Dear SwiNOG community,


Here is the final agenda for SwiNOG #33 on Thursday 24.05.2018 on top of Gurten.



 (registration closes on 19.05.2018 – after that you need to pay extra fee for 
late reg.) 


We still have time for Lightning Talks (5min), if you’re up for it, you’ll get 
a free voucher for the next event or if submitted before 19.05.2018 – for 




08:15 - Registration, Coffee & Gipfeli


09:15 - Welcome, Agenda


09:20 - Segment Routing | Eugene Paraponiaris (Cisco Systems)

Network simplification and automation using SRv6 (an opportunity for network 
stack simplification, infinite possibilities with network programming)

SRv6 use cases (Fast-reroute with TI-LFA, SR-TE and Flexible Algorithms for 
easy 5G slicing, VPN and service chaining)

Running SRv6 in your Lab today ( VPP project introduction and SRv6 
implementation, Create your own SRv6 function as a VPP plugin, Other 
open-source SRv6-capable software: Linux kernel, iptables / nftables, Snort)


10:05 - The value of Shared Research on Cyber security | Reinder Wolthuis (TNO)

The three major banks in the Netherlands decided 4 years ago to join forces and 
start a shared research program on Cyber Security which is led by research 
institution TNO. In this presentation TNO will elaborate on some of the topics, 
how this shared research program became a success and some concrete results 
will be presented.


10:50 – Coffee Break


11:20 - Colocation and Connectivity - Enabler for Hybrid IT | Toan Nguyen 

Cloud & Edge Computing, IoT and Digitization are leading to increased customer 
demand for agile and scalable data centers, colocation and connectivity. Data 
center provider must extend their capabilities and value chain to successfully 
support their customers and partners on their cloud and digitalization 
transformation. Learn how e-shelter´s advanced data center & connectivity 
solutions, partner eco-system and innovation lab serve as a facilitator and 
enabler for innovation and transformation. Become part of e-shelter’s “Home to 
the cloud”.


11:50 - PeeringDB Update | Arnold Nipper (PeeringDB)

PeeringDB has been around for 14 years. And an entry in PeeringDB is a must 
have if you want to interconnect with other networks. There is no other DB 
where you have all the information about networks, Internet Exchange Points and 
Facilities/Colocation at one place and nicely interlinked. As PeeringDB is so 
important, a Seattle (US) based association was set up in late 2015. In March 
2016 a wholly new version of PeeringDB (PeeringDB 2.0) was released with an 
intuitive GUI and a powerful API. This presentation gives a quick update on 
PeeringDB, both from organization as well as from a technical point of view and 
highlights the latest developments.


12:05 - SwissIX-Update| Rémy Günter (SwissIX)

Traditional SwissIX Update


12:15 - Lunch


13:45 - How to get a grip on Security with Adaptive Threat Intelligence | Bryn 
Norton (CenturyLink)

How analysing 114 billion netflow sessions every day supports your customers. 
Why honeypots enable you to spot new threat sources. What makes a day in the 
life of an experienced SOC staff member so special? Let Hadoop and Ransom 
Forest help your security staff to be even more efficient. Retrieving 
multi-angle info about all sorts of threats via a portal, email notification, 
export of log data or syslog feeds right into your SIEM. Render existing 
security infrastructure even more effective by focusing on the most threatened 
applications. Soon to come: get the entire end-to-end connection of a certain 
threat flow including URL and private IP to allow you proper and easy t-shooting


14:10 - RIPE's Support of NOGs | Alastair Strachan (RIPE)



14:25 - The day we’ve been hacked | Pascal Gloor (tba)

How we’ve been hacked, what were the consequences, how we found out, how we 
fixed it, why do people keep it secret, why you should talk about it


14:55 - Afternoon Break


15:25 - Encryption in the transport layer: QUIC, TLS1.3, and HTTP/2| Mirja 
Kühlewind and Brian Trammell (TIK, ETH Zürich)

This presentation will outline new and encrypted protocols of the web protocol 
stack like HTTP/2, TLS1.3, and QUIC. The talk will first introduce the 
protocols and then detail new features focusing on encryption and the wire 
image of these protocols that is observable on the network. Finally, the talk 
will discuss how the increased deployment of these protocols will impact 
network management and measurement.


15:55 - Coding Academy for Refugees | Hussam Allaham (Powercoders)

The story of Powercoders, the program details and the impact of the project


16:15 - Life beyond 750k | Fredy Künzler (Init7)

BGP Traffic Engineering


16:35 - | Aarno Aukia (

Lightning Talk


16:40 - Social Event


Looking forward to seeing all of you!!!




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