Am 26.01.2012 15:59, schrieb Steven Glogger:
as far as I heard akamai is doing the stuff for SRF. but i'm sure fredy
knows more about it.

hey... :-)

I can only speak for the SRF radio streams which are distributed by Init7.
Most, actually almost all of them, don't have any geolocation based blocking.

Am 26.01.2012 16:26, schrieb Benoit Panizzon:
The Problem was solved. They use an offline version of the
GeoIP Database. They added our range to their offline database and we
have also submitted the range to as it was flagged

I wasn't aware of WIPmania. It doesn't look too promising though, as they
claim on there website:

25 Mai 2011 - Letzte Änderung der WorldIP Datenbank

added or changed 8140 networks
100.749.550 IP addresses changed
total 91423 networks which was recently allocated to Init7 Germany is also
missing, for example. I submitted this range now. It seems that WIPmania is
not importing new allocation automatically.

Large blocks such as and which have been allocated
to T-Mobile three days ago should appear immediately, or at least as soon as
they show up in the routing table.

Best regards,

Fredy Künzler
Init7 / AS13030

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