hi everybody


here's the announcement for the next beer event.

I hope the weather will be great - lake view ,-) 

Imporant: I cannot reserve! So please be early!


If it's rainy we will move tot he vegetarian restaurant "Hiltl" near
"Jelmoli" in the city.

Please check your personal mails and/or website before going to the event


the facts for the next event:


Date:     2nd of May 2011


Time:    starting around 18.30 o'clock


Location:             @lake in restaurant "Pumpstation" (see image;

On Bad weather (will be communicated on the same day around noon) we go to
the "Hiltl" (vegetarian).

Registration deadline:   01.05.2011 18:00:00


Registration: http://swinog.mrmouse.ch




Please register here: http://swinog.mrmouse.ch/ 

since we have to make reservations, i need to know who's coming and who not.
If you cannot attend and you're registered please inform me asap (+41 79 277
92 35).





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