[swinog] Lawful interception - what's new?

2009-07-27 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Wenger
Hi everyone, as the discussion about the new lawful interception proposal is going on, an issue always comes up with people saying that saving real time data of all customers takes up a lot of hard disk space. Now, as far as I understand this proposal, only information about logins and

Re: [swinog] Lawful interception - what's new?

2009-07-27 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Fink
On 27.07.2009, at 14:29, Manuel Wenger wrote: Hi everyone, as the discussion about the new lawful interception proposal is going on, an issue always comes up with people saying that saving real time data of all customers takes up a lot of hard disk space. Now, as far as I understand this

Re: [swinog] Lawful interception - what's new?

2009-07-27 Diskussionsfäden Andreas Fink
PS: what also changed is that they now ask for certification of this whole nonsense. ___ swinog mailing list swinog@lists.swinog.ch http://lists.swinog.ch/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/swinog

Re: [swinog] Lawful interception - what's new?

2009-07-27 Diskussionsfäden Reza Kordi
Hi Guys I tried to clarify some questions with EJPD regarding when does SP need to Archive connection information and when is a REAL time Data interception required. Answer was only when you receive and interception order you should be able to provide real time data (I think nobody though how