and there's no corresponding color defined 
> for that state for Tree.CellRenderer so it uses default "black" color for 
> "text" as defined in skin.laf
> else if (type == ColorType.TEXT_FOREGROUND) {
>                 color = c.getForeground();
>             }
>         }
>         if (color == null || color instanceof UIResource) {
>             // Then use what we've locally defined
>             color = getColorForState(context, type);
>         }
> Proposed fix is to check if current foregroundColor for 
> DefaultTreeCellRenderer is UIResouce, then use that color itself.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: e43a907f
Author:    Prasanta Sadhukhan <psadhuk...@openjdk.org>
Stats:     279 lines in 5 files changed: 271 ins; 0 del; 8 mod

8271315: Redo: Nimbus JTree renderer properties persist across L&F changes

Reviewed-by: aivanov


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/5178

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