[swinog] Germany: using blacklists now illegal?

2007-12-09 Diskussionsfäden Tonnerre LOMBARD
Salut, In case Az. 7 O 80/07, the District Court of Lüneburg has ruled that the use of blacklists for mail filtering is an illegal process. The court thereby confirmed the view of a known spammer that the fact that mails from his servers were deleted by the SPAM filter was an act of censorship.

Re: [swinog] Germany: using blacklists now illegal?

2007-12-09 Diskussionsfäden Jean-Pierre Schwickerath
Greetings, In case Az. 7 O 80/07, the District Court of Lüneburg has ruled that the use of blacklists for mail filtering is an illegal process. The court thereby confirmed the view of a known spammer that the fact that mails from his servers were deleted by the SPAM filter was an act of

[swinog] Berne Beer Event No. 5

2007-12-09 Diskussionsfäden Reto Burkhalter
Hello everybody It's time to announce the fifth Berne Beer-Event, also known as BE^2-Event 5 This time rather unusual: during the last week of this year. We will take the time and discuss future and the past - obviously with some x-mas beer-support :-) The proposal is as usual: - Location: