Am 11.06.2009 um 11:15 schrieb

> Those of you that are registred with OFCOM as ISP or TSP have
> probably received the 'Vernehmlassung' for the new LEMF System  
> planned for
> Switzerland.
> Ok, lots of fuzz about how to deliver the data, it's more standardized
> now following the ETSI standards instead of current proprietary  
> swiss LEMF
> system, so far so good, a lot of points to take a closer look.
> But then... there is a new interception type 'PS_10':
>   "Internet Access route: Real-time delivery of the complete  
> communication
>    of the Broadband Internet Access as in [1], Art. 15. This includes
>    content of communication (CC) and the related information (IRI)   
> of the
>    broadband internet access"
> Welcome to the total supervision all you potentional terrorists...

The next logical step will be that strong cryptography and VPNs will
be forbidden, because they are technologies of terrorists.

Marc "Ibn Semtex" Balmer

> They claim this type is legally based on SR780.1, Art.15.
> In this article of BUEPF I can't find anything supporting this  
> argument.
> Maybe some law-specialists can shed light upon this...
> I hope we'll be able to 'ground' this crap and find alliances in  
> politics
> so that it won't pass the parliament...
> Patrick
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